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Approved Tech HPI - Changing Molecule

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Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Weightless
Size: Tiny
Full Art


  • Intent: Creating a material that can change with the wearer. Mainly for shape-shifter species and individuals.
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Unstable Molecules, Enviroweave
  • Original Thread: Link


  • Classification: Molecule
  • Weight: Weightless
  • Colour: translucent
  • Resistance:
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • Environmental effects: High
    • Sonic: Very Low
    • EMP/Ion: None

  • Because it’s a molecule on its own, it’s not really good for anything. It is therefore designed to be added at any time to any other material, textile, etc. and this changes the structure of that material.
  • The molecule is able to adapt to environmental influences, so it gives a pleasantly warm feeling in the cold, cool in the heat. It is able to adapt and occasionally amplify the effects of other substances if this molecule is added to it
  • When someone's DNA is also added to the molecule to make a dress/cloth or armour, the substance attaches to the wearer, is able to take on the shape of the wearer, and is also able to adapt to its abilities. Thus, it also changes with the wearer during the shape-shifting, for example, in the light of the shape-shifting, the dress/armour is stretched or collapsed, or it may assume a semi-immaterial state, and so on.

  • Weightless: Given that it is not an actual substance, it is just a molecule, so it is weightless in this form, but if it is incorporated into the molecular structure of other substances, it will not increase its weight either.
  • Great protection: The molecule has been modified by nanotechnology to provide high protection against many different effects even in its molecular structure. After all, it’s an expensive material, so it’s likely that mostly the rich will live with it. And protection is important to them.

  • EMP/Ion: It does not in itself provide any protection against these, so if someone is wearing dress or armour made of such material, they should provide such protection in another way if they also carry electrical appliances or want to protect their armour systems from such effects.
  • Sound effects: While there is a lot you can do to protect against the sound effects it is not really usable. This can damage the bond between the molecules and weaken the molecule, or the defence. And at very strong sound effects and vibrations, it decomposes it and the changing molecule ceases to function.
  • DNA compatibility: If someone’s DNA is also added to this to create completely unique things for the customer, and for some reason that person’s DNA changes, this person will no longer be able to take advantage of the molecule.
  • Living "skin": In order to enjoy the benefits of its DNA-based products made with this molecule, the clothing / armour must have access to the wearer's skin.

There are probably many people who have a very unique physique, anatomy and that makes it very difficult for them to find unique armour or clothing. Most of the time, they can be shape-shifters, or some kind of entity. But even the multitude of sithspawns might be listed here. The point is, there are those who find it difficult to dress. Or at least so far!

The changing molecule was invented exactly for them, for those who care that their clothes and armor should be made of a material that fits them perfectly, their physiology, or just their abilities, and the clothes change with them during this process. HPI has been developing this molecule through many months of work. Because it is costly and not easy to produce, the company would only target a small audience with it.

Its special feature is that it can be made even more unique by adding the DNA of the wearer or the future owners of the garment / armour to the molecule during production, thus ensuring that the material changes with the wearer due to nanotechnology if it is wearing armour or clothing made of this molecule.

Thus, this molecule is likely to change the lives of quite a few individuals, especially because they are intentionally designed to be added to any other material or fabric so that even more specific and unique things can be made with it. One thing is for sure, the things made with this will make the life of their wearer easier. For example, they will no longer have to worry about the clothes falling off them in case of accidental shape-shifting, because this is where they change with them.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Creating a material that can change with the wearer. Mainly for shape-shifter species and individuals.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront | Selected Customers
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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