Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Horus Ra's Covenant



Intent: To create a Heavy Artillery Walker for use by the Thyrsian Hierarchy, and by extension the Golden Company.
Image Source: Banished Scarab - Halo Nation. Recoloured by myself.
Canon Link: Solar Ionization Cannons.
Restricted Missions: If Required.
Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles.


Manufacturer: Republic Engineering Corporation, The Thyrsian Hierarchy, The Golden Company (Select and Contracted Foundries.)
Model: TTH-HAW/02 - "Apesh"

Affiliation: The Thyrsian Hierarchy, The Golden Company, Closed-Market.
Modularity: No.
Production: Limited-Scale Production.
Material: Durasteel, Flexisteel, Armourplast, Reinforced Duraplast, Manganese Brass, Glasteel, Dallorian Alloy, Various Walker Components
(Internal and External.)


Classification: Heavy Artillery Walker
Role: Super-Heavy Assault Walker, Dedicated Siege Platform, Mobile Artillery Piece, Troop Transport.

Size: Very Large.
Length: 48 Metres.
Width: 47 Metres.
Height: 38 Metres.
Weight: 3,439 Tonnes - Very Heavy Rating.
Minimum Crew: One Pilot, One Integrated Droid Brain.
Optimal Crew: One Pilot, Nine Gunners, One Integrated Droid Brain.
Propulsion: Quadrupedal Stabilizer Legs.
Power Plant: Compact Fusion Reactor.
Secondary Power Plant: Integrated Solar Ionization Reactor with Collection and Conversion Modules. (External and Retractable Arrays.)
Speed: Slow Rating.
Maximum Speed: 40 Km/H
Maneuverability: Average Rating.
Armaments: High Rating.
  • [1] Heavy Sustained Solar Ionization Cannon.
  • [4] Rotary Heavy Blaster Cannons with Integrated Generators.
  • [6] Anti-Air Missile Pods.
  • [4] Mass-Driver Coil guns.
Defences: High Rating.
  • Reinforced and Ablative Armour Plating. (Corrosion Resistance, and Small-Arms Immunity.)
  • Reinforced and Armoured Joints. (Exposed Leg Plating.)
  • Serrated Legging(s), with Remote Degaussing Modules.
  • Integrated Deflector Shield. (Overlapped Ray and Particle Barriers.)
  • Chaff and Flare Launchers.
  • Missile Deactivation System.
  • Internal Anti-Personnel Turrets.
Squadron Count: 1 unit per Squadron. None Rating.
Passenger Capacity: One Sun Guard Legion. Four Solar Auxiliary Rifle Sections.
Access Point(s): Roof mounted vehicle/passenger lift.
Cargo Capacity: 2000 Kilograms (Survival Gear, Repair and Maintenance Equipment, pair of aerial Troop Transports
) - Average Rating.


  • Integrated Droid Brain (Heurestic Processors.)
  • Integrated Deflector Shield Generator.
  • Solar Ionization Cannons.
  • Reinforced Armour Plating.
  • Serrated Legplating and Integrated Remote Degaussing Module.
  • Integrated Droid Brain: With an integrated droid brain, coming standard with heuristic processors, the Apesh was capable of supplementing the Operator’s capabilities through a vast repository of accumulated knowledge acquired through a myriad of combat scenarios. While there was more than a single operator at the super-heavy Walker’s helm, this droid brain was programmed to support the command crew in a limited capacity should any number of crewmen be incapacitated or killed in the line of duty. This would permit the Apesh to carry on with its combat functions, albeit in a diminished form, until the mission was accomplished or the vehicle was destroyed.
  • Sustained Solar Ionization Cannon: The Apesh was built around this giant cannon that many would consider to be the behemoths mouth. This was due to the fact that it poured mass amounts of Solar energy in a concentrated beam upon what ever defence or army that stands in its way. It was capable of reducing the standing population of any building to ash in mere seconds.
  • Solar-Based Weaponry: Blessed with the lethality that harnessing the Sun could only provide, there came with it a legion of drawbacks that would see the weapon starved of power and ineffective on the battlefield. Should the solar cannons be deprived of their precious solar radiation, they’d drain the Apesh’s power reserves until utterly spent; only to return to operational status after the reactor had been recharged, or refueled. Meaning that their power waned when the light of the Sun dwindled, leaving the most effective battlefields to be those bathed in its radiant glory.
  • Walking Behemoth: With the size of the Apesh, came a few drawbacks. Most notably was that its maneuverability was significantly handicapped. While it could achieve decent speed and ground coverage in straight line, the Apesh needed to be at slow speeds or complete stand stills to turn or dodge incoming fire of significant size.


As the march on for innovation continued for the Golden Company, new assets in the war needed to be developed. Thus came the rise of the TTH-HAW/02 "Apesh" - Heavy Artillery Walker. A giant beetle like artillery walker that would dominate the battlefield both in size and offensive power.

The Apesh was built from the ground up around the Solar Ionization Cannon that dominated the front of the walker. From this base, the designers came up with the four legged mobility system that could support the mass of the cannon, as well as any supplies, defences, and other offensive weapons. Some of the most notable systems was the AA system that was set upon the back end of the Apesh.

In between these two mighty weapons, sat an array of defences and cannons meant to ward off any attacker from attempting to take down the Walker.

But while they wanted to created a Heavy Artillery Walker, there existed space yet to house a Full Legion or Sun Guard Legionnaires and four Rifle Sections of the Solar Auxiliary within the armoured shell. But that was not all. The Apesh came equipped with a double duty vehicle and passenger lift capable of allowing up to two aerial troop transports to be land and be stored internally.

To protect the crew, the entire command bridge of the Apesh was located internally. Holographic screens provided the Pilot and gunner crews an almost 360 degree views of the Apesh's surroundings.

The Ajax Spear


Intent: A unique personal weapon for Alixandra (and any other Ishtar family members that might follow)
Image Source: The Assassins Creed Wikia- Spear of Leonidas.
Canon Link: Force Pike/Vibro-Arbir Blade.
Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles.


Manufacturer: Ishtar Family.
Alixandra Ishtar.
Model: N/A.
Modularity: No.
Production: Unique.
Material: Alchemically enhanced metals and leather.


Classification: Sword/Spear.
Weight: Average.


  • Electro-Plasma Filament's
  • Ultrasonic Vibration Generator
  • Sonic Emitter
  • Electro-Plasma Filament: The Ajax Spear comes equipped with a Elctro-Plasma Filament running on either edge of the spear tip. Allowing it to block lightsabers, and cut like one as well.
  • Ultrasonic Vibration Generator: Another feature built into the blade, was an Ultrasonic Generator, allowing the Spear to become a VibroBlade. At full power, it could tear into flesh, armor, and stone.
  • Alchemical Enhancement: During its forging, Ajax Ishtar infused the materials of the spear with the Force. In all its years, the blade has never dulled, chipped, or broken. The leather is as fresh as the day it was wrapped.
  • Ultrasonic Vibration Generator: While the Ajax Spear was made stronger by the VibroBlade functionality, the Generator could also prove fatal if misused. If set too high, for too long, the generator risked overloading and vibrating the entire weapon apart.
  • Size: Although not an obvious weakness, the Ajax Spear suffers from the fact that the shaft is more like a two-handed grip with a short blade. Unless trained properly, it can make the spear difficult to properly wield.


Many years ago, in a time of heroes, Ajax Ishtar was born. He was raised on a remote world, and trained to be a powerful warrior. On his journey to heroism, he crafted a weapon of great power, which would be passed down through the ages to Alixandra.

The Artemis Crossbow


Intent: A unique Crossbow Pistol for Alixandra to wield as a member of the Lightsworn.
Image Source: Warframe Tenno Weapon Concept Art.
Canon Link: N/A.
Primary Source: TTH/SIR-001c "Helius"


Manufacturer: The Golden Company.
Alixandra Ishtar.
Model: N/A.
Modularity: No.
Production: Unique.
Material: Titanium-Reinforced Durasteel Frame, Reinforced Duraplast Casing, Haysian Smelt and Vanadium Detailing, Various Weapon Components, Turadium Quarrels, Synthetic Starburst Crystals, Rylith Crystals.


Classification: Pistol Crossbow
Weight: Light.
Ammunition Type: Tibanna Gas Canister (Plasma Spun)
Ammunition Capacity: 9 Rounds per Cartridge.
Reload Speed: Fast.
Effective Range: Average.
Rate of Fire: Low.
Stopping Power: Low.
Recoil: Low.


  • Non-Lethal Settings.
  • Bio-metric Security System (Anti-Piracy.)
  • Holographic Ammo Counter.

  • Shield-bypassing Solarized Particle Bolts.
  • Solarized Plasma; Super-heats and warps target material on impact, and requires Rylith Crystal-enhanced cells and cartridges.
  • Limited Kinetic Protection; If the Crystal Chamber is destroyed, the Weapon cannot operate.


Seeking a ranged weapon, Alixandra commissioned the Guild of Armourer's to forge her a unique pistol sized crossbow that could launch bolts with the power of the Sun. To that end, The Artemis Crossbow draws heavily from the Helius battle rifle. By combining a Rylith-crystal enhanced power source and Starburst Crystal focusing lenses, the weapon is capable of turning spun Tibana Gas into Solarized Plasma. The four arms swing inwards and then down to lower the weapon's profile when holstered.

Aten - War Droid


Intent: To create
Image Source: Protoss Purifier.
Canon Link: N/A.
Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles, Ares I - Pattern Combat Platform


Manufacturer: Republic Engineering Corporation - Robotics Division; Deep Space and Coruscanti Foundries.
Affiliation: Republic Engineering Corporation - The Golden Company - Guild of Armourer's.
Model: Aten - Series War Droid
Modularity: No.
Production: Limited.
Material: Duranium, Reinforced Duraplast, Durasteel, Manganesse Brass, Synthmesh, Ruusan Copper, Rubber, Laminanium, Laser-Reflective Armour, Various Droid Components (Internal and External.)


Classification: Fourth-Degree Droid
90 Kilograms
Height: 2 meters
Movement: Bipedal Locomotion
  • Integrated Wrist Mounted Plasmatic-sheathed Vibro-blades.
  • Forearm mounted Heavy Blaster Cannons.
  • Shoulder Mounted Nanomissile launchers (5 rounds per launcher)
  • Externally Equipped Weapons. Limited to Non-Exotic Melee Weapons (Additional Training Required for Exotic Weapons), and Ranged Weapons.
Misc. Equipment:
  • Vocabulator with Communications Suite. [Military Encryption Keys, and Acoustic Signaller.]
  • Auditory Sensors, with Multi-Frequency Vision Filters and Target Acquisition Systems.
  • Photoreceptor with Integrated Microbinoculars.
  • Emergency Re-activator Module.
  • Droid Brain, with Heuristic Processors and Battle Computer.
  • Memory Core with Addition Memory Banks.
  • Ionization Buffer.
  • Remote Transceiver.
  • Computer Probe, with Security Domination Interface.
  • Magnetic Plating for Weapon Storage.
  • Heavy-duty Suspension System with Gyroscopic Stabilizers.
  • Fire Suppression System.
  • Shield Generator.
  • Central Fusion Generator, with Secondary Power Cells and Recharge Couplings.
  • External Solar Ionization Collection Array.
  • Integrated Servomotors with Central Movement Processor Core.


  • Reinforced Duranium Frame with Laminanium Armour Plating, Laser-Reflective Armour, and Reinforced Duraplast Liner.
  • EMP and Ion Hardened.
  • Full Artificial Intelligence.
  • Integrated Self-Sustaining Module.
  • Integrated Electric Defense Grid. (Internal Security Measure)
  • Socketguards, and Various Encryption Lockouts.
  • ​Limited area Hive Mind processing.

  • Sentient Platform: The Aten was endowed with a fully functioning intelligence. It held the capacity to learn through its own actions but held a reservoir of information within the installed data-banks, however, the only thing it wasn’t allowed to evolve beyond was hurting Republic Engineering Personnel or Thyrsian Sun Guards; all else were fair game as far as their programming was concerned.
  • Hive Mind Capabilities: In a fight, several Aten series droids can wirelessly link up using the braid that runs from the back of their heads to form a collective hive mind. Allowing them to better implement various tactics and transfer information (such as enemy location information).
  • Self-Sustaining Modules: Outfitted with a myriad means of repairing their internal and external systems, the Aten War Droid was capable of keeping itself in the fight; provided sufficient enough time passed uninterrupted.
  • Integrated Weapon System: Although the Battle Droid was capable of carrying external armament and ammunition, the Aten was equipped with a pair of plasmatic-sheathed vibro-blades (utilizing technology similar to the Xiphos), forearm mounted heavy blaster cannons, and shoulder mounted nano-missile launchers.
  • Countermeasure Suite: Built with several layers of security, the Ares Combat Platform was capable of thwarting a plethora of means that sought to wrest control of the droid away from the droid themselves; or their programmed masters.

  • Artificial Sentience: Despite the myriad firewalls and security measures that the Battle Droid came installed with, and could be upgraded with in the future, it was still an artificial construct at the end that was susceptible to alterations in their programming and malicious software.
  • EM and Ion Hardening: While the Aten War Droid was outfitted with a plethora of insulating materials, to help mitigate the hazardous effects of ionization and magpulse weaponry, such measures didn’t grant the War Droid total immunity; thus was still susceptible to their effects depending on proximity and intensity.
  • External Armament Reliance: In spite of the fact that the Aten War Droid was outfitted with a pair of integrated blades, their reach was limited to melee attacks; So in order to be more effective on the battlefield it was best to outfit them with a selection of small arms, and light weaponry.
  • Limited Maneuverability: Due to the anatomical design choice of the Aten, the Battle Droid was incapable of rolling or somersaulting, as to do so would damage the exterior and external equipment and sensors; thus the Artificial Warrior was only capable of leaping or running out of the way of incoming hazards.
  • Regenerating Armour: Whilst the Aten was outfitted with regenerative properties, they weren’t instantaneous. The Laminanium armour plating took upwards of a day to fully reform from external grievous injuries, but the internalized systems took marginally less time due to the efficacy of the self-reparation module -- and the redundancy of its mechanized parts.


Following the outstanding success of the Ares I - Pattern Combat Platform, The Republic Engineering Corporation was commissioned to build a new generation of War Droids. Unlike it's Ares brethren though, the Aten was designed as a more limited run production to make the most of the resources afforded the project and their intended future use. Given the Golden Company's victory over the Mandalorians, it was only natural that the mercenary company would turn the visage of their fallen foe into a machine to serve at their whim.

To this end, the Aten took on the look of an ancient holy warrior - glowing golden with the power of the sun - ready to serve any of their masters that so chose to command them within the ranks of the Lightsworn.

While the Aten's combat performance was maximized by equipping it with a variety of melee or ranged weapons that ranged up to heavy weaponry, a feat it was capable of thanks to the more shock adsorbent capabilities of its legs, the Aten could still perform without such weapons. This was thanks to the forearm mounted heavy blaster cannons, the shoulder mounted nano-missile-launchers, and the pair of golden plasmatic-sheathed vibro-blades that were built into it.

To further aide in the Aten's improved combat capabilities, each unit was able to network together with other nearby units using a heavily encrypted short range signal. This allowed them to create a pseudo hive mind consciousness that transferred data almost simultaneously to any nearby Aten unit. This better enabled them to use one another as tools, bringing down groups of opponents much faster between their blades and what ever weapons they were equipped with for that particular mission.

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