Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heya, I'm new here and looking to get into some good ol' Star Wars RP.

my character's name Darth Veder, he is my completely original OC so pls donut steel

Anyway, look forward to getting to meet and write with some of you. I've been writing/RPing since I was about 12 and I'd like to say I've gotten better now that I'm an adult but

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Wow...looks like you're the only one that I know which realized they became an adult.
Impressive. :)

*starts counting on her fingers her writer's age then suddenly stops-* Gasp! :eek: Noooo...

Ok, well I've been writing awhile too. :(
But listen here; I'll never...ever...give in my soul to adulthood. I'll never grow up and mature...EVER!!! :p

Welcome to Chaos, and enjoy writing here. :D

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
*Gasps again.* :eek:

No, no, don't tell me you have one or more of those tiny little rugrats that take up all of your time and the only way you can do you is when they are asleep?! :huh:

Hehe...they are more irresistible than puppies though... :D

Stephanie Swail

[member="HugeMistake"] Welcome to Chaos, and Happy New Year! Enjoy your time with us.

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