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Codex Denied Clan Vizsla of Roon

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sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ


  • Organization Name: House Vizsla of Roon
  • Classification: Mandalorian House
  • Affiliation: Aloy Vizsla, The Enclave
  • Organization Symbol: A flowered branch in gray and red
  • Description: House Vizsla of Roon is an autonomous Mandalorian house of Rebels, Pirates and Crusaders hailing from the planet Roon.
  • Headquarters: Roon
  • Domain: N\A
  • Notable Assets: N\A
  • Hierarchy: Standard Mandalorian hierarchy: Members of House Vizsla are loyal to their Alor, Who leads them in all matters, Though they may act on the popular opinions of their house and the advice of trusted individuals.

  • Membership: House and Clan Vizsla are known to take in foundlings who are raised on Roon in Vizsla territories, and may adopt other mandalorians into their House or Clan with permission from their Alor . Any individual bearing the clan name Kryze, Wren, Vizsla, Vizla, Saxon and Naudir are free to come and go as they see fit. Others however must gain permission from the Alor or be sponsored by an existing member and offer service to the house.

  • Climate: House Vizsla of Roon is a tight knit family of Gunslingers, Bounty Hunters and Veterans of the second war for mandalore, Having lived in coverts and acted as insurgent forces for many years, Fighting beside their sworn brothers and sisters all the while. This gives the house a very paramilitary feel in both function and subculture.

  • Reputation: House Vizsla of Roon was founded by Darsch Vizsla with the perceived need to create a Loyalist faction within House Vizsla when she pledged to fight in the Rebellion on Mandalore. It is because of this that the Vizslas of Roon have had a reputation as seekers of redemption since their inception.
    Since then however, They have earned a reputation as professional warriors during Alor Aloy Vizsla's reign as master of The Nite Owls when she served Mand'alor the Reclaimer as head of his secret police and spearheaded the war against Death Watch(Sith), During which many Vizslas served under her command.
    Now in some circles they are known as vengeful pirates and rebels fighting against imperial forces abroad within the Eclipse Rebellion.

    Some ask whether it is to better to be feared by their enemies or respected by their people. Vizslas of Roon needn't choose.

  • Curios: Darksaber of Steadhold

  • Rules: The Resol'nare first and foremost, And that new members of the house offer their craft or service to the house when joining.

  • Goals: To rid themselves of the stain on their reputation known as the Red Coronation, To provide their members security and comfort even if mandalore falls, To thrive and expand their ranks.
-Alor of House\Clan Vizsla - Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla

-Founder\Previous Alor - Darsch Vizsla Darsch Vizsla

House Vizsla of Roon was founded by Darsch Vizsla, An Ex-Death Watch warrior who had served Yasha Cadera in despite of Ronan Vizsla's exile. When her partner, Aloy Vizsla, Made her aware of the Enclave's presence on roon and the territory they were willing to provide, Darsch Vizsla immediately set out claim territory for her house and stake her claim to Alor of House Vizsla. With minimal opposition, She became the Alor and set out with Aloy Vizsla to construct a settlement in the cold north of Daba'r, Sponsored by The Enclave. Thanks in part to her previous loyalties to Clan Naudir, Who had recently been without an Alor of their own, Clan Naudir joined her house, Offering manpower and aid to the house.

It was shortly after that Darsch Vizsla stepped down as quickly as she had stepped up, Passing on leadership to her partner, Aloy Vizsla, Shortly after the liberation of mandalore. Though uncertain of herself at the time, Aloy vowed to continued her Alor's work in her stead, Building House Vizsla both on mandalore and roon.

The clan spent some time within the Enclave's territory on Roon, Giving them their name, However, With the rise of the mandalorian union, They have recently expanded, Settling on Concordia in the ancient home of their most recent Alor, Aloy Vizsla.

  • Updated affiliation
  • Updated climate
  • Updated reputation
  • Updated images
  • Updated intent
  • Updated curios
  • Corrected entry: membership
  • Corrected entry(s): Headquarters\Domains\Assets
  • Corrected rules
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sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ
Rach'ta Sorry about that, Linked our WIP territory on roon, and a local recently provided by the union, I've also linked both Roon and Concordia, And something new in notable assets for ya
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