Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello there!

I am a little out of practice at SW RP and I have never visited Chaos before - it looks fab so I can't wait to dive in :)
I do have one question though about factions and I would be grateful if someone could help me out: do you have to join a faction straight away? Is there a benefit to being a faction member? Also, non-faction related, how would you recommend a newbie wannabe-Force User get started on here?
Like I said, I'm out of practice - and I'm really nervous!
Thank you in advance :)
Welcome to the site! No you dont have to chose a faction at first like I did. Sometimes its better to be on your own that way you dont have to fight in the majior war zones (that is if you dont want to) I would recomend to be a netural force user at first and after you play a few RP make it so your character changes to a faction that you want(Jedi/Sith) i did the same thing for my character because i didnt know if i wanted him a Sith or a Jedi, OR you could make your own faction (you need at least 5 people in the faction for you to be approved)

(if its too long of an explaniations just pm me. :D )
No reason to be nervous, the water's fine. Come on in! ;) You don't have to join one right away, but it does help you meet people faster.

PM me if you have any questions!
Welcome to Chaos. I'm Daxton the friendly Sith greeter.

They are correct that being in a faction is not a requirement to play. Think of it more as battle colors or political alignments. Hang around the boards, dive in a few threads and then make a decision.

The advantage of being in a faction, well at least for force users is access to teachers and a wealth of roleplaying options. Take for example, the Sith Empire. We're always up to something and you can usually find us active on the boards. Whether its politics, espionage, diplomacy, invading or just plain partying, the Sith are always on the prowl. (ok I know that was a blatant faction plug but I am a Sith Greeter after all).

Anyway feel free to hit me up with questions via pm or here. I will be glad to nudge you in the direction of your interest. Cheers.

Ava Solborne

Welcome! I would say, that you don't have to join anything at the moment, but I will say: "JOIN US! JOIN THE JEDI!" :D

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