Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply How Many Shocks

"Welcome back to another round of HOW MANY SHOCKS, the only game show dedicated to testing just how much Force Lightning the poor and desperate can take! With increasing credit rewards at every level and desperately sick family members with expensive treatments to care for, these impoverished souls must decide: HOW MANY SHOCKS?!"

If there was such a thing as too much enthusiasm at the prospect of inflicting pain (even for a Sith), Cerritus was across that line in the moment. His feline eyes practically gleamed as he took his spot across from the contestant.

How long would this one last before it called it quits and ended his fun? How much could the little morsel take before greed and/or despair could no longer push a tormented body forward? Such delicious suspense.

"So, contestant, tell us a little about yourself, before we get started."

P.S. The intro's from Doc Painless Doc Painless who is, and I quote, 'both proud and ashamed'.
P.S.S. If you want to post as audience/person waiting their turn after we've got a contestant, feel free.​
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There he sat in the chair, hands and legs strapped down, the Sith’s sickly yellow eyes staring back at him. He let out a heavy sigh. He still couldn’t believe he got himself roped into this.

A Few Days Prior

The Knight was minding his own business in the library in the New Jedi Temple when a Padawan ushered him over to a Holoscreen. For some reason, and he didn’t really want to know why, a group of Padawans were watching HOW MANY SHOCKS. And they were enjoying it.

He knew first hand the power of force lightning, and most importantly that it shouldn’t really be messed with. Sure, he had used it quite a few times on his own, but that was any reason that these Padawans should be.

“Turn that off. You shouldn’t be watching that.”

“Ahh come on, there is no harm in us watching it!”

“Just imagine if you were in that chair. You wouldn’t want to take in all of the force lightning.”

A Rodian Padawan stood up to face the Knight.

“Oh really? I bet you couldn’t even take all of that lightning. You’re no fun anyways, and that why you are here reading books in the library!”

Instead of lashing out against the Padawan, the man began to think to himself. Those shocks of lightning couldn’t hurt that bad, couldn’t they? He was tortured for years by it, so a few minutes would be nothing.

A few online signups and liability papers signed later, the Knight now found himself strapped down in this chair, questioning his decision.

Present Day

The man looked back up at the Sith. He could tell that this would bring him a lot of enjoyment.

“Well, first off my name is Dokk Oinlei, and I’m a 22 year old Mechanic from Corellia. I’m hoping to earn quite a few credits here today as well.”

Who knows if the audience would buy his fake story. He was having trouble believing it himself. This was a mess.
"Mechanic, eh?" Cerritus' grin was broad, uncomfortably so, his teeth seeming closer to a big cat's than a man's.

"Let's see how this compares to a speeder battery, shall we?" Stretching his fingers dramatically, the Sith Lord made his way to the centre of the stage and spun to face his volunteer victim. "Smile for the people at home."

Without further ado, thin tendrils of lightning arced through the air to almost gently tickle 'Dokk's legs. There was nothing gentle about the sensations that accompanied it, however. The doses were low - it always started low, but then so did the prizes - but the malevolent will behind it knew how to pluck pain receptors as if they were strings on a guitar.

"A gentle start. Am I not merciful?" An arm waved towards a gaudy display above them, where a big fat zero climbed somewhat then stopped. It started low but grew quickly, but then so did the pain.

"So then, how many shocks?"


Man was that smile creepy.

The Knight wasn’t sure if it was real of for the theatrics, but either way it was unsettling. It didn’t help calm his mind that this man would be getting enjoyment out of his pain. But hey, in the end there will hopefully be more credits to his name.

Crackling through the air the blue Lightning dance across the room before coming into contact with the lower part of his body. The shock was…bearable. It wasn’t the greatest, but he would still live. Closing his eyes, he waited for it to end…

Around Ten Years Ago
…Opening his eyes the boy saw the dirt-covered ground. A small pool of blood began to collect beneath his mouth as old scars tried to close once again. Spitting into the pile the boy clenched his teeth, rising up to one knee.

“Oh, are you prepared to lose again so quickly? You cannot best me in combat Okkeus.”

Lifting his head the boy stared into the eyes of his Master Darth Tesir. Her red lightsaber waved nonchalantly towards the ground as if to tease her Padawan. Heaving himself off of his knee the boy’s own red lightsaber pointed outward towards the Twi’lek.

“That’s what you think.”

Extend out his right hand the boy launched his own array of lightning towards his Master, hoping to catch her off guard. Closing his eyes he focused on the blast, concentrating all of his energy into it…

…slowing opening his eyes the Knight watched as the lightning blast died down, the bolts retracting back into the man’s hand.

“Well that didn’t feel the greatest. Not as bad as a speeder battery though.”

Chuckling lightly the man looked towards the camera, obviously trying to earn some at-home points. He couldn’t believe he was actually getting into this.

“Oh yes, very merciful. But I’d like to think I got quite a few more shocks left in me.”

Felix Astermo Felix Astermo

Don’t mind me using this as a place to help flesh out Okkeus’s backstory
This one was tougher than most. Good. Cerritus found his kind the most entertaining by far.

There was a certain rustic charm to breaking the weak-willed utterly, but the resilient were a much more enduring treat. Even more so than normal during these shows, where he had to stop if they were unwilling to proceed. Luckily most were desperate enough to push themselves far beyond their comfort zone - if they weren't, why sign up at all?

"Fantastic, we do enjoy the feisty ones, don't we?" Turning towards the crowd, he seemed to relish their cheers.

Abruptly spinning back to his victim, fresh tendrils of lightning arced forth, these ones a shade brighter, as if in response to 'Dokk's claims. He would break eventually, they all did - but the longer he lasted, the more Cerritus would enjoy it.


This next round of lightning has a deeper shock to it, pulling more energy than before.

Electricity danced upward through his body, creeping along his skin. The blue sparks decorated him now as if he was being showered in it. He gritted his teeth in pain. It wasn’t going to kill him, but it was starting to get worse.

Closing his eyes, the Knight waited for the shocking to stop…

Around Thirteen Years Ago
…pulling back his hand in fear, the boy watched as light blue sparks fell from his fingertips.

“If you are ever going to use this power, than you must let go of your fear. Sith feed off of fear. Use it to power your blast.”

Looking back at his Master, the boy frowned in disappointment. How was he ever going to learn how to use the lightning like she does?

“But Master, I just don’t know how! There ain’t any electricity inside of me to use.”

A sly smile crept upon the Twi’lek’s face. There was an evil look in her eyes.

“I can help with that.”

Suddenly bright blue bolts of lightning shot out of her hands, striking the boy. Letting out a cry of pain, the boy closed his eyes, waiting for it to stop…

…the Knight’s teeth began to loosen as he ungritted his teeth. The lightning was dying down and the pain was going away. It was bearable, but he wasn’t sure for how much longer.

“I definitely felt the increase in that one. But I’m not ready to go home quite yet.”

Felix Astermo Felix Astermo
"Good." Smiling widely, Cerritus revealed a maw full of sharpened, almost shark-like teeth. "It would be a shame to stop so soon, especially since I have barely gotten started." This one was resilient. How enjoyable.

Deciding to opt for a bit of variety, the Sith Lord's next and stronger volley was directed solely towards the competitor's legs, the coruscating bolts dancing up and down their lengths until they largely converged on the kneecaps. There were oh so many pain receptors in that area - it was one of his favourite body parts to torment, which was saying something.

If it had not been apparent already, it would not be - his 'lightning' did not behave as electricity would, instead seeming to seek out and activate pain receptors with malicious glee - which was not to say that they did not also singe him a bit.


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