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How Many of You Would Read/Watch This?

I'm in the middle of writing a sci-fi thriller book series which I'd love to become a movie series (though I doubt with my resources that that would happen)
and I wanted to know how interested the sci-fi community would be in reading it if I was to manage to publish it. So here's the rundown.

When a teenage boy goes missing in Northeast Texas and turns up dead with mysterious slash wounds, introverted 15 year old, Anthony, and his small band of friends set put to uncover the truth behind his death. But, they soon discover that they are now involved in matters far more complicated than humanity was meant to discover. The stage is set for a struggle for the ages to begin. A struggle against time itself.
7eee9ed506a1594b81fb6146752df4b5.jpg And located here is a theme very similar to what I'd like it to be.

(Just to let you know, you can assume it takes place in modern times, as in 2014.)
So let me know what everyone thinks and whether you'd be interested in reading this if it came out. Thanks for being a great community in general to be with! :)
[member="Mark Sage"]

I tend to like my protagonists a bit on the older side, but if the kids were written realistically enough I wouldn't mind.

That being said, it sounds like something I'd read.
[member="Cryax Bane"]
Yea, its obviously easier to write from a teen perspective(umm.... yea... reasons...), and the other main reason is that a lot of sci fi books and movies are written from an adult perspective, so I thought I'd mix it up a bit. It does take place over a few years though, so they do age a bit.
Glad to see that people are interested.
I like cosmic horror stories. Though, the short description of this story seems very cookie-cutter.

EDIT: Though I should say this, a lot of novels that become popular movie series are very formulaic. Coming of age, appealing to teenage audiences, escapism, etc. So following the formula is not inherently a bad idea. It helps a lot since most American schools have book-faires for elementary school (or did when I was growing up), so that's guaranteed exposure to a young crowd if your novel appeals to them.
I'd lean towards yes, though this seems like something that should be really engaging. And hopefully the payoff would be nice, 'cause some stories with this sort of set-up could disappoint.
[member="Sabena Shai"]
The short, 'cookie cutter' description is the non spoiler edition. If you'd like the semi-spoiler edition I can give that too. I just didn't want to give too much away unless people want a little more. Though I do agree that without giving any spoilers whatsoever, it is very much 'cookie cutter'. I guess that's how most stories are when you strip then to their bare bones.
Mark Sage said:
[member="Sabena Shai"]
The short, 'cookie cutter' description is the non spoiler edition. If you'd like the semi-spoiler edition I can give that too. I just didn't want to give too much away unless people want a little more. Though I do agree that without giving any spoilers whatsoever, it is very much 'cookie cutter'.
The thing about the cookie-cutter description is that it doesn't set it apart from similar novels - therefore people can only distinguish it from the author. I'm assuming you're a relatively unknown author - or else you wouldn't be asking this site for feedback - so lines like "The stage is set for a struggle for the ages to begin. A struggle against time itself" don't do the justice of making the novel appealing.

A Google search has a lot of resources on how to make the back cover copy more appealing.
Oh is that what that's called? I never knew the back cover was called a blurb before. Thanks for that. I never really knew what to search for. Let me know if you want the semi spoiler, but not really, description.
[member="Sabena Shai"]

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