Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Darth Janus"] Wut...who owns it.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"] you're an admin...again. Holy crap we are screwed :p

[member="Selka Ventus"] teach me this trick to come back as a woman after dying.
Darth Janus said:
[member="Jacen Cavill"]

They took your company.

I couldn't stop them.

Please forgive me.
He lies, kill the coward. [member="Jacen Cavill"]

He ran when they challenged him! :)

Jacen Cavill said:
[member="Darth Janus"] Wut...who owns it.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"] you're an admin...again. Holy crap we are screwed :p

[member="Selka Ventus"] teach me this trick to come back as a woman after dying.
The man who is an Admin now.

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