Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How far must the apple go? (PM to join)

[member="Noah Corek"]

[Aboard Soldier's Fortune]
[Orbiting Fondor]

"Fondor Traffic Control, this is Soldier's Fortune. I am requesting permission to land at Fondor Intergalactc Spaceport." Kado spoke into the mic attached to his pilots headset. He had been following clues for over a year now, trying to hunt down his Father. The records at the hospital compound, lovingly named Asteroid 8713, had been expunged prior to him learning to read. The Republic Military section in charge of it hadn't wanted any curious Senators asking about it, so it was classified as a training center. He had known, from things the scientists, trainers and his Mother had said, that his Father had been a Republic Special Forces Soldier. A quick query through several databases had turned up a few possibilities. Then he had looked at the files, heavily redacted though they were, and saw the resemblance between himself and a soldier named Noah Corek. It had taken some more searching before he found a Noah Corek working for the Omega Protectorate. Several weeks of flight time and he was close.

"Soldier's Fortune, what is the purpose of your visit?" The traffic control tech asked. There was a slight, yet distinctive timbre in her voice.

"I am looking for a new, put down employment." Kado knew what was coming next. He rec;ined his seat and waited for it to come.

"And, what type of ship is th...are you flying? So we know where to have you land." The distinctive timbre resolved itself into barely constrained laughter.

"Your instruments read correctly I am flying a BT-7 Thunderclap. I am shifting weapons systems into stand by." He replied with a dry voice. He had received this welcome at nearly every spaceport he had landed at.

"Alright Fortune, come in on Vector 113 to pad Charlie-74." she said, sounding mildly chagrined.

"Ten-Four. Thank you." Kado sat up and typed into the nav board. His sublight engines kicked in and he brought his ship down with practiced competence.

Roughly an hour after he touched down, the post flight checks and engine shutdown completed along with setting up refueling and paying for several days of rent for the berth, Kado stepped out of his ship and closed her up. As he wasn't going into combat he wasn't wearing his normal armor, he wore a kevlar/wampa wool blend fabric shirt with light plating along the abdomen and over his kidneys beneath a leather jacket. He wore pants that were slightly more armored and tucked into his combat boots. He carried a single heavy blaster pistol attached to his right leg and a combat knife attached to his left leg. Finishing his look were a pair of sunglasses.

Kado stepped from the spaceport into Fondor City proper and looked around. He had programmed in the OP military command post for the city into his commlink, so he followed the thread displayed on the interior of his sunglasses until he got to the designated building. He walked up to the information kiosk and removed his sunglasses. He pulled a picture from his jackets interior pocket and he showed it to the woman when it became his turn to speak to someone.

"This might be a really strange request, but could you let Noah Corek know that someone is here to see him?" he asked as he showed a picture that looked a great deal like he himself did. "I am fairly certain the news I have is news he'll want. I believe he is an officer in the Omega Protectorate military..."

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Kado Malcom-Waight"]

Fondor, Prex Towers
Office of Colonel of the Pyre Noah Corek

Paperwork, one of the thrills of being a officer. Even being a officer in the Omega Pyre, the most well-known private military corporation in the galaxy Noah still had to file and fill out paperwork, requistion forms, promotion requests, requests for more troops and contracts from people in the galaxy. It was a bit of a blessing when he heard a beep on the desk notifying him that someone needed to speak with him.

"Yes?" Noah asked as he pressed the transmit button on his desks intercom. "Colonel a report just came in from a info kiosk near the city's main spaceport. A young man is there asking for you. I'm transmitting a image to your datapad." Noah heard his assistant say in her usual timbre, a bit teasing and a bit flirting, not that Noah ever returned her flirting. "Alright, let me see it." Noah told her and took his finger of the transmit button and picked up his datapad to look at the picture.

Looking at the picture Noah's jaw dropped as he saw the picture of the kid and saw he was a spitting image of Noah. "Janice tell the person manning the kiosk to tell the kid to come here and to my office." Noah said as he leaned back in his chair and looked towards the ceiling. This was going to be a interesting day.
Fondor, Prex Towers

Kado stepped back and assumed the position of at ease in order to wait comfortably. The receptionist went back to accessing her computer, though he was fairly certain that no work was getting done. The woman was looking quite earnestly at her screen, but only hit one button every few minutes as if reading something on the screen or shopping for shoes. Kado looked around, there were people in both business suits and uniforms walking around the lobby, some took a mild interest in the lightly armored and armed form in their midst. The look Kado had going had a definite unaligned mercenary feel to it.

After a few moments the receptionist pressed a finger to her ear, as if listening to an ear bud for instructions, then looked directly at him and motioned him forward with a her index finger. Kado brought his arms from behind his back and tapped his thumbs to the outer seams of his pants, tapped the heels of his boots together, then stepped forward to the desk.

"You may head on up. Go to the elevators there and take them to the top. Office of Noah Corek." She said as she indicated a bank of elevators. She then promptly went back to what she had been doing.

Kado smiled and nodded his thanks before walking over to the bank of elevators and stepping in. He hit the button for the top floor, then waited as it ascended. His palms began to sweat, his mind was whirling as he tried to go over what he would say. He didn't even know if the man knew he was Kado's father. Kado shook his head and tried to focus on the floor numbers as the elevator ascended. If the choices were to many to think through, then go withyour gut.

He stepped from the elevator to a foyer with a receptionist. He stepped up to her desk and waited for her to acknowledge him, then spoke.

"Kado Malcom-Waight here to see Noah Corek, please." He said as he felt his windpipe closing up and a pit form in his stomach. With an effort of will, he pushed those feelings aside. He forced his body to relax, much in the same way he would in combat, though he refrained from even twitching towards his weapons. He wore them because a soldier should never be unarmed, but he knew that doing so would likely mean that building security would be watching him very closely.

[member="Noah Corek"]

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