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Public Hounds of Theed


The Grand Daesha Rutian Bordello
Dancer’s Palace Ward - Rutian Garter

Rol lay in a nest of cushions at the far end of a long futon. It was framed by bronzium plated steel, gold and dark, while the fabric was a deep verdant blue. The cushions and pillows that formed his decadent throne were pale-purple Dramassian and Chersilk shimmersilk . The dark colors of the futon and cushions made the soft blues of the nude Rutian bright, making him appear to float over the sea of silks as he lay. The high-courtesan of the Rutian Garter’s most infamous bordello palace - the Grand Daesha, was used to the finest things.

And just like his nest, he was also lavishly adorned. His lekkus were ringed with golden bracelets which were further decorated with rings of medallion coins that jangled soft chimes as they moved. His straight nose was pierced with a chromed ring at the septum. His bottom lip was pierced as well, and so were his nostrils by pearls studs. The full lips below were gilded by gold lipstick and his eyelashes were painted bright red. Even his skin had been modified. Small particles of gold leaf had been infused into the most upper layers of his epidermis making his body twinkle like fine grains of sand caught by golden sunbeams. This is why the Matron of the Grand Daesha gave him his name - Rol, meaning Sun in Twi’lek speech.

Rol had many patrons. Wealthy patrons. Patrons that were industrial magnates, cartel lords, and even Senators. All who came from across the galaxy to the Syvris wastes to be with him within the notorious pirate ruled shadowport of The Starweird Queen. Which is why his personal hand-miadens, a pair of judgemental and scowling nautolans, were always confused that his most favorite patron was some bounty hunter. They spied on the peculiar favorite from behind the polished chrome threshold of the wide balcony entrance. She was rough looking, covered in muscles and scars. The sides of her head were shaved and the remaining hair on the top of her head were tied into a mohawk of braided tails. She sat on the same futon as their master, at the very end.

She wore baggy combat pants with dark boots. Her torso was bare except a form fitting tank top that hugged her chest’s curves. A strange musical instrument was placed in her lap. It had a square base and a long bridge and neck. In one hand she caressed the strings with a long bowstring and the other held notes by pressing down the strings near the top of the neck. The strings wheezed and cried a soft twanging melody that rattled and flowed. The bounty hunter whistled and sang a song from her throat. Though it gargled and echoed as if it came from nowhere. Her voice was deep and velvet. The words were foriegn and harsh to them. When she stopped, Rol clapped and smiled. The hand-maidens blushed at his smile. It was a rare show of true affection - not the sensual coy smirks he often sported for the hedonistic gratification and validation of his patrons.

“Lovely, Beskadala. Another tune from the Mandalorians of Shogun?” Rol asked.

Beskadala shook her head as she rested the bowstring down, “No. From Tiantang actually. A Mandalorian Star Raider taught me it.”

“Tiantang?” Rol said, confused, “Never heard of it.”

Rol sighed and looked out from the wide panoramic views of the balcony. He dreamed of what interesting places existed beyond the neon of the shadowport. Above them, colossal holoprojection holograms of ghostly dancers the size of buildings played their ritual beckonings and the bright lights of the Rutian Garter District bathed both him and Beskadala in its rotating blankets of bright blue, purple, and green.

“Maybe I could visit it with you someday?” Rol laughed.

Both of them knew it would never happen - for all his wealth and prestige, Rol could never leave the shadowport. Beskadala did not want to either however. She had finally gotten some time to herself. After the debacle of the Tribe of Mandalorians and the futile squabbling over Mandalore, Beskadala had joined the Deathwatch Crusaders and assisted their formation. However, her old ties to the Hutt Cartels had dragged her back from returning to the way of Mandalorians properly. Some bloody contracts later she had blown over to the shadowport and back into the embrace of Rol. The Rutian high-courtesan was the closest thing to a friend and perhaps the focus of affection Beskadala had. His touch was a tonic for her broken soul.

Rol stood up and crawled over to Beskadala reaching her lap and resting his head between her thighs. Beskadala twisted her lips and ran a finger across his chest, up to his neck and over his lekkus.

“Maybe,” grinned Beskadala, “Should the fates allow such a nice thing.”

A hand-maiden hurriedly rushed in. She was carrying a small holo-projector that was ringing. It was Beskadala’s. It’s very sound made her flinch and grimace. She knew who was calling. Rol looked worried, he saw Beskadala’s soft and often rare feminine gaze contort into the grim glare of a warrior. He rose up and waved at the hand-maidens trying to dismiss them. Beskadala stopped him by grabbing his hand. Rol froze and looked back at Beskadala with a worried stare. Beskadala weakly smiled and shrugged - a silent apology. Rol relented and stood up. He walked around Beskadala. But, before leaving her completely he leaned to kiss her on the cheek and then approached his hand-maiden. Snatching the holoprojector he gave it to Beskadala and donned his robes. He left with the hand-maidens.

Beskadala watched Rol leave and then turned her attention to the holoprojector in his palm. She sighed and spat a curse before activating it. The corpulent bloated form of Dowagha Hutt, the Dowager of Nar Shaddaa ballooned in a small hologram beneath her. The Hutt nodded and fanned herself with a collapsible durasteel plate fan.

“A wonderful few nights I hope, Beskadala,” Dowagha chuckled in Huttese.

“Until you called,” Beskadala replied in her own accented Huttese.

The Dowagha snickered, “You wouldn’t have ever met Rol if it was not for my recommendations...and credits, Hunter. His affection is mine.”

The forced equivalency of the Hutt purposely corrupted between Rol and her touch made Beskadala’s skin crawl.

“What do you want?” Beskadala asked.

“I have a mission for you,” said Dowagha, “A target which needs extracting and delivery to me. It is of highest priority.”

“A hound hunt?” Beskadala responded, continuing, “Don’t you have your own hounds to unleash on poor souls?”

“Not this one,” Dowagha growled, “He is a high security target. I don’t need hounds, Beskadala. I need a hunter. A professional. I need your talents, Mandalorian. So get to your ship and make for Theed in Naboo. I will have my protocol droid send details of the job to you. Complete this task and you’ll have enough credits to spend a lifetime with your pretty Rutian whore.”
The feed cut and the image faded away. Beskadala tossed the holoprojector device onto the futon and rubbed her face with her hands.

“Another job?” Rol’s voice softly interrupted.

Beskadala rubbed her face again, smacked her hands down on her knees and stood up. She turned on her heel and marched onto Rol. She cupped his face and pressed her lips on his in a lingering kiss. When she pulled away she nodded silently and released Rol, walking past him. Rol stayed in place for a moment, shocked by the rush and felt his lips for a moment. He turned around to see Beskadala putting on her clothes. The garments that made up her combat suit and the plates of silver harsh beskar that made up her beskar’gam - Mandalorian Armor.

“A long one?” Rol asked.

“Maybe,” Beskadala said, as she reached for her helmet.

“An expensive one?” Rol pressed.

Beskadala shot a quick smile and wink at Rol before placing the helmet on. Her vocoder voice rumbled from behind the helmet as she replied, “Only for the Hutt. Which means more time with you.”

“I’ll be waiting then,” Rol said.

“Bye,” said Beskadala, passing through the sliding doors of Rol’s penthouse.

“See around, Hunter,” Rol quietly whispered.

* * *


Enroute to Chommell Sector, Naboo System

“This job is Banthashit you know that,” snapped Beskadala as she reclined into her pilot’s seat.

“The parameters cannot be negotiated,” replied a shiny chromed protocol droid, hovering above Beskadala from a cabin roof mounted holoprojector aboard her Mk II Talon. The droid continued, “The Mistress has made it paramount that the target be removed and brought from its current location.”

“You think the Confederacy is going to let me waltz into Theed and snatch a Confederate Industrialist from right under them?” Beskadala said.

“We leave the method and discretion of the exfiltration to your judgement. But, the parameters still remain, Hunter,” said the droid. “The target must be brought to force payment that is owed. Such a flagrant insult to the Mistress’ control over the black financial markets that finance certain operations would prove disastrous to her and you.”

The claxon which alerted Beskadala to the Talon’s exit from hyperspace echoed in the pilot’s cabin. The droid bowed and ended the feed, saying, “We shall monitor your progress. Please inform us when you have captured the target.”

Beskdala cursed and leaned out of her chair to reach for the controls as the ripping lights of hyperspace bled back to real space and the large emerald ball of Naboo blew up into focus. Beskadala growled and hummed to herself calculating the issues that would present themselves during the hunt. At a superficial glance, the job was like any other Hound Runs - the capture and extraction of a target that has fled from his financial obligation to a much more powerful entity.

In this case a CIS Industrialist by the name of Degred Kezo. The Theed high society socialite ran financing for major CIS civic and military operations but had a bad habit of playing with darker money in darker circles. This leads him to spend his time on Nar Shaddaa and places in Wild Space, funding side jobs for his pleasure and trying to play Cartel Boss with real criminals. Just another rich boy who thinks because he has the credits he could also play with the real deals. He had tried to play crime lord roulette with Dowagha and lost. So he took all his assets and ran back to Theed thinking he was out of reach from the Hutt. So now Beskadala had to get into Theed, find the bastard at one of his usual haunts in Theed’s higher establishment clubs and drag him back to Nar Shaddaa, where she guessed he would be held ransom for proper payments by his company associates.

Beskadala shocked her head and spat a sharp exhale. She didn’t like it. It was too risky, even if the payment would compensate for such risk. The Dowagha had supplied countermeasures - the contract ran through the Bounty Hunter’s Guild giving the job the veneer of legitimacy and even her ship’s identifying codes were altered to appear as a personal ship with clean records. Still it all gave Beskadala a bad feeling as her Talon reached the perimeter of Naboo controlled space, where she was flagged by a patrolling ship.

“This Naboo Aerospace Control, Talon Vessel 34892 please state your business and port of call?” a voice called out from her comms.

“This Talon,” Beskadala replied, “Business is on the execution of an official Bounty Hunter Guild sanctioned hunt. Port of Call is Theed. Looking for permission to proceed.”
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Tag: Beskadala Beskadala

There weren't many planets that were free from the influence of the intergalactic underworld. Its roots extended far and wide, and its fruits could be found in many surprising and unsuspecting places. One such place was Naboo. With its austere and regal cities, open architecture, and a lack of any sort of metropolis, it would be hard to hide illicit shipments or illegal cargoes. But crime always found a way.

The Karjr, the Marshals of the Confederate Underworld, had been charged with protecting the public from this often unseen threat. Former Bounty HUnters who had worked for Underworld contractors now worked against them, pruning the branches and excesses when it spilled out into the open. A full-out war against the syndicates would be suicide, even if it was carried out by beskar-armored Mandalorians, but this cycle kept the Underworld from making any true advancements in the Confederacy.

But in this case, rumors and transmissions on the DarkNet had indicated that this corruption had begun to fester at the Confederacy's core. And that was what led to Siv being on Naboo. Much like it was hard for criminal activities to remain unseen, the sight of a Mandalorian was rare on the garden world and made it hard to blend into the crown. To damper this, Siv had taken to wearing a cowled cloak, partially concealing his obviously-Mandalorian beskar'gam. It wasn't perfect, but it would do.

His target apparently was a member of a cadet branch of House Veruna, one of Naboo's noble houses. But before he made a move, he'd have to scout out what was going on and figure out his game plan.

[] - - - []
As the gunship requested permission to proceed to Naboo's surface, the two scan officers aboard the patrol craft looked at each other in bewilderment. "It looks like a Mandalorian model. . . it looks like one of the ones those Enclave Mandos rocketed in two rotations ago," the first one, a female human, reported as she muted the comms system for a moment and read off the information the scan had yielded. "You think they could they be another one?"

"Not the same model registration," a male Twi'lek, significantly older than his counterpart, grunted. "B'sides, she said she's Guild. We'd get our arses handed to us if we let a Bounty Hunter into the capital," he said, before reaching over and switching on the comms. "Talon Vessel 34892, the Bounty Hunter Guild is not recognized by the Crown of Naboo. I'm going to have to ask you to divert from your planetary trajectory."

Flick, with that one sound a flame came to life, the end of a cigarette beginning to glow red as Orson took a long drag from it. The smoke filled the smuggler before being exhaled through his nostrils. Looking over the rim of dark glasses, the spacer looked across the private booth to his client.

“You want to explain to me again why we’re here and not holed up in one of your homes?” The Corellian asked the senator, taking another long drag from the stick of tabac before passing it over to the Duros that stood behind him at the window.

“I pay you to keep me safe, not to question me!” Degred Kezo spat, the pudgy man’s cheeks flushed as he raised what was his third glass of blossom wine to his lips. Smacking his lips, the aristocrat raised a hand to a passing zeltron bartender. “MOAR WINE YOU WHORE!”

Pinching the bridge of his nose Orson wondered just what he’d gotten himself into by accepting this job. He’d spent three days on Naboo guarding Kezo, and suffice to say with each day that passed the urge for Orson to simply shoot the other had continued to grow stronger.

“Exactly you pay me to keep you safe, a club isn’t exactly what I’d call safe.” Looking out through the doorway the gunslinger could see people passing by to and fro, any of them potential threats to Kezo.

“My boy you worry too much, if Dowagha had wanted me they would’ve sent people by now. It’s been three days. By the end of the week you and your… Crew will be free to leave.”

“With pleasure.” The Corellian muttered under his breath standing up and moving next to the Duros plucking the cigarette from between the other’s lips.

“What we got Mirn?” Orson asked, the tabac resting between his index and middle finger. Glancing through the viewscreen down to the streets below.

Those bulbous duros eyes glanced over at Orson with slight annoyance. “Nothing, same as when you asked thirty minutes ago. You’re acting real jumpy today Jade. Starting to think you're getting cold feet for this sort of work." Chuckling the Duros snatched the tabac back.

“Just have a bad feeling is all.” Moving away from the window the gunslinger moved to the doorway taking a glance out and over the balcony to the dance floor below. Still no one. Mirn wasn't completely wrong, playing bodyguard was one of the last things Orson wanted to do, but there were other reasons why he did this time. “Get Strom and Lux and station them on the stairs as guards. I don’t want anyone else coming up here.”

“What about Chin and Me?” Mirn asked moving to follow the Corellian.

“I want you to stay with me Mirn, radio back to Chin and tell him to stay on the ship. We may need him if we have to make a quick escape.”

“On it.” Mirn said moving off and away leaving Orson with Kezo.

Looking back to the drunk, balding man, Orson rolled his eyes. He’d seen enough people like him strut in and out of Gat Tambor’s office. All of them the same, all of them just as repulsive.

“Come drink with me my boy! I can’t enjoy a drink alone.”

“You have for the past thirty minutes, continue doing so and leave me out of it.”

Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Beskadala Beskadala
"Talon Vessel 34892, the Bounty Hunter Guild is not recognized by the Crown of Naboo. I'm going to have to ask you to divert from your planetary trajectory."

Beskadala wrapped her gloved hands around her controls and removed the automated approach navigation subroutine the navcomputer was running. Moving to manual controls, she flicked the comms switch on her control panels and ended the conversation quickly. She shrugged and tugged on the control sticks, pulling the Talon II away from the patrol crafts - seemingly appearing to leave by skirting around the planet rather than gunning for it.

“So much for the nice way,” Beskadala groaned. “Apologies, your Highness. But, neither the guild nor I care for “royal charters”.”

The Mandalorian jerked the controls sharply and the Talon II swerved into a deep spiralling dive when it was far off. The SLAM drives were engaged and all power was rerouted to the Talon II’s engines. The vessel erupted into a rapid decline, zipping under the ring of patrol crafts far above and thundering into the atmosphere. When the Talon II reached sub-high altitude levels it activated its sensor jammers, reduced speed and hovered down into a vast forest. The Talon II disturbed the canopies of the forest, making them dance to the rhythms of the engine’s efflux plumes. As it landed, the Talon II was placed under reserve power mode which provided the sliver of residual power to keep the sensor jammers and comms scrambling system on while Beskadala was away.

Leaving the cockpit cabin, Beskadala descended a ladder touching down into the bowels of her ship. She approached a hull-mounted closet and pressed the red button that flung open the sliding doors. She retrieved a long hooded cloak. She wasn’t going to prance around Theed with her Beskar’gam out in the open. Not especially since she just ran their aerospace patrol. The cloak was heavy, black as outer space, and made from Verpine Ultramesh Reinforced Fiber Armor fabrics. Beskadala threw on the cloak. Its magnetic buttons snapped together down the middle in a tight seam. She drew the hood and slid her arms through sewn-in baggy dark sleeves that peered through slits in the cloak. The hood’s brim drooped down, mostly covering the top half of her helmet, and shadowing the rest.

Exiting the Talon II, Beskadala mounted a small speeder bike. While nestled in its saddle seat she tapped the command buttons of the holoprojector in her vambrace. A map of Theed bubbled up and spread out in a hovering and rotating image. A blinking orb denoted where Dowagha had said Degred’s favorite lounging spot was. There he was, arrogantly located and uninterested in any sort of discrete exile. But, what would the affluent have to fear? Or learn to fear when they were bred to have everything? Beskadala smirked from behind her black visor.

“You’ve got some big balls you stupid schutta*,” Beskadala scoffed, “Too bad all that meat went to your crotchety sack than your head.”

[*Translation from Huttese: Schutta = B!tch]

Beskadala turned off the image and fired up the speeder. Revving it up she sped through the forest and made for the spaceport built into the base of the mesa that Theed city was perched upon. Reaching the spaceport she docked her speeder under an alias she had often used, created by holonet splicers from the Darkwire. From there she made her way to the many side districts from the Palace Plaza main promenade. Within her cloak, tucked into a satchel in the chest rig strapped around her lower abdomen, the tracking fob beeped signals. The signals were routed back to her helmet’s HUD. When the beeping grew to a high frequency the Mandalorian stopped at the entrance of a high-class club. It was one of those fancy establishments with no dancers or seedy crowds. Just rich bastards, their entourages and enough luxuries to make Canto Bight casino parties seem quaint.

Beskadala turned and marched towards the door. There a silver and chrome protocol droid intervened from the door’s threshold.

“Welcome to the Grizmallt Sanctuary Gentlemen’s Lounge,” said the protocol droid with a curt bow and nod, “This establishment has a 'members and associates only' policy. I am afraid I will have to stop you here and ask for identification.”

“My apologies,” Beskadala replied in feigned etiquette.

“That is quite alright, but I will still require your identification...or perhaps you are here to see someone?” the protocol droid said.

“I am,” Beskadala said, continuing, “Tell a Mr. Degred Kezo, that a Talgo Vida is here to see him. And it's urgent.”

The name Talgo Vida was none other than the opulent alias Degred had used when he was running bogus crime operations, only Dowagha knew that name’s connection. No doubt he would panic when he heard the name and Beskadala was counting on it.

“Please wait here, I shall inform Patron Kezo and ask if he wishes to be seen,” the protocol droid said with a bow before entering the club.

[music cue:]

Beskadala didn’t wait. As the doors of the club closed, she walked into a tight side alley beside the club. Through her HUD she used a sonar mapper and multi-sensor readout to scan the building. She was looking for a top side entry. Fortunately, the luxuriousness of the establishment did not compensate for its ease of entry. At the very top floor was a large transparisteel skyline dome. Beskadala reached for a black button at the base of the cloak’s round collar. When she pressed it all the other magnetic buttons detached, opening the cloak. She drew the hood back and fired her rising phoenix jetpack. Beskadala flew up and landed on the ceiling.

Crouching as she landed she crept towards the dome. The macrobinocular antenna slid down and with a life-form scanner, she watched the room below. Lavishly adorned with furniture and crammed with servants and entertainers Beskadala watched. Her scans picked up two armed individuals ( Orson Jade Orson Jade ) - a human and a Duros. These looked different from the general security enforcers. Rougher, more experienced looking with unique weaponry. She had her macrobinoculars tag them on her HUD. Then she passed to find Degred on some couch stuffing his face and quaffing wine. She had him tagged too. Beskadala continued to watch as the protocol droid finally entered and announced himself to Degred. She watched as Degred froze upon what she assumed was hearing the droid deliver the news.

She stood up and pointed her clenched fist at one of the mosaic windows that made up the stained glass formed dome. She fired an explosive dart that blew out the windows and with a leap she dropped through the mangled framework of the dome. Before she touched the floor she switched weapons to a wrist-mounted launcher and fired two rounds of dampener aerosol cartridges. They exploded as they hit the floor, smothering the entire private space with a thick vision-impairing and blaster-dispersing gas. Beskadala landed and rolled. Her HUD had switched to infrared cam and sensors as she rose slowly and she spoke out to Degred.

“Don’t move Kezo,” Beskadala growled. “You're no good to anyone dead, so don’t even think of it. And tell your goons to back off.”
Tags: Siv Dragr Siv Dragr
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Striding back and forth across the room, it had been another thirty minutes and Degred continued to still shovel food and wine down his gullet. For a second Orson wondered where the man stored it all, but a glance at the bulging belly said all it needed to. The affluent were often pillars of greed, never would they have enough money, never would they have enough food or drink, nothing would ever be enough for them and they’d drown themselves in that greed. Smirking the smuggler knew he wasn’t too different at the end of the day.

“I was like you boys when in my youth! A good for nothing ruffian, handsome, dangerous! Women flocked from all over to me!” The aristocrat went on as they tilted the goblet back chugging down the crimson liquid it held. “Gods I was young back then!”

“Yes, do tell me more.” The sarcasm and annoyance seemed lost on Degred as the man continued on into another story. Thankfully being cut off by the entry of a protocol droid. Stopping at the door the chrome-plated figure looked over to Degred.

“Excuse me Master Kezo, you have a visitor looking to speak with you sir.”

Raising an eyebrow and glancing between the droid and Degred, Orson looked to the aristocrat for an explanation. “I thought we agreed? No visitors.”

“I didn’t invite anyone I assure you my boy, perhaps it's Count Verant coming to pay me a visit.”

“Um no sir.” The droid continued. “It is actually Talgo Vida”

Those words made Degred stop short, dropping his goblet from his hand where it clanged to the floor.

“Who’s Talgo Vida?” Hand resting on the butt of his hybrid pistol Orson moved closer to the door and peaked out.

“That’s the name I used on Nar Shaddaa.”

“FUCK! Mirn, get Ch-” Jade was cut off by an explosion that sent glass flying across the chamber, the kinetic force lifting him, Degred, and Mirn off the ground and flinging them into walls.

His own impact lessened by the Concord Brawn he wore beneath his outfit, Orson looked up to see gas filling the chamber. Raising his sunglasses the gunslinger looked through them seeing the heat signature of their attacker.

From one of his vambraces, a grappling line shot out to ensnare the assailant’s torso and bind their arms to their side, just high enough to avoid any potential ejectable vibroblades. “How about a dance with me instead?”

With that Orson pulled, using the grappling line to fling the bounty hunter over head, out the door, over the balcony and down to the dance floor below.

“Strom, go get a speeder! Lux pull back to help Mirn with Degred. This one's mine.”

Beskadala Beskadala
Beskadala Beskadala , Orson Jade Orson Jade , Siv Dragr Siv Dragr

Naboo, Theed, Across the Street...

He never liked coming here.

But sometimes one had to do difficult and annoying things for those that one loved. Hell, at times wasn’t that the very definition of parenting?

Walon had no idea what other Mandalorians might think of him assigning the day to day care of his daughter to a droid while he was deployed, but having enlisted full time in a militaristic cause, that of a crusader, meant that he couldn’t rely on others in the cause to provide daycare should he be called away. As an independent hunter, he could usually rely on someone in either the spaceport or the like with providing quick daycare for a fee, like what he was doing now. And for those places that seemed like a bad idea to leave a five year old girl at...well, they all heard what had happened to Midak Raddul.

Here though, he was forced to change tactics. Instead of strolling through the neighborhood dressed in full beskar’gam, rifle in hand, he opted for a more subtle approach. While the Confederacy was known to have Mandalorians in its employ, going around in armor would draw too much attention in the shops he was visiting. Known for its droids, this was why he was here. To purchase a caretaker droid.

Walon sat inside his rented speeder reading through the list of droids within his price range, making marks on his datapad while Burc sat in the passenger seat next to him. The presence of a strill tended to draw attention, but usually everyone was too busy trying to figure out whatever the hell was walking next to Walon that they did not remember too much about Walon himself. Plus it helped to get what Walon liked to call “Burc’s Opinion” about the droid’s and the salespeople who were trying to sell him the damn things.

He double tapped an image of one droid with his stylus, projecting it into a 30 cm tall holographic image. Burc lifted his head from the center console and stared at it for a long moment before turning back to Walon and cocking his head to the side.

“Yeah, I thought so too Burc.” Walon chuckled before collapsing the image and returning to scrolling just as an explosion went off on the roof of the building across the street from where Walon was parked. In two seconds, the datapad was tossed to the side and a pistol was in his hand from the holster concealed underneath his coat.

Hm, nothing going on...but still. Burc looked over to him expectantly. Walon nodded “Oya, Burc!” and opened the door, standing aside to allow Burc to hop out beside him before closing the door. He slipped the pistol back into its holster and took off down the alley, Burc following close behind.
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