Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How much Science to mix?


Disney's Princess
Science vs Fiction.

Q: How much real world science can I mix into my Factory submissions?

Let's say I think turbolasers are a waste of modern science. Using new breakthroughs and understandings found in modern technology I can quite possibly design something that would be far superior. Thus my musing? At what point is custom tech allowed to be leveraged against canon tech, and win.


The bottom line is has to adhere at least some form of believable logic, and above all else, this is a game; mass-driven intercontinental nuclear warheads are completely possible in a real life setting - that doesn't mean you'll see nuke drivers on a capital ship. Just be fair. :p


Disney's Princess
I seek no opinion but law.

Thanks guys but I think I'm looking for a Factory Judges insight. There is no opinion without power. :D

Actually. That spoken. I'll walk away from this thread and just PM one instead.
Actually, [member="Sam Jhovna"], you're in the right place and this "Factory Discussion" forum was made for questions or discussions. Factory Judges (or at least the heads of the Factory) check this board often and thus, you may get answer here easily. There's no need to leave the thread. ;)
It's a tricky question. A large problem with Star Wars tech stems from the fact that when Star Wars was first made in the 80's, a lot of things that we now fully understand weren't even well-known theories back then. Our under standing of the world has come a long, long way in the 30+ years since A New Hope. This presents a number of consequences when attempting to look at things through a science lens.

Personally, I run with the belief of "Science until the plot/drama demands otherwise." This basically means that science has to take a backseat for the dramatic and for story purposes.
[member="Sam Jhovna"]
Describe the plan for this technology. Technology created on a whim or for purposes to undermine the integrity of Star Wars will not be approved. This includes, but is not limited to, countering designs of another faction without any IC justification, making an unstoppable ship, or exploit a perceived loophole.
It's like Ayden said, it's until it interferes with story and people's fun, but until then the above still has to be observed in regards to tech. Only reason I'm not tooling around in a ship with shield by-passing lasers and near-invulnerability. =(

Short answer: Depends on the tech.

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