Corporation Name: (Straight forward. What's the corporation called?)
This is self-explanatory. The name of the corporation should be listed here, not any abbreviations or nicknames.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Headquarters:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] (Where is the corporation based? CEC is based out of Corellia, KDY is from Kuat.)[/SIZE]
This should be one single location here, as the headquarters is the center of the company's influence and operations.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Locations:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] (If your corporation is large enough, where else have they set up shop? You're not strictly limited to setting up shop in nearby systems, but you shouldn't be hopscotching around the galaxy either.)[/SIZE]
As a tier one, this should be either one or two planets, and as a tier two it should be either two or three planets. If there's only one operations and there's a decent amount of work put into the submission you can allow for that second or third (for tier 1 & 2 respectively), but if there's more than one operations it should remain roughly the same as the tier, although planets very close to one another may also offer some leeway. Any development of ten posts or above also allow for more locations, such as three for a tier one or four for a tier two.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Operations[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: (What does your corporation do? What do they make? This can be multiple things, such as vehicle manufacturing, shipbuilding.)[/SIZE]
This is what your company does. This should be in list format and as simplified as possible, within reason. If your company makes "Weapons" you should probably specify what kind - vehicular, starship, small arms? Being specific on something is okay, but having a statement (This company makes only the finest of starships and works hard to provide cleaner energy sources for these ships to the galaxy) is inappropriate here and should be reduced to a few words at best (Starships, Starship Reactors). A tier one company should only really have one operation, two if it has less locations or if it has a good amount of effort put into the submission (see: rationale and description) as long as the operation is very similar/related to the other. A tier two company should have two operations, or a third similar one, with similar stipulations on the rationale and description.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Rationale[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: (How did your character come to own and control the company? Did they make it? Hostile takeover? Clever political scheming?)[/SIZE]
This should be a brief explanation of why the company was created and how. This should be somewhere around a paragraph of detail, maybe just a bit less if it's a tier 1. If you read this and feel it is inadequate you are free to ask for more.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Tier[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: (How big is your corporation? [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Max:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] 2[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] This is done on a scale of 1-6, with 1 being a very small company, generally producing only a handful of goods at a time, with very little support or influence in the galaxy. Think mom and pop shop. 5 is a big, big name in the galaxy. Each Tier is exponentially larger than the last, so a Tier 3 Corporation could have one or two Tier 2 corporations as subsidies without a problem.)[/SIZE]
As the template states, the
absolute maximum tier that a company may start as, without being a subsidiary of a tier V+ company, is two. If they put a larger tier here, and it isn't a subsidiary of such a company, then they need to lower it to 2 or below. A company that is a subsidiary of a tier V+ company may start as a tier III, but no higher than that. Subsidiaries should follow the guidelines set in the company template & rules page.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Description[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: (At least a paragraph description of your corporation. The higher the tier of the corporation, the more we expect from the description. If we feel like the description isn't adequate for the requested tier, you may be asked to include more detail or lower the tier. Particularly for player-made corporations, this should detail some of the processes of how the company does business. Does it accept private manufacturing requests? Is it loyal to a particular government or faction? Are they a benevolent corporation, or do they grind planets into dust for money? It's the little details like this that we're looking for.[/SIZE]
This should be between a paragraph or two detailing what the company is, what it does, how it does it, why, and all of that goodness. If you feel it is lacking you are free to ask for more, companies with more operations, locations, & tiers need larger descriptions. The rationale can be re-iterated here, as well.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Subsidiaries[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: (At Tier 3, if you so choose, your corporation can start owning other companies. If your corporation owns a company or multiple companies, this is where to list them. Subsidiaries require their own company submissions. Development threads would need to be d[/SIZE]one to show the work of the corporation. This is not something that you should expect to change easily, and we will be looking closely. Every time you add a new subsidiary, you must place a company mod to update it on the parent corporation sub.)
This doesn't come up in submissions, as far as filling this out, but when you are dealing with the subsidiary of companies and go to check the parent company make sure you read the amount of subsidiaries placed here and check with the template & rules to ensure that, if dev is required, it is adequate.
Parent Corporation: ( If this corporation is a subsidiary of another company, please name and link that parent corporation here.)
If the company is a subsidiary this needs to be filled out with a hyperlink to the parent company. If that company has too many subsidiaries (consult the company rules & template page for info) development is required.