Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hostile Takeover: Chapter I


“Pure Sabacc!” The short and well-dressed Chagrian declared with great satisfaction as he laid his cards on the table. The reaction of the mixed crowd around them gasped. The pot was massive and Vitor had numerously berated June for her reckless gambling addiction. He would’ve face palmed if he had not heard what June replied next.

“Idiot’s Array.” The pantoran said quietly but with such confidence and domination that the gasps that followed resulted in a momentary silence around the table. Carelessly putting her hand down to reveal her cards, Vitor could not help but glance at the blue-skinned Chagrian who had his skin turn almost red from fury. He couldn’t help but softly scoff.

The loser was about to protest and Avendahl anticipated it. He fixated his gaze upon the wealthy Chagrian and the latter met his. Vitor could feel a cold shiver run down the alien’s spine. Before he learned of the Force and the little details it manipulated almost subconsciously, he would not have taken note of this whole situation.

“Alright, who’s nex- Wait.” June began and stopped when she heard Vitor’s comlink beep. The sales director took the call only to receive the positive news that the factory on Vorzyd IV is operational. He quickly sent a message to Gad Ignashevic of the positive news and nodded to June to keep playing. She gestured at the dealer to begin dealing as a couple of new opponents sat on the table.

Overseeing the restoration project he had schemed for a long time now on Vozyd V was going to take quite some time and a lot of work. Even Gad Ignashevic was here. The CEO of Corondex was working hard on easing the burden on Vitor’s shoulders. What he did not know was that Vitor was also working on his personal gains other than the company’s general profits. Even if he did, Vitor doubted Ignashevic would care much if the company’s ambitions were still met.

Relaxing music played in the background from an integrated speaker in the hotel’s room while Avendahl scrolled through numerous documentations and information. Ever since he had arrived on Vorzyd V, the man had rarely gotten enough sleep. The bin full of energy drinks and tapcaf carton cups were a hint of that. It was late in the night, he knew it. Earlier, Vitor had left June to enjoy her free time doing whatever she wanted. She had begged him that she had always wanted to enjoy Gambler’s World. He had dismissed her and gone back to his work. With the large workload in front of him, he kind of regretted it.

The abrupt tone of his comlink rang and startled the young man from his trance in reading every bit of information that was laid on his datapad. Rolling his eyes in irritation, Vitor grasped his comlink.

“Go ahead.” He simply said over to the other side.

“We’ve got an emergency, Vitor.” Ignashevic’s furious voice came over from the other side. “We’ve been robbed!!”

“What ?”

“You heard me!! Our factory got hit. Three days into operation and it got hit. You’ve got to be kidding. Was this your brilliant idea to hit operations here in this shithole.” Gad began moaning and at this point Vitor cut the transmission. He couldn’t deal with listening to this man’s girly attitude at this moment. Granted, Avendahl, himself, felt great anger stir within him and every man’s desire to slit throats when attacked. Yet, he was not a man that would moan around.

Vitor almost crashed the fragile comlink in his hand before he was able to restrain himself and open coded transmission to Helix Syndicate’s point of contact in this region.

Narv. I’ve got a problem that I need solving. Avendahl’s message said and after less than a minute his comlink rank again.

This time it was not Ignashevic.

Unlike Vitor, who stayed in full-service hotels every time away from Etti IV, Ignashevic liked to spend his money lavishly by renting out or outright purchasing highly expensive properties. Such was the case with his penthouse on Vorozyd’s wealthiest living district - F. June had comically labelled it district F as in Filthy Rich but when Vitor first arrived there he was not sure if she was not actually right.

Now, Ignashevic and Avendahl waited for the arrival of the twenty-four men summoned. The 24, as they came to be called by Avendahl were direct result from the beneficial relationship between Vitor and Helix. These men were rounded up and offered a hefty sum of money to work for Vitor. Found by the Syndicate, just like an employment firm, all of these men had some sort of background that included combat. From police to special forces to mercenaries. All were from Vorzyd V and all loved credits. Ignashevic was, of course, not aware of that. They were just random mercs for all he knew.

Narv, Helix Syndicate’s point of contact in this region, was quite productive in finding out quickly who the bold assailants of Corondex Arms’ newly opened factory on Vorzyd IV were. Apparently, it was a gang from the lower levels of Vorzyd V. Nothing much about them, just capable low time thieves that had guns to protect their pimping business. Narv concluded that they might be under somebody else’s umbrella but otherwise highlighted that they would not be an obstacle if it came down to reacquiring what was stolen.

Vitor saw more than just taking back what was rightfully theirs but teaching a lesson. Spreading word around that this new player was nobody to mess with. Narv also had suggested that and Avendahl was quick to wire the money for the Syndicate’s once again skilled services.

Slowly, but surely, the penthouse became more and more crowded.

Vitor Avendahl was last to join the twenty-four men that formed the shock trooper group that would hit the unfortunate sods that dared rob the wrong factory. Bal Kadyr, who was deemed most experienced and skilled, was the Rattattaki sergeant in charge of the group as he stood surrounded by the men explaining his plan while pinpointing various points on the holographic blueprint of the gang’s headquarters.

Compared to the heavily armed 24 War Pigs, Avendahl looked as if he had donned pajamas. With a simple breastplate and a helmet with basic HUD along with the necessary plates on joints such as knees and elbows, the banker was ready for action. The submachine gun he carried with him was light and perfect for close quarters and for rookies like him. The men were probably asking themselves questions but Vitor knew better. Ever since Yutan, he knew he had to taste battle every change he got. The way he froze there should never happen. He had learned as much.

“I will be joining your team, Kadyr.” Avendahl informed the task force leader and the latter nodded in reply. Another reason why Vitor was doing that - he wanted to prove to the men that were to be loyal to him that he was as capable as them when it came to them doing their jobs. Certainly, he was far from that but Vitor’s ambition to beat everyone of his subjects in their own game to induct obedience would go through anything just to see that happen. The former miner even believed the Force, itself, wanted that from him. Thinking of that, he realized he had been wondering too much about the Force lately. Much more than before.

“Alright, men. Let’s go.” Kadyr declared when he finished his brief and looked at Vitor. The latter giving the command to move out with a gesture. That was a good move from the Rattattaki. He might prove more useful than imagined at first. He would make sure he read his dossier once again when he’s back in the hotel.

Ooh, see the fire is sweepin'
Our very street today
Burns like a red coal carpet
Mad bull lost it's way

There was no mercy. Vitor had said so. This more than just punishing a small time gang doing what they always did with no repercussion. This was more than just retrieving a couple of boxes full of guns.

This was about sending a message.

If one thought Vitor would’ve blinked twice as he saw the bullets rip apart flesh and paint the walls with the blood of those that fell, one would’ve been very wrong. In a life of hardship and being the one that was always put below the rest, always treated as lesser, always divided by his social status from groups, that one person would lose a great deal of his ability to be empathetic. Not completely disconnected from that at all, he was no droid, but Vitor’s background molded him into a man that would do what must be done. There was hardly any price too high.

It was an overkill, indeed. With heavy repeating slugthrowers, flamethrowers and heavy caliber guns spraying everything they came across. Vitor barely pulled the trigger, if he did at all. These men, that Helix Syndicate had gathered, knew what they were doing. He had to compliment Maleagant on the Syndicate’s ‘talent scouting’ team.

When it was all done, then he was able to hear the sirens of police vehicles. Convenient timing - a coincidence ?

Not really.

Just the right amount of credits in the wrong person’s pocket.

There’s no action taken against the factory after the sweeping operation by the War Pigs a few weeks back. Not even talk of action, as far as Vitor was aware. Slowly he began employing his own agents to begin forging a web of information gathering network through the Vorzyd system. It was quite small but it was a project for the future.that he hoped to nurture into something bigger. As things got quieter and Gad was extremely happy with Corondex coming back into track after dealing with the robbery, he had instructed Vitor to have a tour around the factory and spread the good word of how great Corondex was.

Gad was deluded if he thought Avendahl had not thought of that. Not only that but this was his plan and Corondex was more a means to an end. No, this tour was not as praising of Corondex but of what Corondex brings. Or more like what future Vitor had planned for the lower classed denizens of the Vorzyd system. Not being one of the best talkers around, he certainly had taken advice from June who was a social diva according to marketing experts.

Standing on a hanging rail with the foreman - Griggs Malone - Vitor looked down upon the gathered crowd of workers. Men, with little hope in their eyes, had finally found some light in their dark tunnel. Through the Force, Vitor could feel their harmony and satisfaction of a good paid job with good benefits.

“Greetings, fellow men and women!” He waved his hand around with a positive smile painted on his face. “Before anything else, I would like to begin with a big thank you to all of you for your hard work. It may have been just a few weeks but I wanted to assure you that I value the work you put forth here. I am also extremely happy to pay you back for that service.”

Clapping picked up from one side of the gathered crowd and quickly took on the rest of the crowd. As it faded away, Vitor continued. These wording lessons by June were paying off.

“That said. You have been well informed by your good foreman here - Mr. Malone - about the various healthcare and child support programs we have rolled out for you. On top of that, we have began donating funds to schools.” What he meant was he was putting slowly, piece by piece, the educational system in his pocket. A government may be the top head of the system but there were thousands of elements in play here. And these elements could very well topple the head in a domino effect, eventually. “Yet, I have come here to bring to you the attention that a new employment opportunity has opened up. For the sake of protecting you, the working people of Vorzyd, we have created a defensive force in the face of the Wraithguard.”

Vitor motioned his hand to the Rattattaki Bal Kadyr who would be acting as the head of the Wraithguard.

“Crime and corruption has plagued these system for too long. It is in our hands to stop it.” Avendahl finished his speech. He was not as adept to go furthermore as he wish he was. The businessman feared he might’ve pushed off the crowd already with too much promises but the reaction was highly positive.

Thunderous claps and praiseful cries followed Avendahl’s exit from the factory.

Like hungry dogs, they jumped onto the bone.

The invitation to a meeting came late, in Vitor’s opinion as he and June strolled down in the infamous Imperial City casino to where their meeting was supposed to be. Two escorts belonging to the casino leading them to where they were to go. Vorzyd V’s kingpin Fator Hra had finally approached Avendahl. With Vitor’s recent surgical, precise and bold moves in the Vorzyd system, it was only obvious that Hra would invite the man for a meeting.

It was important to see what Hra would want. Some kingpins, he had learned from June Ando, would attempt to bargain diplomatically and give up territory for the sake of not turning the whole case into needless bloodshed. Others would rip apart opposition if their threats were not heeded. Which category did Hra fall under was about to be seen.

The doors slid open to reveal a majestically decorated backroom with a round sofa. On it was sitting the kingpin of Vorzyd - the Nagai Fator Hra. Skinny, short and pale, he was a generic representative of his race. Standing formally around him were bulky men of different species acting as guards. Their holstered guns could easily be seen, most likely done deliberately to intimidate the guests. Cuddled next to Fra were two females - a twi’lek and a zeltron. It came with no surprise when Hra’s eyes fell first upon June.

“Ah, the trespassing anooba pup.” Fator hissed and stopped both Vitor and June right in their tracks. “Don’t even think of sitting here, pest.” The kingpin spat out and the guards put their hands on their guns. Avendahl’s hand, safely in his jacket’s pocket, grabbed tight the hilt of his lightsaber but even he did not know what he planned to do with it. His heart started pounding. Could this man be so ruthless to murder someone in cold blood right here. “Your sweeping operation and attempt to wrest my control over these shithole planets has been noticed. You have 48 hours to pack up, close your operations and leave this system for good.”

“Or what ?” Vitor bit back bravely and he felt through the Force the alarms ringing in June’s head.

“Your head will decorate my office.” Fator said grimly and Vitor barely kept his emotions under control. Avendahl was not one to take the threat lightly and there was something unbelievably obnoxious in Hra that drove one to aggressive actions. Forcing a smirk rather than following his stupid instinctive idea of turning on his lightsaber and most likely getting shot to death, he said:

“We’ll see about that.” With that said, the two ‘guests’ left and June was quick to begin interrogating Vitor on what was to be done next while frantically trying to hide the slight panic in her voice from the recent encounter.


A couple of weeks had passed since Vitor's meeting with Vorzyd's kingpin Fator Hra. Empty threats had been thrown at the young Sith with no follow up or action afterwards. Corondex and Vitor's schemes were slowly rooting in the Vorzyd system. Bribe one, blackmail another, show of force to a third and things start working right. Today, he had decided to visit the galactic food market on District B with June who surprisingly was not satisfying her gambling addiction in the hundreds of casinos on District A.

Elderly people from his homeworld of Kir spoke of the calm before the storm and how when everything was completely silent then a massive danger occurred after. Of course, Vitor paid no attention to such superstitious sayings that made no sense. Yet, when something eventful happens that fits that saying, you start thinking and even believing. Depends on the scale of the event. Such was the case with the eventful day today. It taught Vitor a lesson. A lesson to never get complacent.

It was a busy evening on the second day of the galactic food market in District B when Vitor and June had taken to try different and outlandish cuisines they had never tried before. Time passed by in needless chatter and tasting food and drinks of all sorts until a loud bang snapped in his head. Unheard to anyone but him, Vitor quickly realized what it was. The Force screamed to him. Danger. Instinctively he jumped upon June, tackling her on the ground when the loud bang was once again heard. This time by everyone around. Panic ensued and with a huge deal of willpower and the Force strengthening him, he pulled June from the ground before they were stomped to death.

Avendahl felt something warm run down his chest. He had been hit. The pain still dulled from the adrenaline and possibly the Force. He still kept on running and away to a safe haven.

Hra had struck.

Vitor had learned a lesson today. A lesson echoed by the elderly on Kir.

Hate burning within him demanded that Vitor taught Hra a lesson.

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