If you want to make it not count towards the rating system that is fine. But you can not say faster counts but slower or none does not. If we have to take a hit for a faster rating then we should get a plus for a slower or none. In the grand scheme of things no it does not matter if all you do is Invasions because very few people do Invasion Fleeting correctly. They try to treat it like a Dual and it is not even close. You have dozens of fighters to keep up with. Your escorting ships to manage. Your command ship to spotlight. Your commanders, communications officers, Tactical officers, Engineering officers, Security officers, Wing Commander, Flight leaders, Boarding parties to deal with, various weapons to use and to counter, armor, shielding, reactors engines thrusters, strengths, weaknesses, and yes hyperdrives also. If you approach fleeting as a dual then no Hyperdrives do not matter. But if you approach fleeting as a dual then you are doing it wrong in the first place. It is about characters more than weapons or ships or maneuvers. You have at least a dozen characters you have to keep up with and manage. It is like role-playing an entire squad on the ground. My point is a fleet battle has a lot of moving parts and one of them is the hyperdrive, how it works, how to stop it from working, how to stop the stopping of it working, how to stop the stopping of the stopping of the stopping, so on so forth. so from a limited view of fleeting and starships in general no it does not matter but if your doing it right is very much matters.