Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Hoslin Koddar

Hoslin Koddar

NAME: Hoslin Koddar

FACTION: Will Apply as Follows

RANK: Security/Peacekeeper

SPECIES: Mutt-Human

AGE: 21

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.80 meters - 5'11"

WEIGHT: 100.2 kg - 221lbs

EYES: Ocean Blue

HAIR: Brunette

SKIN: Peachy


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Hoslin has always had a penchant for digging a bit deeper than surface level. A keen listener and watcher, he observes more than he speaks.
+ Having to keep himself fit as part of a security outfit, Hoslin keeps himself prepared for most parties. Friendly or not.
- Not social by the longest stretch, he prefers quiet and peace during his off times. This includes dealing with other people as he can easily strain on easy conversation.
- Will act on what he believes is right, regardless of what is being presented or the worst possible outcome.
- Believes in the greater good, and sacrificing a little for a lot. Things might not be great for a minute, but hours later it will be better.

His hair becomes unmanageable when anything beyond a short cut, leaving him with few options without spending more time than he cares to maintain it. Eyes are usually squinting, leaving him with a face that usually looks caught between suspicious and figuring out where the nearest bathroom is.

Wears out razors daily trying to keep the goatee managed. Unrelated is that he has a high widows peek and his hair already shows signs of retreating.

A rather peaceful life has granted Hoslin time to study and grow as a regular child on Denon. While not remarkable in any field, he shows dedication in his work and tasks not only to be better but inspire others. A silent and unwilling leader, he poses questions often directed at the choices of those appointed leaders and does not back down when seeking an answer. His parents are proud of him, and he carries himself with contentment rather than a sense of pride.

He and his family are a bit paranoid about the force user types. Much has been thrown back and forth about them, and the ne'er do wells of the Maw with their plans have done little to establish the legitimacy of the Jedi's claim for goodwill in the Koddar families eyes.




V-2 Series Minimech - Dilly, Hoplite Body Armor, Wrist-Band, Lodestone Device, Three Terminus Shiv, Pair of Kusak Heavy Blaster Pistols, Voxyn Charric Rifle, Pair of Blackout Batons

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