Rishii was regretable. But not out of line by the standards of his culture. Time and again they were abused by the Galaxy at large. They were used as a shield for others to flourish or shelter behind, then discarded when their use was done. Yet every time they struck back for their abuse, they were reviled and painted as villains. It was a cycle that initially perplexed Darius when
Runi Kuryida
had begun to school him in the ways of his fathers. But, as time went one, he learned better. It was one thing to fight the boogeyman. But when the fight was over, you didn't offer said spirit cookies and milk. You banished it, for the good of your own safety. Galactic society viewed the Mando'ade as rabid dogs because they held much of morality and ethics to be subjective, not absolute. Even the Jedi clung to such standards, and the Sith more so. than they. Mando'ade differed.
But here he was, doing the part of his clan and tracking down less favorable elements of the 'civilian' populace. Councilours and political or business types use those in their employ to exaggerate the happenings (not that they needed it in some cases) or in one case in particular, trying to acquire weapons to stage an attack on the mines and deprive everyone of the valuable resources needed and agreed to in trade. When he had learned of such, he had spring to action. Very few of his folk would believe it a terrorist plot or accident of less savory origins. And they wouldn't be wrong to doubt such.
So his solution was to track down the operative, a mid-level politician, and terminate the threat personally. Evidence to confirm the threat and prove his mission as above board had been sent to
Vren Rook
and even
Kranak Vizsla
. Now he stepped from the shadows as the nervous man suddenly yelped as if stung by something and locked eyes on the form of Darius in his father's armor, frantically waving papers and declaring himself a diplomat from Rishii in a loud voice. As he had claimed Mereel's spot as
alor the smiths of his House were working to make him his own armor, but wearing his father's own helped keep the old man with Darius. As he spoke, the anunciator tinned his voice slightly, making it cold and machine-like almost.
<<Halt and drop your weapons. You are sentenced to death for sedition, treason, espionage and other crimes. Surrender will earn you a quick passing>>
In reply, the panicked man went to pull something from his robes, a subtle action he had obviously practiced. Darius had no time for admiration, only to twitch and blink a command. Darts from the raised arm and hand he had put out as he called to the man to halt flew from the wrist launcher, impacting swiftly. Coated in a deadly neurotoxin Darius himself had developed in his labs, it cause instantaneously blinding pain and a horrific death in seconds. Not before the man gurgled out a scream that the Mandalorian cursed. It should have been enough to stop a vocal response. He would need to adjust the dosages on Gardius. Quickly he looked about, seeing if anyone had caught the cry.
Valery Noble