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Faction Hounds of the Shadow Hand|[Warlords of the Sith]

Darth Sinestruss

Mistress of the Sith Hounds


The YT-1760 Light Transport Freighter Song Bird had been used by Siqsa Kun for quite sometime as her camouflaged transport through Galactic Alliance space. Ever since her embedment into the criminal syndicates within the Alliance and Coruscant – Siqsa had meticulously and fully developed her underworld identity as a Killer-For-Hire. Great care had been taken to merge herself as organically as possible into the complicated webs of the criminal underworlds in Coruscant, Corellia, and the Empress Teta System. She had forged a close contractor relationship in the Yokai Syndicate, which was led by the Crime Boss Mao who in truth was the Galactic Alliance Senator, and secret Warlords Sith Maou Maou . She had forged a niche for herself as the trusted dagger in the dark for the crime boss. Within the Yokai she was simply known by the handle, Mamushi, an Atrisian old word, meaning Viper.​

Her true Sith identity buried beneath this criminal veneer had also been recently formalized. In the revealed Warlords of the Sith she had been appointed by Darth Voyance as Shadow Hand to the Dark Sovereigns – Master of whispers, shadows, and quiet death. She led a fledgling Secret Order of the Shadow Hand, hand picked by Siqsa to be her Sith Hounds – Sith Assassins, Spies, Hackers, Information Brokers, and Jedi Hunters. This mission was their first assignment as a team and the Shadow Hand was eager to forge her disparate Sith into a well trained force of the shadows and death. The mission was one she had contracted from Kaito some time ago. The target were those connected to the death of the tragically heroic Jedi Knight Lannik Dawnstar – a death orchestrated by Kaito to drive a wedge between the Galactic Senate and the New Jedi Order. The recent wars against the Sith Empire had proven to mend any cracks in the relationship Kaito had initially created. Thusly, Siqsa had arrived to re-open new wounds and help sew discord once again at a new crucial point.​

Assembled in the Song Bird’s central circular passenger seating space, Sisqa stood in front of a holoprojection module built into the center floor panelling between the encircling curved seating booths. Siqsa was dressed nothing like a Sith Hound, this mission called for camouflaged misdirection. Siqsa was dressed like a scum drenched killer she was meant to be. Her face was obscured by an ubese helmet, leather jacket, and bulky trousers tucked in dark boots. When she spoke her voice was scrambled by a vocoder device, so diluted by electronic manipulation its masked her gender, voice recognition, and cadence from security recording devices. She had advised her Sith Hounds to do the same. Use of Sith Lightsabers was restricted, and their appearances should follow her own fashions to camouflage them properly. It would undignified, but the work of the shadows had no care for dark chivalry that Darth Voyance espoused with the Warlords in the open.​

Siqsa pressed commands on the holoprojector module and began her debriefing, “Our target is a high value person being kept at the Corellian Jedi Enclave just outside Coronet City. Siqsa crossed her arms and turned around to watch her Sith Hounds as she leaned back into the modules rim. “The target specifically is a Jedi Master. They are currently leading an investigation at the Enclave that must be removed. Our mission is to eliminate this head of investigations and destroy any reports and evidence gathering documents he is keeping in the Enclave's records."​

A map of the Enclave ballooned in a holographic plume of data that bathed everyone in its translucent blue hues. Siqsa continued, “Security will be tight. Perhaps even other Jedi. But, I am informed by my underworld contacts that there is a way to enter the Enclave from beneath. They were once used by trafficking syndicates to smuggling personnel cargo into Coronet. We will access the Enclave from their to reach the Jedi Master then make our exit by any means necessary.”​

Siqsa shoved off from the module and paced around it, saying, “Our identities are underworld hitmen, our true names, allegiances, and especially the exposure of our abilities in Force as Sith must be kept secret through out the mission. Is that understood?”
TAGS: Sven Aurus Darth Mutilice Vora Kaar Vora Kaar Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
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Factory Judge

Vora's Hound

Laying back in the seat, one leg held up over the other, it was a comfortable position. With arms open and resting on the back of the rounded couch. A holster on the left holding a Bluebolt, while an A-180 rested on the other. The oddly green skin of "Kipa" was rather exposed in her black spacer's leather attire. However, she did have a Breath Mask attached to her belt. To be put on just before they would actually be performing this operation. Of course the woman carried other knives, with her. Mainly in her thigh-high boots, and even in her stockings.

While many would likely be wearing full blown armor, Tash opted for a more... open approach. Seeing too many people all at once that were covered in head to toe would make many eyes move their way. But if they had an array of people from different species, all looking the part as a "Hunting Crew" then it would be much easier to walk around without too many eyes on them.

Secondly, Twi'leks were known to have difficulty in finding helmets, or armor to suit them. Constricting the Lekku would make it difficult for Tash to perform her job as one of these newly dubbed "Sith Hounds." Secondly, it would look out of place for a twi'lek not to be showing skin somewhere. A smile resided upon her face as the head of this operation came into the Passenger Seating. Debriefing us on our task. While we already knew somewhat of what was needed, due to us already being dressed for the task, It was more of an act of any Final additions or questions to be posed by those aboard.

Hunting down a Jedi Master that was performing the investigations for the death of a Jedi who had at one point, played a fairly big part in the Galactic Alliance and their New Jedi Order. How much this Dawnstar played, Tash had no clue, nor needed to care at the moment. Her job was to stop them from finding out about his death, and the smaller details. Everything had to go.

Secondly, the use of the force was to be completely off. No one was to use the force. If we did, then it would only tie into our lives as Hounds, and thus could be discovered. Same ideal with the sabers, and the non-Sith look. It all made sense to Tash. However, part of her wanted to just use the force in very subtle ways. Such as avoiding blasterfire, or sensing the area around them. Having a better idea of her surroundings and awareness to such, would be valuable. However, it opened one up to being discovered by other Jedi. Instead, she opted to hide her presence of the force.

"Security should be no problem for the most part, Its the Jedi we need to be mindful of. They get a wiff of what is going down, we will have to fight them as though we are not Sith. Team up if we can."

Speaking directly after "Viper" Tash elected to directly voice the idea of working in teams of battle buddies to take down Jedi should they need to fight one, or several. It was a notable point that needed to be expressed. Hence her piping up.

"Otherwise, all is clear."

Darth Sinestruss Darth Sinestruss Sven Aurus Darth Mutilice Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

Darth Mutilice


Objective - Eliminate the Head of Investigations

He had thought that his days operating as a Sith assassin were long behind him. It had been many years since he had shelved his subtler skillset in favor of the one that allowed him to navigate and excel in a hostile political environment; exploitation and manipulation had quickly become his weapons of choice, and they had remained so ever since. Even his combat style had shifted from subtle and efficient, to flashy, invasive, and dominating. It hadn’t been until his exile that he had even bothered to revisit skills such as force concealment.

But now it seemed it was truly time to revisit the past. Having to call upon the skill set that had originally propelled him into power in the first place, struck him with an odd sense of nostalgia. The mission and its objectives reminded him of things he would see and hear on his missions ten years ago. Right down to the restriction on force powers and lightsabers.

Logically, he knew why this sort of rule was in effect. The whole point was to look as non-Sith as possible. He knew that, but he wasn’t exactly happy about it. Maybe it meant that he had come to rely on the force too much these days, but hearing that he wouldn’t be able to use his power had struck him with a deep set annoyance. Though he knew other forms of combat, nothing was as efficient as a lightsaber in skilled hands. Anything else was essentially just a waste of time. Plus - he had never been very good with blasters, and though he carried one now, he only wore to match his current persona.

Said persona consisted of a few pieces of stolen beskar' gam, including a helm to hide his easily identifiable tattooed face, an arsenal of weapons, and a grungy looking cloak to ensure that he blended right in with the rest of the underworld. No one looked twice at another Mandalorian mercenary on criminal ops. If they encountered any real opposition during the mission, he planned to make the most of the variety of weapons at his disposal. Flame thrower, vibroblades, grappling line, various grenades, he had to appreciate how Mandalorians liked to operate. The only force ability he would use was the one he was using now to tuck his force signature out of sight.

He listened attentively as the head described their mission objective, and then when the scantily clad Twi’lek spoke up he nodded his head in agreement. Even without powers, he also doubted that the regular security would be a problem. But without their Sith abilities, any Jedi could become a serious threat. Luckily, he knew how Jedi worked, even with normal weapons there were ways around their forms and abilities. And if things started to go downhill, just throw some civilian lives into the mix, then they’d get all distracted and easy to beat.

“Agreed. But while a Jedi may be strong when compared to common rabble, they are not unbeatable. Group up if we must, but I don’t think we will be truly troubled by their opposition.” He nodded in the direction of the head of this operation. “Everything else is understood.”

Darth Sinestruss Darth Sinestruss Sven Aurus Vora Kaar Vora Kaar Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo


Darth Sinestruss

Mistress of the Sith Hounds
"Security should be no problem for the most part, Its the Jedi we need to be mindful of. They get a wiff of what is going down, we will have to fight them as though we are not Sith. Team up if we can," said Tash Kaar ( Vora Kaar Vora Kaar ), continuing, "Otherwise, all is clear."

Siqsa eyed the new Twi'lek recruit and leveled her binary golden glare down to her. She had been plucked by the Shadow Hand at the behest of Darth Voyance when the conscription of appropriately skilled Sith was launched for her Secret Order - but, despite this approval Siqsa still remained suspicious of the sanguine and coy Sith Hound. She would feel her intentions out through this mission, if anything the Warlords was a covenant of warring Sith Lords as much as dark brothers and sisters on unholy crusade. Such was their true nature as Sith. However, Siqsa put such calculations aside in her mind and gave Tash an acknowledging curt nod.​

Darth Mutilice chimed in with his assessment as well, saying, “Agreed. But while a Jedi may be strong when compared to common rabble, they are not unbeatable. Group up if we must, but I don’t think we will be truly troubled by their opposition.” He nodded in the direction of Siqsa. “Everything else is understood.”

Siqsa returned the nod with smirk and stroll to be seated. Mutilice was a Sith Lord and well experienced operative of the shadows. She had been surprised when the Lord had been comfortable with the proposition of being commanded by a Sith Knight - Sith loathed the command of those that struck them as inferior. Perhaps he's compliance was a sign of respect? Or perhaps he was testing her leadership - stalking her command for the faintest solace of weakness. She was not sure. Then there was the freshest of the recruits Sven Aurus, who had largely remained quiet up to now, studying the others. Siqsa paced her glance from him back to Tash and Lord Mutilice.​

"Group up we shall," Siqsa said, repeating Lord Mutilice's suggestion. "We are Sith Hounds after all...and we hunt in packs. No target is too honorable or sacred enough to be treated as an equal. Success at all costs. No matter the method. That shall be our creed."

A trickling beep from the comp-nav whistled to punctuate Siqsa's declaration. They had arrived. The glittering maelstrom of hyperspace ripped way to reveal the stagnate mat darkness of real space and the umber bloated world of Corellia. The Sith PureBlood turned her head and eyed the ship's pilot section where a programmed piloting droid was manning the control yokes as well as being docked into the ship's navigation systems via cybernetics and comp-links. Siqsa waved her hand at the droid, calling to him, "Bring us down by the Coronet waste pools." She stood up and gestured for her Sith Hounds to rise, adding, "Our putrid entrance awaits there."
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Ezand Arsythe

Ezand preferred to keep a specific aesthetic about himself, almost contradictory to his role as a Shadowhand agent. He preferred to stand out in crowds and attract eyes, he preferred when he entered a room people would lower their drinks and turn to gaze at him, he preferred to be the center of attention, he always had. Though, this mission required a bit more tact than that. Infiltrating Corellia? He hadn’t even been to the world before, the closest he had ever gotten is a party in some lower level in Coruscant, and of course, that hadn’t gone too well for the host and most of the guests. That was part of the fun, wasn’t it? Being the shadowy figure you offered drinks to before the lights blacked out and everyone found a new bolt blared into their chest in the twilight.

At least, to Ezand, that was part of the fun. Part of the thrill. The rush.

He was standing in the passenger space of Siqsa’s Son Bird, watching the form of Siqsa Kun brief not only him, but the various other Shadowhands he was assured would be assigned to the mission. It was a large order, to take out the head of security and deal with whatever Jedi may be overseeing the Enclave. As well as eliminating records of their comings and going and whatever other sensitive material they may have at their disposal.

He would like to waste the Jedi, carve the name of his God in the back of his skull, and leave in a flourish of heavy blaster fire.

He was disappointed he wouldn’t get that as he listened to the handler.

Though… should things go wrong… he might at least get the leaving in a hail of bolts.

There had been bad blood between the Galactic Alliance and the New Imperial Order for years, and while the recent conflicts with the Sith-Imperial nation have strengthened bonds, they could still be tampered with, they could still be plucked and pulled this way and that. There were plenty of warhawks in the GA senate.

Warm relations between the Jedi and New Imperials was something that could spell the end of their virgining insurgency.

Thus, Ezand had chosen the apparel of an Old Imperial Era mercenary and renown traitor,
Stormtrooper X.

The dusty brown synth-leather jacket, plain white shirt, bandolier, and unmentionable pants lacked the flair that Ezand preferred. Just enough to be an oddity.

Just enough to put eyes to the Galactic Northeast.

He pulled the X-marked helmet over his head as he nodded at the hologram map of the Enclave.

<”Gotcha, Overlord. Nice and simple. Bit quiet, though. Was hoping for something a little more showy myself.”> He murmured, mainly to himself, knocking his head to the side in a twitch as he spoke.

He cradled his DT-57 in his arms like a carbine, looking over the rest of the Shadowhands. Taking in their disguises, how well he thought they worked, and how much he enjoyed the personal looks of each. All in all, they looked the role of a cobbled together group of hitmen and killers.

It occurred to Ezand, he may be the only one here that didn’t have a detectable signature in the Force. It was generally an unspoken assumption that most in service to the Warlords were Force Sensitive in some regard, though it wasn’t a rule. He wasn’t exactly sure how to deal with a Jedi’s Force abilities, he wasn’t entirely sure how they worked. But what he did know, put enough blaster rounds in something and they drop. Simple as that.

<”Most sentients only have what… up to two hands? Two sabers. How many blasters we got between us? We should be able to gun one down if they try.”> He chuckled out, tapping his blaster against his shoulder.

<”Don’t see many things stopping us.”>
Factory Judge

Vora's Hound

Well, it seemed like it was time to go. Tash just smiled lightly as the ship finally landed down in port. In the motion of standing, she craned her neck from one side to the other. Garnering some pops of released tension in her neck. Knarly popping sounds came from her as it seemed to echo ever slightly within the hold. A giggle came from the woman. She was prepared for this and was looking forward to the operation. Green hands took the breath mask and placed it over her lips. A hiss of the seal closing around her mouth and nose came to her ears. Letting her know it was operational. Secondly, she took the straps and wrapped them over her lekku. Making sure they were placed securely.

This Multilice didn't think the Jedi would be much of a problem. Surely that would be true, but it would be difficult to fight them off without her forcesaber than with it. That is why they could team up. At least, that was her thought process on the matter. The Twi'lek made sure the straps of her holster held the blasters she had down. No need to have them unstrapped and looked like she was ready to pull them out at a moments notice. Plus, its not like she handn't trained with them the past couple months in preparation for this operation. She not only needed to look like the part, but act like it too! So being able to unclasp, draw and fire her weapon in under a second was necessary. It was one of the few things she was grateful of her master, and father Vora for! He seemed to have a wealth of knowledge about weaponry. Almost as though he had used many in his past.

To be fair, as a Sith Lord, wielding weapons and having a technological understanding of a giant space station, you would assume he could work his way around a pistol or a rifle just as well as he could a saber. Tash just smiled lightly under the mask. Turning towards the ramp that left the confines of the ship and onto the port. Being the first one out, her eyes had to adjust to the new environment. Brighter lights hit her vision. Rubbing her eyes like a child waking up from a nap, she took the final step down the ramp. A man walking forward and inspecting the vessel.

"Ma'am, I am gonna need you to sign-"
"Sorry darling, but I don't own the ship."
"I just need someone to-"
"What is it for?"
"To inventory everyone that is here."

A deadpan look was given to the man. He was of small build and likely just worked this job to make ends meet. Reaching into her cleavage, Tash produced a couple credits. Using her off hand to grab his wrist and pull it into a handshake with her other. Giving him the credits. Even throwing a wink his way.

"How about you put us down as visitors alright darling?"
"But I-"
"Trust me, it will be okay."
"Uh... okay."

After hitting a couple bits and bobs on his datapad, he nodded his head with a thanks and walked away.

"And sugar!"
"Uh... Yeah?"
"Please do make sure nobody touches it."
"Its already been inspected."
"Good boy."

The man finished walking off as Tash turned around to the others in the group.

"Well are we going to get this show on the road?"

Darth Sinestruss Darth Sinestruss Ezand Arsythe Darth Mutilice Sven Aurus

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