Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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1st Recon: "The last thing they'll never see"
Hello. I'll get around to making a character after I look around a bit more. Do you have to make another account for a character or can you use your writer's? Apologies for my ignorance in advance, I haven't looked over the rules yet.

Looking to make a sniper in the service of a freedom loving government. Preferably elected.

Thanks for having me.

Welcome to the site, Boone! You can have your writer account be a character, no problem. Should you wish to make additional character, just add a subaccount via the 'edit profile' button your profile page.

Also, I am sure the Levantine Sanctum would love to have a soldier fighting for freedom rather than oppression. :)


1st Recon: "The last thing they'll never see"
@[member="Isley Verd"] @[member="Disciple"]

Kinda want to hear both of your reasonings behind your statements.

I'd figure the Republic would be closest but from past experience with rp boards, taking things at face value isn't wise.

CIS have a Congress? Constitution, etc?
Republic is exactly what you'd expect from the movies. Senate. Supreme Chancellor. Jedi (not Ned Flanders.)

CIS is like from the movies, but a little different - more diverse armies, CIS Jedi (Templars), and a loose coalition of planets. Guy could fill you in more on those, but from what I've seen it's like the Feds from the Clone Wars; a bunch of planets, independent of each other but banded together because reasons.
The CIS has a Congress, known as the Viceroyalty, it also has a Constitution, known as the Articles of Confederation.

In a nutshell, the CIS is all about freedom, independence, and the liberty of its people. If you'd like, I can shoot you a PM with additional details. :)


1st Recon: "The last thing they'll never see"
@[member="Disciple"] @[member="Isley Verd"]

Thanks guys. Damn. Looks like I have an actual decision to make.

@Elize Steele @[member="R9-4U"] @[member="Ben Trasker"]

Thanks and hello. :)
Join the mandalorians and aid us in our expansion. @[member="Boone"]

Do we have a congress or senate? No but we do hang out at the Oyuu'baat a lot and come up with some important advice for Mand'alor

Do we fight for freedom or Oppression? A little bit of column A and a little bit of column B.

Do you have to be Mandalorian to be in our faction: No, We do have non mandalorian forces that need to be represented by writers.

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