Oh you pretty thing
Kashyyyk, now this was a fun place. A bit different than where she typically hung out, but the world had so much to offer! Really big trees, Wookiees, the Republic, yeah, every world had its weak point. But that didn’t matter. She had her on-again-off-again friend Paige with her. The pair were taking a trip to do some catching up, or it was just meeting on the world, regardless there was a message from Paige in her inbox and she made her trip out here. With her new position as Bright Star CEO, she even purchased a new vessel, her shiny new Innesco-Class shuttle.
The vessel landed and the blonde made her way to where they were supposed to be meeting. There was a small resort town that brought a lot of human tourists. She was hoping there would be a bit of swimming going on. Token really wanted a bit of time to just get in the water. It hadn’t been since her trip to Dathomir that she was doing much in the water.
And there she was! The other blonde that Token knew from so many travels ago. She ran up to [member="Paige Argous"] and gave her a hug. “How have you been?? Its been a while!” Token was really big on reunions.
The vessel landed and the blonde made her way to where they were supposed to be meeting. There was a small resort town that brought a lot of human tourists. She was hoping there would be a bit of swimming going on. Token really wanted a bit of time to just get in the water. It hadn’t been since her trip to Dathomir that she was doing much in the water.
And there she was! The other blonde that Token knew from so many travels ago. She ran up to [member="Paige Argous"] and gave her a hug. “How have you been?? Its been a while!” Token was really big on reunions.