Alyesa Praxon.
Simple enough name right?
Well, it came with a consequence.
It was no longer a double-barreled name as it once was many generations before. Although the family was still attached by blood and through relatives, somewhere in the line the message got mixed and when it came to Alyesa's name, she never got it. Her cousin, was Jessimae Kayle Organa-Vorn and her other cousin was Leiandra Organa-Qel. How that came to be, was a simple story, one to which her father had explained to her long ago when she left Alderaan for Naboo.
"If you leave, you may no longer carry the House Name." He had said in a scruffy voice. She could remember him as if he were standing there infront of her right now, a well-mannered man but very weathered. Somehow he had attracted the heart of a young Organa woman named Fayre and wooed her into a marriage despite his unknown backgrounds. Of course, much like any powerful House on Alderaan, an in-depth research had to be conducted into the background of the roguish man to ensure there was some royalty or nobility. Maybe it was to keep the waters clear and be able to signify that one house was more powerful than the other. Again, another squabble for another time.
It was discovered that he came from the House of Naberrie, the very same House in which Padme Amidala Skywalker originated from, so many years before. A woman of great legend in the Halls of the Senate. A woman of fire and passion as she spoke of people and their needs, a woman who put her people before herself. Alyesa could remember constantly hearing of the amazing news that her mother discovered shortly before she and her father had married. She remembered hearing her mother speak of her father like he was the greatest thing next to Jawa Juice or even the Ion Engine.
She remembered.
Why was she remembering now?
Cause he was gone.
She couldn't believe it when the news had arrived to her and she had been summoned by the House of Organa back to Alderaan. A summon of courtesy more so than demand. Apparently there were political issues to discuss, something about ruling Council and control of the House. She didn't quite get why she had any involvement, she believed her father had pushed her back from the House, but apparently that wasn't the case...there was more to it than met the eye.
Simple enough name right?
Well, it came with a consequence.
It was no longer a double-barreled name as it once was many generations before. Although the family was still attached by blood and through relatives, somewhere in the line the message got mixed and when it came to Alyesa's name, she never got it. Her cousin, was Jessimae Kayle Organa-Vorn and her other cousin was Leiandra Organa-Qel. How that came to be, was a simple story, one to which her father had explained to her long ago when she left Alderaan for Naboo.
"If you leave, you may no longer carry the House Name." He had said in a scruffy voice. She could remember him as if he were standing there infront of her right now, a well-mannered man but very weathered. Somehow he had attracted the heart of a young Organa woman named Fayre and wooed her into a marriage despite his unknown backgrounds. Of course, much like any powerful House on Alderaan, an in-depth research had to be conducted into the background of the roguish man to ensure there was some royalty or nobility. Maybe it was to keep the waters clear and be able to signify that one house was more powerful than the other. Again, another squabble for another time.
It was discovered that he came from the House of Naberrie, the very same House in which Padme Amidala Skywalker originated from, so many years before. A woman of great legend in the Halls of the Senate. A woman of fire and passion as she spoke of people and their needs, a woman who put her people before herself. Alyesa could remember constantly hearing of the amazing news that her mother discovered shortly before she and her father had married. She remembered hearing her mother speak of her father like he was the greatest thing next to Jawa Juice or even the Ion Engine.
She remembered.
Why was she remembering now?
Cause he was gone.
She couldn't believe it when the news had arrived to her and she had been summoned by the House of Organa back to Alderaan. A summon of courtesy more so than demand. Apparently there were political issues to discuss, something about ruling Council and control of the House. She didn't quite get why she had any involvement, she believed her father had pushed her back from the House, but apparently that wasn't the case...there was more to it than met the eye.