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Approved Lore House Gyukia | Cartel Enforcers Turned Noble House

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  • Intent: To flesh out the family of my character.
  • Image Credit: Drawn by me in Photoshop
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Smarteel Zabrak


  • Organization Name: House Gyukia
  • Classification: Noble House
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Organization Symbol: House Gyukia Banner, which depicts a Watch-beast.
  • Description: [ Give a general description of this organization and the purpose it serves. ]


  • Headquarters: Smarteel
  • Domain: Smarteel
  • Notable Assets: House Gyukia Estate on Smarteel


  • Hierarchy: At the top of the house is the Patriarch, the ultimate leader of the family and it's fortune. Below him are the Counts and Countesses, typically the leaders of smaller families or noble children. Servants are below them, typically employed from the local population of Smarteel.
  • Membership: Familial membership exclusively for those who are not servants. All that are part of the family must be of the Smarteel Zabrak lineage. All servants are simply locals from the planet, chosen at random. OOC, joining is at the digression of the primary writer, myself.
  • Climate: Posh and competitive, with a cast of nobles all looking to increase their power and knock their rivals down a peg.
  • Reputation: Abroad they're loved by luxury manufacturers for the providing of rare and valuable Songsteel. High-class, sophisticated, and well versed in a business meeting. Cartels like them because they tend to turn a blind eye to the black market on Smarteel, even participating in it themselves. To locals, however, they're a blight on the planet, the standing remnants of the old Hutt Cartel stranglehold on the desert planet.
  • Curios: House Gyukia banner, Watch-beast guard creature.
  • Rules: The rules of the house are simple: Pay reverence to the patriarch, keep disputes with rivals covert, and make credits.
  • Goals: Maintenance of the status quo. They simply wish to continue their luxurious lifestyle and continue to make money in the galaxy, be it by legitimate or shady means.


  • Iria Lee Gyukia | Countess, Heiress of the deceased Patriarch
  • Iradon Lee Gyukia | Deceased Patriarch


House Gyukia, founded around 4 ABY by a long dead Hutt Cartel enforcer, staked its claim on planet that had once been part of the criminal empire of Jabba Desilijic Tiure. When the planet was discovered to be rich in Songsteel, the house quickly made itself presentable and upper-class, sweeping the shady past of their founding under the rug. In this cultural transition, the Zabrak of Smarteel genetically isolated themselves from their cousins and began to genetically alter their DNA in light cosmetic changes that altered their appearance slightly overtime, which resulted in the creation of the subspecies that makes up the entirety of their members. Having employed many Gamorreans, the house took a liking to the Watch-beast of Gamorr, having them imported and bread to be the guard animals of the nobility. Since their founding, the house has provided the luxury good of Songsteel to a select few, legitimate buyers and shady criminal organizations alike.

Now, nearly 900 years later, House Gyukia sits at a point of crisis. The Patriarch has passed in the seat of power, and his only child, Iria Lee Gyukia, has fled Smarteel. With no proper way to ascend to the fortune of the house, rivalries amidst the nobility have begun to flare up again. Some attempt to use their criminal connections to claim the heiress for themselves, while others turn to other methods of securing power...

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