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Approved Tech HPI - Dral Kayatr | Mandalorian Metal

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Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms | House Orchid | HPI Consortium
Type: Material
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average
Full Art


  • Intent: To create a new metal for the Mandalorians from beskar, songsteel and laminanium.
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Cayatitr be Srumayata'yr
  • Original Thread: Link


  • Classification: Metal alloy
  • Weight: Heavy (datyr) | Average (cayalah)
  • Color: Silver | Easy to recolor.
  • Resistances:
    • Energy Weapons: Very High
    • Kinetic Weapons: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • EMP/Ion: Very High
    • Environmental: High
    • Disruptor: Average
    • Electricity: Low
    • Radiation: Low
    • Corrosive/Acid: Very Low
    • Sonic: Very Low
    • Tensor: None
  • NB: The heavy (datyr) was intentionally underpowered; I calculated the balance for the average (cayalah) version.

  • It may be important for Mandalorians to get a metal that can be used in many different ways and is easy to machine. Dral Kayatr is made for exactly these reasons.
  • The metal perfectly combines the benefits of songsteel and beskar, resulting in a highly resistant metal that is perfect against a great many types of physical attacks and is also lighter than beskar thanks to songsteel. Laminanium metal has also been added to this, allowing Dral Kayatr to regenerate itself.
  • Thanks to the songsteel and beskar, Dral Kayatr even stands the attacks from lightsabers, so great lightsaber resistant weapons can be made from it.

  • High Resistance: The Dral Kayatr provides protection against a lot of things like energy based attacks, kinetic attacks, EMP/ion attacks and environmental effects like heat, cold, vacuum, pressure etc.
  • Versatile: The Dral Kayatr is easy to shape, shape and machining. Due to its high resistance, it can be perfect for melee weapons (lightsaber resistant weapons), armours, droids, safes and even for ships.
  • Repair: Thanks to Laminanium, the metal is able to repair itself.

  • Heavy: Although there are two versions of the metal, it still has a heavy weight. Thus, weapons, armour, droids, etc. made from it will also be heavier. It is for this reason and because of the nature of the metal that it is not recommended to make firearms out of it.
  • Lack of Defences: Like everything, this metal has its weaknesses, the metal does not protect against the Force and provides minimal protection against, among other things, voice-based attacks, electrical attacks. But corrosive effects and radiation can also damage it.
  • Repair: Although the metal is able to regenerate thanks to Laminanium, however it can easily get too much damage that this metal can no longer repair anymore. Despite Laminanium, the metal can be damaged so that regeneration is no longer effective, not to mention the regeneration is a slow process, in battle this is useless.

The first version of the metal was made when the Cayatitr be Srumayata'yr was completed, although then only from the alloy of the beskar and songsteel. However, engineers of the Rocksolid Arms and House Orchid continued to think about how to make the metal made there even more perfect. During the experiment, they came up with the idea that Laminanium should be added to the alloy.

During the experiment, two different metals were formed with similar properties, only there was a difference in weight. The datyr and cayalah versions. There’s really only a difference in weight, nothing else. Of course, beskar is the main material, but the engineers masterfully blended it with the songsteel, so we managed to make a slightly lighter, but even stronger, more resistant alloy. And the songsteel was needed for one reason, the makers also tried to think of Mandalorians and other customers who don’t have much physical strength or armour that increases their strength.

The end result has been a highly resistant metal alloy that masterfully combines all the benefits of traditional beskar metal with the light weight of the songsteel and only makes the metal even more resistant. And all of this is crowned by Laminanium by giving the metal regenerative capabilities.

Since beskar is not the most readily available and quite expensive material, Dral Kayatr can be mass-produced because of the other two metals, as alloy does not contain 100% beskar. Although Dral Kayatr is not exactly the cheapest product on the market, the saying goes that quality comes at a price, and this metal is among the best quality products, as it is no worse than beskar or songsteel, in fact, even better.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new metal for the Mandalorians from beskar, songsteel and laminanium
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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