We Are One
Core Worlds;
Lower Levels.
As it was always, a beautiful Nubian class starship pulled into the landing bays, mechanical arms which looked far too skinny to hold the weight of such a massive hull extending beneath it. At various points, spurts of steam would hiss and bubble as the landing gear adjusted the full weight of the ship once more, and almost instantly the hatch was pulled open. It was getting rather dark, naturally, though the atmosphere was still very set ablaze by Coruscant's night life. Though, Xenia was not who came from the ship, instead someone-- something, walked out. A droid, and not an ordinary looking one. Droids of these origin were not something commonly seen, and considered rare and valuable as far as Xenia was concerned. The holodroid, or PROXY type unit. It would meet this bounty collector in place of Naboo's noble herself.
Core Worlds;
Chommell Sector;
Xenia sat in an unoccupied, large room. One long desk in front of a massive window with a rounded dome of a top; in typical Naboo tradition. Taking up most of the floor was a massive red carpet, leading straight to the desk in a thick line. Her PROXY droid stood just at the other side of the room, standing still enough to fool someone into thinking it was off. No lights blinked, or noises sounded. It was merely awaiting communication from its counterpart on Coruscant. She had been alone for the past hour, escaping the anxieties of normal life and gaining time to just think. Collect herself and conduct her thoughts as they needed to be conducted. Her web of lies began to spin into creation as she began to cover her stories; explanations as to why she, a noble, had gotten herself into so much trouble as of late.
The PROXY droid buzzed to life, and Xenia's eyes met it's own. They had made contact. The plan had been to meet the employer along the landing pads. Xenia had felt uneasy about this particular bounty in particular, as it seemed to be more of a message to Xenia directly than a bounty itself. Though, the name Xenia was never mentioned; instead, she was referred to loosely as the captor of Victus, or other Coruscant related aliases. It seemed as though someone wanted to meet her, and of course she had thought of the possibility of traps. The holodroids would, then, protect her in this case. The holodroid on Coruscant would take the appearance of Xenia, while the image of the holodroid in her own room flickered with electric light before taking the appearance her 'employer.' Though, the holodroid sent to meet Sigourney would have its face blurred out, defending Xenia's identity. Whatever she said or did, so to would the PROXY on Coruscant; likewise, anything their client did would be mimicked on the PROXY just ahead.
"A pleasure to meet you...?"
Xenia spoke calmly. The bounty request had not mentioned a name. Strangely enough, the PROXY droid on Coruscant would spark together clothes that did not match those of Xenia's current make up. Instead, it wore a more official looking garb, identifying her more easily as a bounty hunter instead of a dainty noble from the peaceful planet of Naboo. A cesspool for honor, and back stabbing politics, all at the same time. Cloaked with fanciful delicacies and well built beauties. She would wait for a name before continuing.
[member="Sigourney Xanthius"]
Lower Levels.

As it was always, a beautiful Nubian class starship pulled into the landing bays, mechanical arms which looked far too skinny to hold the weight of such a massive hull extending beneath it. At various points, spurts of steam would hiss and bubble as the landing gear adjusted the full weight of the ship once more, and almost instantly the hatch was pulled open. It was getting rather dark, naturally, though the atmosphere was still very set ablaze by Coruscant's night life. Though, Xenia was not who came from the ship, instead someone-- something, walked out. A droid, and not an ordinary looking one. Droids of these origin were not something commonly seen, and considered rare and valuable as far as Xenia was concerned. The holodroid, or PROXY type unit. It would meet this bounty collector in place of Naboo's noble herself.
Core Worlds;
Chommell Sector;

Xenia sat in an unoccupied, large room. One long desk in front of a massive window with a rounded dome of a top; in typical Naboo tradition. Taking up most of the floor was a massive red carpet, leading straight to the desk in a thick line. Her PROXY droid stood just at the other side of the room, standing still enough to fool someone into thinking it was off. No lights blinked, or noises sounded. It was merely awaiting communication from its counterpart on Coruscant. She had been alone for the past hour, escaping the anxieties of normal life and gaining time to just think. Collect herself and conduct her thoughts as they needed to be conducted. Her web of lies began to spin into creation as she began to cover her stories; explanations as to why she, a noble, had gotten herself into so much trouble as of late.
The PROXY droid buzzed to life, and Xenia's eyes met it's own. They had made contact. The plan had been to meet the employer along the landing pads. Xenia had felt uneasy about this particular bounty in particular, as it seemed to be more of a message to Xenia directly than a bounty itself. Though, the name Xenia was never mentioned; instead, she was referred to loosely as the captor of Victus, or other Coruscant related aliases. It seemed as though someone wanted to meet her, and of course she had thought of the possibility of traps. The holodroids would, then, protect her in this case. The holodroid on Coruscant would take the appearance of Xenia, while the image of the holodroid in her own room flickered with electric light before taking the appearance her 'employer.' Though, the holodroid sent to meet Sigourney would have its face blurred out, defending Xenia's identity. Whatever she said or did, so to would the PROXY on Coruscant; likewise, anything their client did would be mimicked on the PROXY just ahead.
"A pleasure to meet you...?"
Xenia spoke calmly. The bounty request had not mentioned a name. Strangely enough, the PROXY droid on Coruscant would spark together clothes that did not match those of Xenia's current make up. Instead, it wore a more official looking garb, identifying her more easily as a bounty hunter instead of a dainty noble from the peaceful planet of Naboo. A cesspool for honor, and back stabbing politics, all at the same time. Cloaked with fanciful delicacies and well built beauties. She would wait for a name before continuing.
[member="Sigourney Xanthius"]