I am Apollyon. And I bring war.

- Intent: To codify a deadly pistol for Apollyon and a potential reward for her defeat
- Image Source: Ivan Santic
- Canon Link: N\A
- Permissions: N\A
- Primary Source: Scatterblaster \\ Particle blaster \\ Sonic-Disruptor \\
- Manufacturer: Apollyon \\ WESTAR
- Affiliation: Apollyon
- Market Status: Closed-Market
- Model: DX-13
- Modularity: Can fire a variety of slugthrower ammunition and comes in several firing modes
- Production: Unique
- Material: Duraplast shell \\ Dallorian alloy barrel \\ blaster components \\ Reflec coating \\
- Classification: Blaster\Disruptor\Slugthrower hybrid pistol
- Size: Small
- Weight: Heavy
- Ammunition Type: (List the ammunition type: Power cell, gas canister, slugs, etc.)
- Ammunition Capacity: Average
- Effective Range: Average
- Rate of Fire: Average
- Damage Output: Extreme
- Heat
- Disruption
- Kinetic\Sonic
- Energy
- Recoil: Low
- Seamless HUD link w\ammo counter & crossheirs
- Disruptor mode
- Scatterblaster mode w\sticky multi-particle beams
- Reflec coating
- Capable of loading slug munitions
- Magnetic holster system
- Sonic disruption mode can rupture organs through armor and burn holes through organic matter. This is still a lower powered disruptor however, and will not fully disintegrate a humanoid sized or larger target.
- Scatterblaster with particle technology results in golden energized shots that explode on contact. Further destabilization of the particles has resulted in "sticky" shots that turns into a near-liquified substance which sticks to the target, causing lethal burns and heating armor. This is especially effective against lightsabers as the heated plasma will slide around the blade and burn the opponent.
- Chambered to utilize slug rounds and other physical munitions
- Reflec coating hides this weapon from traditional scanners
- Double barrel design allows two uses of disruptor or slug shot before requiring more munitions
- Disruption shots consume an entire power cell in one use, forcing the wielder to conserve munitions or utilize the double barreled design
- Double barreled design allows only two slug shots per load
- While the pistol itself is small, the wide design makes it difficult to hide on one's person even despite the reflec coating
- Despite the duraplast shell, repeated lightsaber strikes may begin to damage the weapon
A double barreled scatter-blaster & disruptor hybrid made from looted WESTAR parts, This pistol is a creation of Apollyon The Betrayer's designed to suit her needs during the hidden war with all Mando'ade.
It was designed for fighting in the closed spaces of a starship or the urban underworld of Coruscant, features some additions for fighting her armored rivals. While most foes would simply be done away with by scattering particle bolts, Mandalorians are given the additional honor of a sonic-disruptor from it's double barrels, ensuring kinetic damage through their beskar shells and perhaps even damage to any internal systems.
The overall shape of the weapon was designed to be mag-clamped to a suit of beskar'gam and drawn in conjunction with a Beskad, a nasty surprise during a duel that has sent a number of mandalorians to the manda.