Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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House Fire (RL Jedi)

So I was sitting in my room just playing Generals & Heroes before I head out to the movies tonight. I'm sitting in my favourite PJ's (Ref Pic). I've got two special needs sisters who're both 7, and my mum who is a single mum so I help out at home a lot.

Fire alarm goes off, girls come out of their room, they don't know what is going on. Mum starts screaming hysterically and shooting "Fire!" I rush out into the lounge room, and the candle beside the TV that my mum had placed there had caught onto the TV somehow (I didn't even know TV's were so easily flammable..) and onto the vase of flowers beside it.

Fire is raging, adrenaline rush initiate. I rip off my favourite 'Jedi Academy' pajama shirt, and dive into the fray. In the chaos of trying to suffocate the fire, and telling my mum to get water while trying to keep my sisters away, the candle holder is knocked down. A puddle of hot candle wax pours all down my leg, and at this point I didn't even notice or feel it. The fire is now on the ground, I jump on top of it and continue to suffocate it with my shirt, and it's not working. I just sit the shirt on it and start curb stomping.

Fire is out, I still can't feel my leg was burnt. My Jedi Academy shirt is totally ruined, and now my X-wing / Tie Fighter trousers is soaked in candle wax. Candle wax had gone straight through the fabric and stuck to my leg. I haven't stopped shaking from the adrenaline. My sisters also hugged me and called me a superhero, so I have that going for me because usually they hate me.

I thought I'd share this tale because in the process of totally ruining my favourite Star Wars pajamas, I reckon I'm now a true thug Jedi. I'd like to request promotion to Knight IRL please.
Ever hear of never leaving a fire unattended. Same goes for candles, cause they're on fire! They should also be in a glass jar of some sort, and taller than the candle and flame. And near nothing else, which seems the problem you had. That way someone/thing has to knock it over to set things alight, and hopefully it will be snuffed out when falling. Now you just have molten wax, but its better than things on fire.

Also just don't use candles. Unless its an emergency.

Also also, your moms an idiot. Sorry to say that, but she did light the TV on fire. Hopefully she'll learn not to place candles, if she continues to use them, near anything flammable.

Nice work saving the place though. Fire can spread pretty quickly. We will never forget your PJ's sacrifice.
[member="Seris Vant"]
I know my mum was an idiot, but given the circumstances of her life, I think she is hardly at fault. Three mentally handicapped children, her life revolves around caring for them while they verbally and physically abuse her. Her mind is never 100% and even my full-time care for my siblings is not enough. She never sleeps because of them, she's essentially the closest thing we'll get to a zombie, and it has been this way for almost 21 years. It was merely an unfortunate circumstance.

Of course I say this in defense of her because you did indeed call my mum an idiot, and calling someones mum an idiot has never been beneficial to a conversation haha
Jorus Merrill said:
Props to [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] for not shredding this loser.
Call me an idiot when I'm being dumb? Sure. Go for it.

Call my friend's mom an idiot? Maybe. Depending on the friend and the situation.

Call a stranger's mom an idiot? Not unless you're really, really looking for an excuse to use your new taser.
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]

........ Well now I feel bad. And rightly so.

Still I understand. My sister, though has improved immeasurably more than we expected, is mentally handicapped. And you still have a mom. I lost mine 3 years ago. It has nearly destroyed my life, and I am still pulling myself out of the hole a crashed into after that.

Hope things get better for you man.

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