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Approved Tech HPI - ECSAI-class "Sérhannaðar" Artificial Intelligence

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Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
Type: Basic
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: N/A
Size: N/A
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  • Intent: To create a standard HPI AI which I can use in future threads, and for the open market.
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  • Name: Extremely Customisable Standard AI | ECSAI
  • Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: ECSAI-class "Sérhannaðar" Artificial Intelligence
  • Modularity: Extreme
    • As a program it is able to program, improve and develop itself.
    • It can be compatible with any computer, communication device or network.
    • Can be specialised in any field, even several different ones.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Electronic components, code, digits.

  • General Information:
  • Defences:
    • The AI has multiple and multiple level encryption systems, with multiple levels of firewall to protect them and these also protect them against hacking or DDOS attacks. This process is helped by various anti-virus programs as well.
    • They themselves are able to write, develop and maintain their firewalls, anti-virus programs and encryption.
    • If needed and they get permission (see weaknesses), they can create a micro copy of themselves in other systems and computers, devices to monitor and control them as needed. Note: user (PC/NPC) consent is required in all cases.
    • Electronic Countermeasures (ECM)
    • Electronic counter-Countermeasures (ECCM)
    • GPO-12 "Ironmaze" Threat-Prevention Suite or Aegis SH13LD | Customisable
    • Bio-hexacrypt
    • Socketguard (Physical core).
    Other Information:
    • Multifunctional AI, they are working not just based on a kind of system / algorithm, but in a complex way. It is equipped with heuristic processors so they can learn new things and develop themselves.
    • Extremely customizable, it is a huge help in that any add-on can be downloaded and installed for the AI. So it can be a tactical analyst AI, droid managing AI, corporate analyst AI, financial assistant, apartment supervisor and maintenance AI, etc. Anything. It is also possible to control weapon systems and provide military support if such packages and accessories are installed on it.
    • They also work on the basis of machine and voice control, they are obliged to respond to everyone, depending on what kind of access rights the given person has to the requested data. They are available with both wireless and physical connections.
    • Self-learners, able to connect among others to HoloNet, KPLink, DarkNet and the CryptNet 2.0, from where they can save and learn additional data and information.
    • They can project a holographic image of themselves. The default setting is blue brain with a mechanical voice. But this picture is also completely customizable, as is the sound.
    • They are able run on the most modern computer systems and hardware possible and they are powered by HAPU units.
    • They are able to communicate with almost any network or system, if necessary.
    • They have a lot of protection against hacking and DDOS attacks, the best way is for someone to try these manually at the physical cores.
    • They can also act as an appointment journal for anyone, managing any civilian home-system for civilian users as well. They call (holocall for example) others after verbal instructions, download movies, music from any net, place orders, and organise meetings etc. They are the perfect help every day. These are standard features; they are able to do these without any extra install or add-on.
    • They are able to control any vehicles and spaceships, if necessary, and they are able to connect on these wirelessly. Without extra packages they are able to control only civilian vehicles and ships, and only those which don't have any firewall and computing defences.

  • For Everything: Intelligent and multifunctional AIs, which are fully customizable. Any suite, package, addon can be installed on it, so it can be fully customised. This is why it can be used anywhere, at home, on the battlefield, in vehicles / spaceships, in industry, for medical tasks, etc.
  • Self-learner: Thanks to heuristic processors, they are able to develop and learn, and last but not least, they can connect to networks and download new knowledge on their own. NB: The user/owner is able to allow or disable this feature.
  • Great Protection: They have multi-level and layered protection, state-of-the-art physical protection and the best programs. Because of these, it is very difficult to hack them.

  • Bounded and Limits: Although the AI seems quite independent, due to the learning methods, they have their own weaknesses and limitations:
    • They can’t control and hold back others, they can’t do anything that would hurt others. That is, they cannot, for example, overload systems, obstruct surgeries, kill someone, abuse of personal information and so on. Note: Of course, in war, if they have to control ships, vehicles, etc, they will hurt others if they explode ships with the controlled ones. These restrictions exist to not hurt persons and individuals by other person's orders. As if someone is ordering them to send an assassin after someone, they will deny it. However, they will carry out the official, authorised military order from the leadership which is using them.
    • They can only move within the limits of their programming; they cannot write subroutines or reprogram themselves to bypass them.
    • They cannot hack into or intrude on other systems, nor can they initiate such processes on their own, only on instruction. Note: It can be only PC / NPC instruction and can only succeed with PC / NPC permission.
    • Their programming doesn’t allow them to have feelings or be attached to anyone. They are unable to develop in this direction. Although they understand feelings, they are unable and forbidden to relate to anyone in this way; only in an optimal and logical way. Despite being a complex AI, just they are AI, they can't be more than that, ever.
  • AI not Droid: It’s about an AI, meaning they’ll never have a physical body. If someone attacks the core physically, at most physical security systems can protect them, but the system themselves is defenceless and this is the surest way to destroy it. Note: While they can control droids, they can’t move their core and data into these because there would be too much data.
  • EMP and Ion: Because AIs usually run on computer systems and have their datacore there, this means that electronic systems are needed to operate. Thus, they are also vulnerable to EMP and Ion attacks. These can severely damage or completely destroy the AI.

In the case of HPI, MANIAC, MEIPOC and SAINT are perhaps the most famous when it comes to the company’s Artificial Intelligences. However, it should not be forgotten that in addition to these three AIs, HPI also has a standard AI, the ECSAI. This is the AI that controls the vehicles, programs, spaceships, etc. they make. However, they cannot control and monitor everything with MANIAC, especially not products that no longer belong to the company after sale. These require an independent AI, and this is the ECSAI.

As always, HPI loves freedom in this area, so programmers have created a completely basic, standard AI first, which does completely general things like an OS does, and it is completely customizable. This means that the AI can be modified with software, addons, and packages that the user wants. Thus, the AI can be a military analyst, scientific, medical, spacecraft, or vehicle control AI, etc. It can be what the owner wants. The user can even install multiple packages on them.

The AI is self-learner, i.e. it is able to improve itself even better, to react to "stimuli" and attacks. You can improve and update yourself. This is why ECSAI systems can be perfect for essentially any area of life. They have excellent protection, this includes their physical part, their programming and just like their firewall. Because of these, it is very difficult to hack or slice them.

The ECSAI is perfectly usable in any situation and system and produces reliable results in any field, be it civilian or governmental or military. And the various addons and packets can either be downloaded from HoloNet, customised by the user or from the HPI. The possibilities are endless, and this is why this HPI product is a great choice.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a standard HPI AI which I can use in future threads, and for the open market.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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