by Shiraya's grace

Spring was in the air. The Shore was humming with life. Classes were done for the day and the children were outside playing in the hills. It was good to hear them laugh again. Running the Shore as an orphanage turned academy had provided Brandyn with a realistic glimpse into the lives of those less fortunate. He was even starting to reevaluate his own childhood in a more favourable light.
"Pera!" He called out across the windswept hill, "Remember that we do not go down to the lake again...right?"
"Yus, Mr. Sal-Soren," came the eager but slightly mournful reply. She had been reprimanded twice already. Brandyn wasn't sure what to do if there was a third incident.
He shook his head, a smile showing that he was not as upset as his tone had signified. Mr. Sal-Soren sounded so wrong for him. He wasn't that old, surely?
Looking up towards the only mar on the landscape, the landing zone, Brandyn smiled and waved his dirty hands toward a familiar face. He had asked Lorn here with the intention of having a serious conversation, but the surroundings made him feel lighter than the conversation's tone demanded.
Brandyn stood, brushing his hands together, and took a moment to admire his work on the vegetable patch. It was sufficiently weeded. There was some sort of life lesson there, he pondered. "No more life lessons today," he muttered to himself.
He gave his attention again to Lorn, who was still a ways off, and gave another little wave. There was a small basin of water at the gate to the garden, one with a slow tickle of water going into it. Brandyn dipped his hands into the tiny pool, and rubbed the dirt off his hands. He made a mental note to give the basin a clean out at some point soon. He would probably forget.
He was part way to the gate when he was almost trampled by a swarm of students. "Hey! Watch where you are going!" He said, and the offered various forms of jumbled apologies as they ran off over the grassy field to play catch.
Life was good. And his smile less forced than it had been in years. "HEY LORN! Welcome to The Shore!" He said, calling out. With a sweeping motion, he gestured to the humble though expansive homestead and orphanage. The buildings and gardens stood out from the rolling hills and grassy plains of this region. It was a humble abode. It was home.