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Approved Tech HPI - AlloyPlast

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Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms | HPI Consortium
Type: Material
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Average
Full Art / Material itself



  • Name: AlloyPlast
  • Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms | HPI Consortium
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: AlloyPlast
  • Modularity: Extraordinary
    • With the right alloy or compound, one can make anything out of it by adding different materials. It can be a paper-like material, it can be used to make clothes, household and industrial tools, but even weapons, armours, vehicles and ships, a glass-like transparent material, or just a completely matte material. It only depends on the imagination of the user.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Aluminium/Bauxite | Graphite | various alloys and compounds; depends on what the material is used for

  • Classification: Multipurpose Compound
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Colour: Variable, it also depends on what materials it is combined with | easy to recolour
  • Resistance:
    • Energy/Plasmatic: Average
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Lightsaber: Low
    • Disruptor: Low
    • Environmental: Average
    • Every Other Thing: Average
  • NB: The resistances vary depending on what other material they are combined with.

  • AlloyPlast is basically a molecular structure that has to be intertwined during the manufacturing process, thanks to which the material takes on its final shape, texture and matter.
  • AlloyPlast is made synthetically so that other materials can be added, blended and alloyed with it. This makes the base, average and cheap material, much stronger and more varied and versatile. For this reason, the number of variations is nearly infinite.
  • In its basic state, the material is greyish / whitish in colour and most closely resembles a flexible, resilient and durable plastic. Yes, the AlloyPlast can be used on its own and can be used to make a myriad of products without mixing or allying it with any other material.
  • It can be used to make droids, household, industrial items and devices, to make everyday items. But it can also be used to make ships, vehicles, weapons, and armours. But buildings can also be built perfectly from this; or electronic systems' cables. It can really be used for essentially anything, as the modification of carbon and aluminium at the molecular level has yielded a very diverse material. It can be perfect for making artificial bones, glassy materials, or even glass, etc.

  • Easy to Work With: The molecular structure of the AlloyPlast has been modified to make it easy to form this compound and combine it with other materials very easily.
  • Extraordinarily Versatile: Essentially anything can be made from it if combined with the right materials. Only the imagination of the user limits the possibilities. Not to mention it's very cheap.

  • Average: In itself, it is average. Without alloying, completely average products can be made from it. Which are good for civil society, but are already considered poor quality in the military industry.
  • Alloying is recommended: In order to get a better-than-average product, such as for armours, vehicles, or ships, AlloyPlast must always be combined with other materials.

The HPI Consortium has been working for a long time to develop a molecular structure and thus a material that can be used for essentially anything, and last but not least, cheap. They already had such a universal material through Estrian, but it is not available at the mass production level and is difficult to work with. That's why they needed something new.

One of the most basic materials in the Galaxy is carbon. After all, it is one of the constituents of almost all organic and inorganic life forms. Its molecular structure is very easy to modify and use. Aluminium and / or bauxite were added as additives, and AlloyPlast itself was formed from a combination of these materials. It is a very durable material that is easy to modify or make any "other material" out of it, as carbon is the raw material of everything.

The molecular structure is so easy to modify and mix with other materials and then "turn" into a physical form that it can be done in any industrial facility or metallurgical workshop, or even a home lab. This is why they are sold to the open market. It can be used in any area of life, industry, agriculture, everyday life, etc.

In addition, it can even be used in the military industry, although it is highly recommended that AlloyPlast be combined with other, more resistant and resilient materials; as it was originally designed for mass production and civilian items. But this, of course, does not rule out the possibility that even the military industry will apply this in a creative way.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an extraordinarily versatile material for nearly everything for the open market, to make my and others' lives easier.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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