Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Location: Dorm Room
Objective: Cheer Casaline Up

The door slid open and Katarine stepped in, her deep green eyes settling on the curled up form of her niece. She stood there for a moment, watching the little girl, until finally she pulled the seat from the desk and sat down. After a few more moments of silence the Jedi Master broke the ice.

“Casaline I know you aren’t asleep.”

She waited for the little girl to roll over and look at her.

“What’s wrong? Aren’t you even going to try to give this place a chance?”



Location: Dorm
Objective: Cheer Up Niece

Katarine frowned as she watched her niece crying on the bed. The harsh reality was that the doctors had no idea if Casi’s parents were going to wake up at all. After almost a century of hibernation their bodies were breaking down. Kat wasn’t sure how she could explain this to the girl, especially when Casi and Kat herself had survived the same ordeal. How did you explain that the odds of an entire family making it were slim to none? It wasn’t fair that the girls parents couldn’t be with her, but Kat couldn’t just dump the girl at an orphanage. She was the only family Casi had, even if they barely knew each other.

“Casi… you have to understand .. the doctors are doing what they can’t but your parents are very sick.”

This did not help. The little girl cried harder than ever. Kat sighed and got up to sit next to the little girl on the bed.

“Look why don’t I take you around the ship and see if we can find some padawans for you to meet? If you make a few friends and you really really try to be their friend then I will take you to see your parents next week okay? But you have to at least try.”



Location: Dorm (Herd Ship)
Objective: Find Padawans
Tags: Braze Braze Loomi Loomi

“Oh I am sure we can round a few of them up. Let’s try the dojo first. Some may be training.”

She waited for Casi to finish getting ready and together they left the dorm rooms. Katarine had not spent much time on the herd ship and did not fully know her way around yet. Usually the woman was undercover doing work as a Jedi Investigator, but Casaline was keeping Kat closer to home. Once the girl settled in that would be a different matter but for now Kat wanted to at least push the padawan to find a few friends.

They walked down the hallways and passed more dormitories and droids floating around until eventually Kat recognized sounds of a sparring session.

She entered the dojo with Casi behind her to see who was hanging around.


Since his spar with Thalia Senn Thalia Senn , Braze had been reminded of the basics he had been neglecting. His Ataru needed to be brought up to par with his other forms. Practicing Ataru was exhausting, but Braze spent most of his time in training. Why did he avoid it? Was it because it was aggressive? Because it was exhausting? It was hard to tell. Perhaps he had been lazy and slacking, or maybe he feared how he would take to Ataru, knowing his own temperament.

Nevertheless, he was here, working on drills with Aether as he practiced. He was pushing himself, much to Aether's dismay. Normally, practice didn't leave Braze panting, but today was different.

Aether hovered nearby, observing Braze's movements with a critical eye. "Braze, you must focus on your footwork," he instructed, his voice calm but firm. "Ataru relies heavily on agility and precision. If your steps are off, your entire form will suffer."

Braze nodded, wiping sweat from his brow. "I'm trying, Aether. It's just... so demanding."

Aether floated closer, his tone softening slightly. "Ataru is indeed demanding, but it is also rewarding. Embrace the challenge, don't shy away from it. Remember, it's not just about physical strength. It's about innerstrength too, harnessing your inner balance and using it to fuel your movements."

Braze took a deep breath and resumed his stance, focusing on his footwork as Aether had advised. With each movement, he felt the strain on his muscles but also a growing sense of control and mastery.

"Good, Braze. Remember, each and every form has its own strengths and weaknesses. Ataru's strength lies in its speed and unpredictability. Use that to your advantage," Aether encouraged.

As Braze continued to practice, he could feel the wisdom in Aether's words taking root. With each drill, he felt himself growing more confident, and more attuned to the flow of the form.

Aether watched him carefully. "Keep pushing yourself, but also remember... to listen to your body. Training is not a race. Pace yourself and you'll find the strength you need."

In the dojo, the atmosphere was charged with energy as Braze and Aether engaged in their training. To anyone walking in, the scene may have been intense yet inspiring. Aether, appeared as a white and gilded gold android, and moved with a fluidity and speed that belied his mechanical nature. His swift, human-like movements created a sharp contrast with his shining, articulated joints and the soft hum of his operational systems.

Braze, was dead set trying to match Aether's pace with impressive agility. His form, Ataru, was evident in every acrobatic leap and spinning attack he executed. The air around them seemed to crackle with the clash of their lightsabers, every strike and parry punctuated by the glow of the blades.

Observers could see Aether switching seamlessly between the powerful, counter-striking maneuvers of Form V and the precise, controlled techniques of Form II, challenging Braze to adapt and overcome. The Iron Knight's movements were a teaching tool in themselves, demonstrating the strengths and potential vulnerabilities of different combat styles without a word being spoken. The training session that of a vivid and spiritted dance of strategy and adaptation, showcasing the depth of lightsaber combat.

When Braze could stand to press on no more, his chest heaving with breaths, he tried to back down, but Aether persisted a little longer. "Your enemies aren't going to wait for you," Aether said, his voice firm yet encouraging. "You need to use your head, conserve your strength, and strike where needed. Even in Ataru."

Aether pushed Braze back onto the defensive, his attacks becoming more aggressive and relentless. Braze struggled to keep up, his muscles burning and his mind racing to find openings. Despite his exhaustion, he fought to stay focused, absorbing the lesson that Aether was imparting.

Finally, seeing that Braze was at his limit, Aether stepped back and deactivated his lightsaber. "Take a break, Braze," he said, his tone softening. "You've done well. Remember, the key is not in pushing forward, but in knowing when to conserve your energy and how to use it effectively."

Braze nodded gratefully, lowering his own lightsaber and taking a moment to catch his breath. He blinked at seeing some new faces and he striaghtened up after turning off his blade panting heavily as he put his hands on his head glancing their way. "H... Hello. " He greeted breathlessly.


Tags: Braze Braze , Casaline Ryiah


"Drill 72 please!"

Two training droids came to life, standing on either side of Loomi. She had her lightsaber spear in hand, not having activated it yet. She was practicing using force weapon rather than the blade, doing her best to work on keeping up with her defensive form. One opponent had proved simple enough, but it was two that worried her. She wouldn't always have someone at her back. The Godoan needed to be able to keep up with anyone.

To say it was intensive was putting it lightly. Blows came from either side, and Loomi danced between the two, utilizing the length of her spear as best she could. She could do this. Still breathing, preserve energy, use the momentum of the opponent against them. It was easier said than done, really. Loomi was on her fifth rep, and the young padawan was covered in welts. Still, she was keeping up rather well, her time lasted passing the minute mark and continuing. Her prosthetic legs could maintain her footing for a time, but the moment her upper body started giving she knew she would be at the end of her run. Loomi just had to focus on preserving her energy and lasting for as long as she possibly could...

And then...

"H... Hello. "

Braze? He was on the other side of the dojo, and clearly not speaking very loudly. Her friend certainly seemed exhausted. How had she heard him?

And that was all it took for her guard to slip, letting the staff of the training droid to her left strike her in the shoulder. Loomi fell like a log, and the two droids returned to an idle stance.

"Two minutes, twenty-one seconds."

The Godoan let out a soft sigh.


There was no way that was long enough. Hours. She needed that time to be hours. That was the only way she'd be able to protect anyone. She was certain of it.



Location: Dojo
Objective: Introduce New Faces
Tags: Loomi Loomi Braze Braze

Katarine had entered the room and was greeted almost immediately by one of the padawans. She smiled at the young one, pushing Casi in beside her, as the little girl was trying to stall outside in the hall.

"Hello, It's nice to see some new faces in here. My name is Master Ryiah."
She knew many of the padawans did not know her well, though maybe they had read a little about her in the archive. There was not a ton of information since Kat was out of her time period and she was undercover all of the time.

"I was hopping I might be able to introduce a new padawan. She's 'just joined the ship. This is Casaline."

She pushed the girl forward a little to encourage her.

Panting, Braze brought a fist to one open hand and bowed to them both. "It's... nice to meet you... Master Ryiah, and Padawan Casaline," he said, his voice light and breathless as he tried to catch his breath. Straightening up, he stumbled a step, feeling a bit wobbly and lightheaded.
A moment of confusion washed over him as he thought he saw something that wasn't there. Casting a knowing yet curious glance towards Loomi, he sent a sentiment of reassurance through their bonded link. "Want to join us?" Braze asked gently.

The Vonnuvi
Tags: Braze Braze , Casaline Ryiah


"Want to join us?"

Braze's voice reached her ears again. He seemed to pick up on the bizarre experience she was having. Loomi gave a sigh, picking herself up to her feet. The Godoan felt bad about abandoning her training for a bit, since she had made very little progress as far as she was concerned... But Loomi really did like meeting people.

So she made her way over, giving a meek wave to Braze and the newcommers, a master and apprentice from the looks of it.




TAGS: Casaline Ryiah Loomi Loomi


"Well, I'm working on Form IV, Ataru. It's a pretty hard form to learn, I gotta say. Are you new here? I'm new to this place too. I'm used to Coruscant. I can't say I'm a fan of floating in space on a station—it just feels so odd to me," Braze said, glancing over at Loomi. "You're doing drills, right, Loomi Zoomy?" he added with a friendly tone.​

Tags: Braze Braze , Casaline Ryiah


"You're doing drills, right, Loomi Zoomy?"

"Y-yeah," Loomi nodded. "Soresu. It's... going okay."

Well, maybe not entirely okay, but that seemed less important. Her attention shifted to the emotions that swirled around the other padawan, a soft frown coming to her face. It was pretty obvious that the girl didn't want to be here. She couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. Perhaps she could help in some way?

"I was just going to take a break in the gardens," she noted. "Perhaps you would want to come with?"

She exchanged a glance between Braze and Casaline.


"That's alright, everyone starts somewhere. No one is born amazing at anything; it takes hard work to become great. Take Vernestra Rwoh, for example," Braze began, holding up a hand with a 'V' between two fingers to emphasize his point. "She's a legend from the High Republic era, known for becoming a Jedi Knight at just fifteen. Beyond her early promotion, she faced two major crises!"

"The Nihil Crisis and the Drengir Invasion,"
he continued. "The Nihil were ruthless marauders using secret hyperspace routes to wreak havoc, while the Drengir were predatory sentient plants. Despite her youth, Vernestra managed these threats with a level of wisdom that earned the respect of many seasoned Jedi. She trained rigorously, and uniquely, she chose to follow the Force as a Wayseeker, guided by her personal convictions rather than just following the Jedi Council's directives."

"That's why I train as much as I can. I aspire to reach her standards, to make that kind of difference. Inspired by her example, I'm learning to listen to the Force and carve my own path."
Braze finished with a smile and then turned to Loomi, "A breath of fresh air might be nice. Shall we step out to the gardens for a bit for a change of scenery?"

Tags: Braze Braze , Casaline Ryiah


"She's a legend from the High Republic era, known for becoming a Jedi Knight at just fifteen. Beyond her early promotion, she faced two major crises!"

"That seems a little early," Loomi remarked. "Did... she have any time to herself?"

A Jedi knight at 15? Loomi most certainly couldn't handle that kind of pressure. She had already missed her entire childhood up until now, being knighted now would be like losing the entire thing a second time. The Godoan wasn't ready for that kind of responsibility. But that was the sort of skill that Braze wanted to meet himself...

So maybe there was something here she just didn't understand.

"Th-there's time to find your place," she insisted, trying to change the subject. "N-no need to commit to something so quickly. You just got here... Uh, the gardens. Yeah. I-I can lead the way."

She didn't want to make the new girl feel hopeless right out the gate. Braze wasn't always the best at picking up on finer details, or at least adressing them in a way that worked for somebody else. People were complicated.


"Not really, no. Most of the Masters don't want the young Padawans involved in war. It's not like most Jedi crave or seek war. Most Jedi participate in war typically to protect and defend those who cannot defend themselves or are facing religious persecution," Braze offered simply.

"I very much want to fight in the war myself. I hold my Echani heritage in high regard, and fighting means so much more to me overall. I want to defend my home, friends, and family, and I want to stand against injustice and oppression. I am very passionate about freedom, and it upsets me to see those in positions of power abuse that power to oppress others to their bidding and will," Braze explained rather fervently.

"Echani become young warriors at the age of 14. They take on more responsibilities and have an opportunity to display their prowess with an older family member. It's literally within my blood and my heritage to be a warrior. I want to honor that legacy of my people because that's what I feel like I belong to. Not because anyone is forcing me to, it's because it's what I want to do

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