Smug Slug
Corporation Name: Houk & Herglic
Headquarters: Tion Trade Nexus
Locations: Tion Cluster
Operations: Small Arms Manufacturer
Rationale: Joint venture between Saeva and Darkwater Security, much like Golan Arms was jointly controlled by KDY and Rendili. Darkwater Security is the majority shareholder.
Tier: 2
Description: The brainchild of [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"] and Hion of Giju, Houk & Herglic began as an enterprise to develop weaponry for non-humanoid aliens, such as the namesakes, whose hands, flippers and claws might not have the same fine motor control as a human’s. Thus, H&H set out to begin producing a series of small arms for bounty hunters, mercenaries and other non-state actors who might find the pervasiveness of human high culture oppressive to their martial endeavors.
H&H also produces custom requests for private individuals, provided they have enough cash of course.
Subsidiaries: N/A
Parent Corporation: Darkwater Security / Saeva Incorporated
Headquarters: Tion Trade Nexus
Locations: Tion Cluster
Operations: Small Arms Manufacturer
Rationale: Joint venture between Saeva and Darkwater Security, much like Golan Arms was jointly controlled by KDY and Rendili. Darkwater Security is the majority shareholder.
Tier: 2
Description: The brainchild of [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"] and Hion of Giju, Houk & Herglic began as an enterprise to develop weaponry for non-humanoid aliens, such as the namesakes, whose hands, flippers and claws might not have the same fine motor control as a human’s. Thus, H&H set out to begin producing a series of small arms for bounty hunters, mercenaries and other non-state actors who might find the pervasiveness of human high culture oppressive to their martial endeavors.
H&H also produces custom requests for private individuals, provided they have enough cash of course.
Subsidiaries: N/A
Parent Corporation: Darkwater Security / Saeva Incorporated