[member="The Amalgam"]
I don't like your character. She's a rip off from one of the worse films in 2017, and she is unoriginal. Your writing is fine, you clearly know how to put together a sentence, know how to use paragraphs, and you describe things quite well. You clearly know how to tell a story, and until proven otherwise, you don't metagame or powergame when roleplaying with others, which can't be said for a lot of other people on this website. My advice would be to drop copying Scarlet Johansons bastardization of one Japan's greatest animated films, drop the character completely and make something more original.
You have the ingredients to make a good character, but you won't accomplish that with that character for the aforementioned reasons. To answer your question: you aren't doing well, but you could be doing a lot better if you wanted too.
I hope my constructive criticism helps you.