Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How am I doing?

Well, first time for everything right? I have been told by my closest friends that I am a pretty good writer, but that was them, and not you loveable people out there in the Chaos, so I want to hear from you, good, bad, the ugly, whatever! Feel free to cuss me out for a previous thread where I kicked your butt, or if I stole your bounty, anything and everything is welcome, unless it's irrelevant, then I'll get mad.

Thanks peeps

Sincerely yours,​
Nate the Bounty Hunter​
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

I flipped through a page or two of a few threads and I have to be honest. I don't understand your character.

Looking at your character's bio your strengths seem to cover everything physically related to combat but your weaknesses you make you seem an emo head case and have no true off set to your strengths.

Your title says "Walking the fine line between the light and the dark" but nothing I have seen or read displays any characteristics of light or dark. It is almost as if you only made Nate Force sensitive as a back up plan.

Your a bounty hunter but you seem to let everything possible distract you from your bounty one minute and the next you are chasing down force training. It I s like from one thread to the next you don't know what you want him to be.
-_- you dare mock me?

Dude, you should start up a website where you roast the hell out of peeps like me, seriously, but more importantly, thank you for the feedback, you have enlightened me and made me realize that Nate makes absolutely no sense, and I would like your help since you just burnt my life


Disney's Princess
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

I think you're doing pretty good to be honest. Earlier I had to remind you that a single starfighter could never take on a modern Chaos Star Destroyer 1v1. But your response was enthusiastic, (and badass enough,) to merit giving it another go.

I highly recommend giving Nate some hard azz weaknesses at this point. As, I feel your greatest temptation is for him to pick up too many skills too early. Heck, some of my oldest and most successful characters have a terrible list of things they just can't do. Such as:

  • Allergies (Cats)
  • Anxieties (Swimming)
  • Phobias (Space Travel)
  • Broken bones (Shoulders)
  • Terrible eye sight (Aiming)
  • And racial hatreds towards certain alien types (Humans)
  • Sword Form Weaknesses (Juyo)
  • Spell Weaknesses (No TK)


Experiment with that and come back when you've got 1000 posts. Because like Veng has already said. Nate's weaknesses are too easy at this point. Enjoy the game dude! :D
[member="Sam Rivers"]
Hmm... Well I appreciate the reference to that moment, it was fun. I will.take your words into consideration. What weaknesses should I give him? Inexperience? Being naive?
Anything You think I should make Nate a better, more realistic character is welcome, so c'mon, I know you got at least something; let me hear it, I can take another roasting


Disney's Princess
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

I recommend these very common ones:
  • Weakness to a Sword Form / Strength to a Sword Form. (Ataru, Vaapad, etc)
  • Weakness to a Force Spell / Strength to a Force Spell. (Force Speed, Force Shield, Force Stealth, etc)
  • Weakness to flying a Vessel Type / Strength to flying a Vessel Type. (Interceptor, Fighter, Bomber, Dropship, etc.)
  • Weakess to a Gun Type / Strength to a Gun Type. (Ion, Blaster, Disruptor, Stun, Sonic, Cryo, Flame, Slug, Railgun, Rocket, etc.)

This is a very easy way to give your character some very balanced trade offs. Pick something he's good at. Then pick something in a exactly same category that he sucks at. Don't pick physical strengths and then give mental weaknesses. That's too easy. Give him a physical strength and then give him a physical weakness. Notice above that the categories are exactly the same. That's a great place to start tweaking your character.

2 cents. Do what moves you! Enjoy dude. :D
[member="Sam Rivers"]
Taken into account, I will update my bio once I'm one my computer again, it's much easier and I will have more in depth descriptions as well. But anyways, thank you, it is greatly appreciated *hugs* and I will come back when I have 1000 posts and ask the same question, but unroll then, you might just end up being my "go-to-for-strengths-and-weaknesses"... if that's okay with you

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
I think you're doing perfectly fine. I enjoy your writing a lot. Though…I feel like if you want to add in a little bit more "flair" and such, maybe add in a few details here and there. True, I don't add in too many details and not even enough as I need to…but hey, I'm lazy! But…just focus solely on what you're good at writing and experiment with different methods and ideas. After all, Katelyn was first intended to be a guys! (Don't ask…)

As for character, I'd try to add in more past expirence a from threads and such while you're writing. Yes…it's hard to do so, but take key threads that truly shaped your character. Or just…drop subtle hints at his history if something happened that later impacted him in a thread. You don't have to do this…but I feel like it add in a tiny bit more realistic stuff to your character.

Now as for weaknesses. I'd try and focus on making your weaknesses outnumber your strengths. At least…that's what I try to do. I usually try to give my characters very view strengths, though enough to still allow them to handle themselves. While I give them lots of weaknesses to make them seem somewhat 'weak' at times and more down to our perspective as if they were living and breathing in our own very world. Now, these can range from behavioral, to emotional, physical, you name it!

Personally, I enjoy writing with you! It helps realize some of the stress to be with somebody who is more relaxed and lashed back most of the time. I hope to continue to write with you in the future…along with hoping Nate dosent dump Katelyn. But who knows?! Also…try to be rash and risky as I stated above. After all…not much would've happened with Katelyn if I didn't try to get out of my little bubble. And man I gotta tell you…it was pretty scary doing that. But…looking back upon it, I'm glad I did it!


Disney's Princess
Nate the Bounty Hunter said:
but unroll then, you might just end up being my "go-to-for-strengths-and-weaknesses"... if that's okay with you
I think it's important to note at this point that the best way to RP? ...Is really whatever makes you happy and sets you free. Lol. I've seen 'perfectly balanced characters' that are boring as heck to RP with. Some writers are so afraid of making a Mary Sue that they end up building an Anti-Mary Sue. A character so moderate and plain, that they aren't interesting in any way, shape, or form. Bleh. Which, is really just as boring as soft dirt on white bread. Lol. So... Take any advice you get with a grain of salt. There is no 'best' or 'perfect' character. Only one that you enjoy RP with. And, that just takes time and experimentation. Which is normal and awesome!

Enjoy. :D
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

I am going to be the person here who says just because your character has physical prowess does not inherently mean that he must therefore also have a physical weakness, and vice versa. I'm a very avid believer that strengths and weaknesses should be used as character traits and not intended for "what happens when your character fights another character." I rarely give my characters physical traits that directly tie to some alternative weakness.

My first NFU character had a physical weakness (a missing lung, and reduced ability to run). Seraphina (my first FU), is a professional gymnast and dancer. Jamie is an avid fencer. None of them have physical traits on the opposing side of the fence. There's no reason to feel the need in doing so either. Your character's strengths and weaknesses should change over time in some way or another (unless it's obviously impossible such as incurable illness) but it's a story tool, nothing more.

Just make sure your character follows a story that makes sense for them.

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