Aboard the station of the Jackals the holoroom has been closed off to all those who are not of the higher ranks, the reason being unknown to most of them. ADAM prepares himself in his room, running over data and files he has kept stored for some time now, the station floats harmlessly through space as these individuals begin to conduct their business.
ADAM worked his way through the stations networking systems until he came across the Holoroom, his captain waiting for him. He worked diligently and began instantly setting up the transmission setting up a double encoded system. He then put the transmission through several different servers, you could never be too careful. Finally the holocom began to ring, and finally the transmission was being sent through to Grayson Industries.ADAM shot himself through the 3D image projector and hovered next to his Captain. The large hexagonal creature that was what he portrayed himself as hovered in the air. It's coloring orange with data streaming out of it and into the air, a burning orange core in the center that seemed to hold the data together.
[member="Lanax Grayson"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]