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Approved Tech HPI-CSARS | HPI Communication Satellite and Relay System

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Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
Type: Communication
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Small
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Full Art



  • Intent: To create the full and complex HPI satellite and relay network for future RPs.
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  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: HPI-INWS | HPI-OSNW | HPI Network

  • Name: HPI-CSARS | HPI Communication Satellite and Relay System
  • Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: HPI-CSARS | HPI Communication Satellite and Relay System
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Druetium, Theadian, Seigurium

  • Each satellite has a HAPU unit to supply the power.
  • Each chip has an ECSAI AI, which controls the satellite's sensors and executes the commands and instructions received via HPINet. It also analyses and processes data from sensors and scanners.
  • All satellites are fully HPI biochip compatible.
  • Each satellite has the HPI-CCX2, enabling it to operate and maintain the HPI Network. And that is why the satellites are connected and able to send data and messages to each other.
  • The outer coating of the satellites is Seigurium, which protects them against natural damage from space. The MP-042 Energy Shield is also responsible for the same tasks. But these are ineffective against real and direct attacks.
  • The satellites have a number of scanners that work in all directions, but as these are legal and civilian devices, they are of good quality, but not military grade. They are perfectly suited for satellites to collect a variety of data from the planet that can be used to inform the civilian population. This is why scanners and sensors cannot penetrate shielding, jamming and blocking. Even if the communication might be.
    • MFTAS, this will enable the satellite to see through poor visibility conditions on planets and moons and continue to collect data.
    • Spatial anomaly detector, this enables the satellite to detect spatial anomalies.
    • Full-spectrum transceiver, general scanner, usually used by the satellite in deep space rather than in orbit.
    • Electrobinocular, this allows the satellite to focus much better on smaller areas.
    • Photoamplifier, for more accurate images and image enhancement.
    • Multispectral imaging, with this system, the satellite can detect objects, living beings, etc. in a wide range of light.
    • Lidar, this is mainly used for planets and moons and can be used to create high-resolution maps that can be used in a wide range of areas.
    • Aural Sensor, slightly modified version, because in this case it is used to filter out noise in the atmosphere and not just in space.
    • Holo-sensor, used to detect and monitor biological data (unable to detect them under cloaking technologies)
    • Radiation Scanner, a can detect and contain different radiations.
    • Heat Detector, since it is a satellite, it can be used mainly for planetary/moon heat, perfect for monitoring volcanic activity, as well as for measuring the general temperature of the planet.
    • Meteorological sensor, with this sensor, meteorological events on different planets/moons can be observed and recorded.
    • Astronomical sensor, this sensor is used to observe and record various events and objects in space. For example, stars, black holes, nebulae, anomalies, etc.
  • Last but not least, the satellites have a self-destruct system, if someone tries to hack or dismantle them, the HAPU unit inside will explode and cause massive damage.

  • Network Must Flow: These satellites form the basis of the HPI Network, which allows them to transmit data and messages across the galaxy and into the Netherworld, where HPI has deployed a number of these satellites.
  • Many Sensors: Satellites are equipped with a myriad of sensors that allow them to collect a wide variety of data at the location where they are.
  • Self-destruction: All satellites are equipped with self-destruct devices to prevent unauthorised access to HPI technology or the HPI Network.

  • Civilian Satellites: They are only equipped with good quality but civilian sensors, so they cannot penetrate any military level shielding or blocking. Alternatively, military-grade jamming and blocking can easily neutralise the satellites.
  • Motionless: Once in position/orbit, these satellites cannot move, they have no propulsion, which is why they cannot evade any attack or threat.
  • Defenceless: It has no offensive or defensive systems. While it does have a weak shield and enough coating to protect it from space debris, it can be destroyed by the worst type of spaceship shot.

The HPI has worked very hard to get the HPI Network up and running, and the last point of that was really to set up a satellite/relay system that could transmit data and collect data from different locations. To do this, they built a satellite that could play both roles at the same time. In order to avoid any accusations that the satellites were being used for espionage, they were designed to be completely civilian.

Satellites are not able to move once they have been placed, as they do not have any drive. They are only equipped with minimal protection, which protects them from the minor inconveniences of space, but not from an actual attack, and so they are easily destroyed. However, given their size, they are not necessarily easy to see. Sensors and scanners can take data in all directions and the AI that controls the satellite processes it. Not to mention the fact that, like all HPI technology, it is compatible with the HPI biochip.

The satellites' scanners and sensors can be used by anyone with access to the HPI Network to access geographic and animal data from different planets, volcanic activity, news, and more. And in deep space, they can be used to observe various anomalies and space objects. Although the satellite cannot detect or spy on secret, hidden, or military-grade protected things, in civilian use it can be very useful to anyone in the hobby or even in technology.

Not least, the satellites are also available to individual buyers in larger numbers through the HPI Consortium's marketplace.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create the full and complex HPI satellite and relay network for future RPs.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium
Modular: No
Material: Druetium, Theadian, Seigurium
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