Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How Chaos Writers Check for RP Responses

Okay, so this came up from watching this hilarious video below. It details what girls end up thinking behind the scenes before they decide to text back.​

It cracked me up so much, that it got me wondering how Chaos Writers check for RP responses for posts. It might make me sound like a cray person, but I cannot be the only one thinking or doing these things.

So, I'm posting my insanity below, because I am a nerd and this train of thought just cracked me up.

Without further ado, this is me when waiting for replies.

[12:37:20 PM] Illieminati: This is me throughout the day
[12:37:27 PM] Illieminati: Illie refreshes chaos
[12:37:38 PM] Illieminati: Illie sees character online OMG YAY
[12:37:57 PM] Illieminati: Illie scrolls over to "Character's name"... OMG YAY THEY ARE SEEING OUR THREAD
[12:38:01 PM] Illieminati: MEANS POST SOON
[12:38:03 PM] Illieminati: .. three hours later
[12:38:04 PM] Illieminati: ....
[12:38:06 PM] Illieminati: -____-
[12:38:08 PM] Illieminati: where is my post?
[12:38:15 PM] Chris Sempai: XD
[12:38:18 PM] Illieminati: did they just look at it and was just like.. watching it
[12:38:21 PM] Illieminati: did they get distracted?
[12:38:28 PM] Illieminati: OMG THEY JUST DON'T WANT TO RP WITH ME
[12:38:31 PM] Illieminati: ... okay illie that's dumb
[12:38:36 PM] Illieminati: refreshes chaos
[12:38:38 PM] Illieminati: ... ugh
[12:38:41 PM] Illieminati: they are offline
[12:38:49 PM] Illieminati: OMG YAY THEY ARE ONLINE
[12:38:53 PM] Illieminati: hahaha
[12:38:56 PM] Illieminati: ahhh i'm such a nerd
Thats hilarious! I'm pretty sure most people do one or some of those things lol. I know i've been guilty of refreshing chaos, and checking to see if someones seen the thread were RPing in when they're online. [member="Cira"]
This is also followed by:

[2:41:40 PM] Illieminati: But yeah i mouse over people going
[2:41:46 PM] Illieminati: hmmmmm are they looking at our thread?
[2:41:53 PM] Illieminati: ugh taking forever
[2:41:56 PM] Illieminati: WHAT ARE THEY DOING?
[2:42:04 PM] Illieminati: ... oh.. they are posting to this char... grrrrr
[2:42:13 PM] Illieminati: plays jeopardy music
[2:42:22 PM] Illieminati: Should i poke? Should i not poke?
[2:42:27 PM] Illieminati: Maybe that's making me seem too desperate
[2:42:39 PM] Illieminati: Okay i should do a... silly type of comment to show that i want posts?
[2:42:45 PM] Illieminati: or should i just nag?
[2:42:49 PM] Illieminati: oh but i don't want to nag....
[2:42:52 PM] Illieminati: fuck it
[2:42:54 PM] Illieminati: POST TO ME
[2:42:59 PM] Illieminati: shakes

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
And how do you explain that uncomfortable moment when you accidentally click on their name instead of hovering over it - and realise you've just gone to their profile page - and have just confirmed to them that you were stalking.

Not that I do this of course. But a friend, yes, a friend told me they do this. From time to time.



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