Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How to build a lightsaber (Order of the Grey)

Hakora stood in his little house in the Grey colony. He had just woken up so his first order of business was to wash his face. After doing so, he stood in front of the mirror looking at himself, wondering where he came from. He knew he had a sister, even though he remembered nothing about actually having one, just Alexandra said she was his sister. He apparently was a good fighter and could somewhat use the force. He shrugged, today wasn't the time for that.

Today, Hakora made his own lightsaber. He had been using a practice saber for a year now and they were going to let him make one. He grabbed his things and headed outside to look for [member="Ella Nova"]. He was hoping she would one day be his master as she knew Vaapad and he wanted to get better at it. He walked along the grounds looking all over for her.
[member="Hakora Shin"]

Veino looked up from meditating through the gentle rain as Hakora walked near. Pushing his hair out of his face, he stood and shook the droplets from his shirt.

"Hello, Hakora. You seem quite determined today. Any special plans?" He gave a small smile. Today was lightsaber day. He remembered when he had first built his lightsaber. There was so much possibility and adventure in the galaxy then. The lightsaber epitomized all of that. Turns out it wasn't quite what he had thought it would be. A lightsaber was still best at destruction and killing, regardless of who carried it.
Hakora looked up at the person speaking to him. It was a fellow member named Veino, but he barely knew him. He kept a pretty straight face, not happy, not sad, just neutral. "I wouldn't say determined, but ok. I make my lightsaber today. I plan to make a double-bladed lightsaber that can unhook into two lightsabers since I use Vaapad. i have no idea what colour to chose. Silver sounds nice, but red would benefit me if I end up joining the Sith to bring them down from the inside. Have you ever thought how easy it would be to bring down the Sith and not get caught? They literally have a rule that the strong kill the weak so I can just keep serving people and eliminating them saying an excuse that they were weak. Such a flawed group." Hakora sighed as he hadn't expected to talk so much. "Maybe once I get my blade we can spar."
@Veino Garn
[member="Hakora Shin"]

Veino raised an eyebrow and nodded slowly, listening, "Ah, yes. Color is a hard decision to make, I know. I thought about it for weeks." The part about joining the Sith as a sleeper agent was different though. "I would not recommend joining the Sith to destroy them from the inside though. They'll be able to tell you aren't one of them." He nodded again, wipingnsomemmore rainwater from his face. "Yes, we could definitely spar."
I thought about that, as a Vaapad user I already walk along the line to the dark side and my fighting style screams sith. I have this idea that involves a lot of research and development. If I can find ancient sith artifacts that literally real of the dark side and certain metals then refine all of them down into armor that even covers my face I can pass as sith. The armor I am thinking of will not only make me seem like I am pulsing dark side energy, it will also absorb and store dark side energy that I will rip from the bodies of the sith I kill. So as I kill masters I will appear darker and with it growing in dark side then my dark side force powers will grow more powerful through the armor. All the while, my body won't fall to the dark side because the armor will protect it. I can also practice assassin precise kills so if I am forced to kill someone innocent I can stab them in a way that makes them fall and appeared dead, but the heart will start beating not long after the stab, but long enough to be convincing." He smirked at this idea, but had no idea if it was possible, but with all this talk of power and killing, he already basically sounded like a sith.

@veino garn
| [member="Hakora Shin"] | [member="Veino Garn "]|

Ella emerged from around the corner, approaching Hokara Shin and Veino Garn. Her hands were in her pockets as she walked; a trade mark stance that would become associated to her. She came to a stop nearby the two, currently maintaining her silence. Her thoughts were on Vaapad and the danger it presented. It was difficult for a Jedi to learn and control their emotions, so as to not fall to the dark side. For those whom skimmed through the middle of both sides of the Force, it would be even more difficult to stop the fall. She even had problems with that, herself.

Finally, she broke her silence to usher a few words. "Hakora Shin, Veino Garn. I only thought I would be with Hakora today. I didn't know you would be here, Veino."
Hakora turned very frantically and bowed. Ella wasn't much older then he was, but she was much more powerful and she happened to know Vaapad which was rare for Jedi or anyone for that matter. He wanted to learn Vaapad better since he was a natural, but he also knew the dangers. He of all people walked the fine line closer to the dark side than the light, but that was because he knew peace could not exist as long as the sith were around. He would never fall to the dark side because he wanted peace more than anything and would fight for that this Vaapad was his natural fighting stance. He smiled to Ella. "Sorry ma am, I was looking for you and bumbed into Veino.

[member="Ella Nova"]
@leino garn
| [member="Hakora Shin"] | [member="Veino Garn "]|

"It is quite alright," she replied, before turning her gaze to Veino. "You can join us, if you wish." Ella began to make her way down the footpath to a secluded area, of which they would begin their training. But between then and there, she wanted to get to know the boy first. "So, tell me more about yourself, Hakora Shin."
[member="Ella Nova"]. [member="Hakora Shin"]

Veino frowned slightly as Hakora explained his plan. He could see so many areas where something could go wrong. They were a small enough order already, and they had already lost one, if Krest had ever formally been a part. Risking another, especially one so young and full of potential would be a tragedy. But then, he had not been so different at that age. How easily life had shown him the weaknesses in his plans. Who knew what lay in the future? He certainly didn't.

"I'm just here for support, in case something goes catastrophically wrong," He gave a half smile, "Although I don't expect it to happen."
"Ya, in case a crystal breaks and I become blind for the rest of my life, living on hot pockets in Alexadra's basement.. Just come, it will be fun, old man." Hakora was young, he could be wise and very smart for his age, but he was young. He followed Ella walking beside her. He began to think about his lightsaber colour and still could not decide. He was a protector so why not blue? Though he was also ferocious so why not red, but he was becoming a grey member so why not silver? Choices filled his head until Ella broke his thoughts and washed them away like a gentle river with her soft voice. "Me? Well I dot remember my life before 8 years old. I was found in a wrecked house where my parents were killed, but my memory of anything before the day after is gone and I don't remember them. This exiled Jedi took me in and trained me in the ways of the force and fighting and told me I am a natural with Vaapad, which I hear is rare. After a few years, he took me to meet you guys and Alexandra told me I am her younger brother and we were separated. I still don't remember, but I trust her. I want the fighting to all stop and the Galaxy to be at peace. As long as everyone is searching for power and to try to raze the biggest army to control the galaxy then there will never be peace. I vowed in the name of peace to become whatever was needed to be to bring it so I set my sights on the greatest offenders of peace; sith. Once I am older and strong enough I plan to join the sith and use their flawed system of the stronger kill the weak an work my way to the top until I cut off the head of the sith and scatter them. Only thig is, history shows they always rise again, so I can't figure out if this is the way." Hakora took a deep breath. He had always been told he talks a lot, probably due to his youth.

[member="Ella Nova"]
@veino garn
Veino opened and shut his mouth in surprise. Old? Why, there couldn't be more than a four year difference between the two, Did he look old already? He glanced In a nearby puddle. Unfortunately, he was starting to look old now. He suspected that was what happened in jobs like his. Everyone ages quickly, or they fall.

He considered a moment, and stood, following along quietly, He was a spectator at the moment, or a witness, rather. This was a momentous occasion in Hakora's life. It was between him and Ella for the most part. He would neither interfere nor get between them, As he said, he was there in case something bad happened,
| [member="Hakora Shin"] | [member="Veino Garn "]|

Ella listened intently and became silent after Hakora finished speaking. She took to look at Veino for a moment, a questionable frown itched on her features, before she averted her gaze back to the path ahead. She would lead the two men to a forest clearing and come to a stop. Leaning herself up against the bark of a tree, she folding both her hands over each other upon her lap before lifting her grey eyes to meet Hakora.

"You have a lot to say. Your intentions to join the Sith and destroy from from the inside out isn't what I nor the Order of Grey espouses. I don't pretend to know what Alexandra planned for this group, but I know when I joined, it was my intention to show the members an ancient belief in the Balance. It was something that the first Force-users in this galaxy believed and followed before the Jedi Order was created. They called these people the Je'daii."

"It's been almost five years since Tyree Mahk found me on Tython and taught me the ways of the Force, in which the Jedi Order never could. I grew up among the Jedi as a child as one of their Initiates, but I never made the cut for apprenticeship. The Jedi Order released me, only for one of their own, or rather a former member, found me. That was Tyree and so, he taught me about the Balance, an ancient belief in which one allowed followed the Grey path, neither falling to the Dark nor joining the Light. You're in perfect neutrality to yourself and your environment. No conflict, no chaos. Just knowledge and power."

"It is my belief in the Balance that stops me falling to the Dark side of the Force. When I left the Jedi Order as a teenager, I had a lot of anger for them. I took that anger into me and I spent a year mastering the Lightsaber technique known as Vaapad, which was created by Jedi Master Mace Windu, decades before the event known as the Four Hundred Year Darkness. Vaapad taught me how to harness my rage into the Lightsabter. But a true master of Vaapad does not allow themselves to give into the deepest recesses of emotion such as rage, hatred or pain. It was only when Tyree showed me the Balance that I truly mastered Vaapad."

"And so, before you even touch a Lightsaber in front of me, we'll first bring you to Balance. Here, you will perceive why is it is wrong for your intentions about the Sith and galaxy at large. Here, you will learn to let go of your past and look forward to the future. Remember these words carefully. There is Light in Darkness; and Darkness in Light. Acceptance of this will be your first step to Balance."
Veino followed the two of them, and returned [member="Ella Nova"]'s frown with a short, concerned nod of his own before resuming his neutral expression. After reaching the clearing, he shifted away a few meters from the two of them and sat down against another tree. This was not his lesson to teach. He plucked at the grass, listening. So that was her story then. Or part of it anyways.

Balance. Balance was important. He knew that. The Jensaarai were not quite as focused on true balance the way she described, but it was essential for them. Using Sith techniques and Sith knowledge, even the language itself, required walking a fine line. Too far one way, and the techniques didn't work. Too far the other way and you were lost, consumed by the darkness, They had no records of these Je'daii though. He had never heard of them. But for now, he waits to see [member="Hakora Shin"]'s reaction to that.
Hakora walked quietly next to her. He picked up in the expressions that were, but ignore it. He listened contently to her story and her wisdom and once he was finished he say down in silent thought. A few moments passed before he talked, "You seek clarity and completion through balance and I seek it through a unifying peace. Balance is important ad your words are wise. It's just..." He trailed off, he was wise, but not like her, he was still young and had to think. " I have grown up around darkness and light all my life and both have fear. The light fears the darkness and live sheltered incomplete lives. The darkness wants to destroy the light an in their attempt for power they become slaves to their emotions. Out of both, peace can survive in the light, but not in the dark. If I want to see peace in the Galaxy, I can't be afraid to fight for it and the sith threaten that and only cause war. The Jedi can't stop them, because they fear to become what is needed to stop them; I am not afraid. I have hate, rage, anger, jealousy, envy and even immaturity. I also have love, compassion, mercy, understanding and maturity. This is Vaapad to me, fighting for what is right and using all of myself as a weapon and not fearing even the flaws in me. I stay neutral because I do not see the world as black and white, as dark and light. The world is much to vast for that. I will follow your leadership Master Nova, if you will me my master and teach me. Maybe as I learn and age I will learn the flaws in my teaching."

[member="Ella Nova"]
[member="Veino Garn "]
| [member="Hakora Shin"] | [member="Veino Garn "]|

Ella listened to Hakora again with a somber, calm expression. When he finished speaking, she began to speak. "As I said, there is light in darkness; and darkness in light. It is inevitable that even the brightest star in the galaxy will eventually burn itself out; and that new stars will form to fill up the void that was there previously. It is the understanding of this concept that Balance can be achieved. All of us are capable of actions that lead to the path of the dark side; and all of us are capable of actions that can lead us to the light. It is through achieving the Balance of these two opposing forces that understanding can be achieved. Through this understanding, inner peace can be achieved."

"Fighting for peace is malformed. It is against the concept of true peace. The Jedi fight to protect the peace that they have already gained; and the Sith oppose that peace to rule through tyranny and fear. The light and dark side is in a constant state of battle because of this. Thus, the Jedi and the Sith are out of Balance and so they continue the conflict that is known as the Star Wars. Do you want to end up in this way, Hakora? By continuing the process, you are only contributing to the vicious circle that has plagued this galaxy longer than the Gulag virus ever did. It is only through the concept of the Balance that peace can be ascertained, taught and put in place. Something that I intend to teach to all Force-sensitives that I encounter."

"But we have to remain in the now, Hakora Shin. Discussing, debating and thinking about what we will do in the future is only a form of misdirection that doesn't allow us to move forward. So, before I even begin to think about teaching you Vaapad, we have to come to an understanding of Balance. I sense the dark side surrounding you, but you've yet to fall. So allow me to help you return to Balance, before I can teach you the concept in it's entirety."
" When the old man took me under his arm and trained me I said one thing, "I will become whatever is needed to bring balance and order to the Galaxy. If my ways and ideas are wrong, then teach me what is right. If I am unbalanced then I trust you will fix that. All stars may die and become darkness, but lucky for me I won't live as long as a star." Hakora winked and laughed like the teenager he was. He enjoyed the peace of this place and realized the white sound he had been hearing this whole time; a waterfall. He smiled to Ella. "So when do we go swimming?"

[member="Ella Nova"]
@veino garn
Emily raced through the forest, a sword-sized stick in her hand. She'd been practicing for a while on the trees. Truth be told, it wasn't much competition, but it was a great workout for her arms. She whacked the branches above her in the canopy as she ran. She made it to the forest clearing. Finding a sapling her height with a bunch of branches, she prepared to face off with it. She stared solemnly at it. "I challenge you," She spoke to it. Raising her "weapon", she attacked. A loud thwacking echoed throughout the clearing as she made circles around the sapling. she pummeled it with swift jabs and slices as if she were using an actual lightsaber.
[member="Hakora Shin"]
[member="Ella Nova"]

Veino Garn

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