Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hospital I will go.

As its still a few days off. Some of you already know I"m going to have surgery to get my gallbladder removed. This is the first of two I will be having this first one wasn't expected as I had an attack about two weeks ago. The second one will be the hardest as I have to have tumors removed from my uterus. Which could be or couldn't be caner will not know until they get in there as it stands its a heck of mess but they wanted to get this first one over with first before it because its toxin in my body already.

I really do know if I will have to stay over night or not or how long I'll be out of it.

Those that I rp with which are a few I hope you all can understand and wait for me to return fully.

Love ya bunches on here each and everyone of you.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Sending you lots of strong positive thoughts and hugs - you will be ok, and we will be waiting here to support you and keep you smiling through everything.

Take good care of yourself!


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