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Approved Tech HPI - BACS-X89p | Breytast Adaptive Camouflage System

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Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms | HPI Consortium | Shadow Company [ designer ]
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Weightless
Size: N/A
Full Art



  • Intent: Creating a widely used perfect and imperfect adaptive camouflage system to the Open and Closed Market.
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  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
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  • General Information:
  • Additional Information:
    • First, it’s important to note that this is a coating that can be applied to clothing, objects, vehicles, spaceships, droids, or any surface the user wants.
    • The system is made up of countless microchips that are so tiny that you can’t even notice on the surface of something. From these, the system forms a kind of mesh that weaves the surface and creates a coating.
    • The system has adequate and modern sensors to map its environment, the Heuristic processor enables very fast, almost real-time (a few nanosecond response time) data processing and is able to respond to environmental changes. And the holoprojector in the chip always shows a nearly perfect image of its surroundings. This allows the user to completely blend into the environment, becoming almost invisible (no, it doesn’t refract light, so it’s not actually invisibility, just blending).
    • Thanks to the gabonna memory crystal, the system can be receptive and the adaptation can be even faster.
    • As a secondary feature, it has the benefits of Electro-chemical Camouflage Paint and CN-21 Camouflage Paint, meaning the system can disguise itself even when the electrical systems are not working. This is just an emergency solution and not the best, but still a great addition.Only works in a not too complex terrain.
    • And thanks to the Skuggalegt polymer, sensors and scanners have a much harder time detecting the BACS-X89. Only better-than-average sensors and scanners are detecting the stealth technology.
    • This system is much more sophisticated than imperfect, not to mention that it uses the perfect polymer. It can now really make anyone literally invisible with refractive technology (still not stygium-crystal-like cloaking technology).
    • The Cyricept Personal Concealment System further aids in perfect camouflage, as it even covers body heat from sensors and scanners.
    • The perfect version has two modes, the traditional camouflage, which the imperfect is capable of, and the refractive technology, which can also give the user/object invisibility.

  • Versatility: All existing surfaces can be treated with this technology as an outer coating. Be it a building, a vehicle, armour, a weapon, a droid, a spaceship, etc.
  • Adaptive: The entire system is built to be able to respond to the environment in near real time, so it can hide who is using this system in essentially any area, environment.
  • EMP/Ion: Thanks to the Skuggalegt polymer, it has a high degree of EMP protection, which protects the BACS-X89 systems.
  • Fail-safe Solution: Nothing is ultimate, nor is EMP / Ion protection, so if that system doesn't work, Camouflage Paint can create adaptive patterns, although its quality is well below that of a holographic projector, but it's still usable in a not too complex environment.
  • Perfect Camouflage: This system is capable of providing actual invisibility with refraction. Not to mention that thanks to the perfect polymer and the Cyricept Personal Concealment System, it is almost impossible for sensors and scanners to detect the user / object, because it can even hide body heat.

  • Not an Armour: It is not armour, nor can it be used for such purposes, it is just an adaptive camouflage system on any surface.
  • EMP/Ion: There is no invincible defence, so the BACS-X89 system can be attacked by much damage what the system cannot bear, the attack might causing severe damage to the system. In this case, the system shuts down and does not work, only the "fail-safe solution".
  • Damage: Because this system is essentially a mesh on the surface, if it is damaged, it loses its ability to camouflage it on the damaged area. As a result, even a small injury can compromise the camouflage of the person / object.
  • Speed: The system may be able to adapt quickly to environmental changes and always hide the object, person, ship well. If someone is moving too fast, it will appear as a blurred spot before the background, which will greatly degrade the overall picture (Of course, in the case of perfect camouflage, if someone uses invisibility, this is not the case).
  • Distance: As usual, the farther away something is, the more perfect the camouflage. The closer one gets to someone watching this system, the more chances one has of noticing that it’s just camouflage (Of course, in the case of perfect camouflage, if someone uses invisibility, this is not the case).
  • Force: This is optical and technological camouflage, even in perfect camouflage, does not provide protection against Force. If someone is looking for living people in the Force, they will always feel those who are using this system.

Recently, HPI has been fond of making military equipment, tanks, defence and offensive weapons. Their latest product is again a military development. In modern warfare, camouflage technologies are very important and are constantly evolving. That's why HPI engineers were working on a new similar technology. Partly because it can be important to Terraris Command as well. This time, the Shadow Company was also actively involved in the work, as they primarily use such technologies.

It’s also a technology that exists in the galaxy with several types, but they’ve tried to personalise it to fit HPI and Terraris. HPI is very technology based, so they did not try to create any metal, material, or fabric, but rather thought in technology. Thus, they wanted to develop a coating system that could be used on any surface. Based on a joint project, the BACS-X89 was the product and technology they created.

It was important for them to create a fast-reacting system that could respond to changes in the environment in real time, so that whoever uses the system can almost always integrate into their environment. It is not invisibility, it does not generate any field, it just picks up the properties of the environment thanks to the holoprojector. Thanks to the stealth polymer, it is difficult to detect that this is just a technology, but far from impossible.

This type of coating technology has been developed for the open market. However, they also made one for the closed market. The perfect polymer was used for this, not to mention the fact that the camouflage technology has an extra feature, it is also able to refract light, so it is also capable of real invisibility.

As always, HPI scientists and engineers have created an excellent product that can be used extensively, not only in the military industry, but also in other industries or and for other technologies.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Creating a widely used perfect and imperfect adaptive camouflage system to the Open and Closed Market.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront | Selected Customers
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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