| [member="Hakora Shin"] | [member="Veino Garn "]|
Ella listened intently and became silent after Hakora finished speaking. She took to look at Veino for a moment, a questionable frown itched on her features, before she averted her gaze back to the path ahead. She would lead the two men to a forest clearing and come to a stop. Leaning herself up against the bark of a tree, she folding both her hands over each other upon her lap before lifting her grey eyes to meet Hakora.
"You have a lot to say. Your intentions to join the Sith and destroy from from the inside out isn't what I nor the Order of Grey espouses. I don't pretend to know what Alexandra planned for this group, but I know when I joined, it was my intention to show the members an ancient belief in the Balance. It was something that the first Force-users in this galaxy believed and followed before the Jedi Order was created. They called these people the Je'daii."
"It's been almost five years since Tyree Mahk found me on Tython and taught me the ways of the Force, in which the Jedi Order never could. I grew up among the Jedi as a child as one of their Initiates, but I never made the cut for apprenticeship. The Jedi Order released me, only for one of their own, or rather a former member, found me. That was Tyree and so, he taught me about the Balance, an ancient belief in which one allowed followed the Grey path, neither falling to the Dark nor joining the Light. You're in perfect neutrality to yourself and your environment. No conflict, no chaos. Just knowledge and power."
"It is my belief in the Balance that stops me falling to the Dark side of the Force. When I left the Jedi Order as a teenager, I had a lot of anger for them. I took that anger into me and I spent a year mastering the Lightsaber technique known as Vaapad, which was created by Jedi Master Mace Windu, decades before the event known as the Four Hundred Year Darkness. Vaapad taught me how to harness my rage into the Lightsabter. But a true master of Vaapad does not allow themselves to give into the deepest recesses of emotion such as rage, hatred or pain. It was only when Tyree showed me the Balance that I truly mastered Vaapad."
"And so, before you even touch a Lightsaber in front of me, we'll first bring you to Balance. Here, you will perceive why is it is wrong for your intentions about the Sith and galaxy at large. Here, you will learn to let go of your past and look forward to the future. Remember these words carefully. There is Light in Darkness; and Darkness in Light. Acceptance of this will be your first step to Balance."