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Approved Tech HPI - Enviroweave

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Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms | HPI Consortium
Type: Material
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Weightless
Size: N/A
Full Art


  • Intent: Creating a widely used synthetic fabric, mainly against environmental influences.
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Plastithread, Tarpaulin
  • Original Thread: Link


  • Classification: Textile
  • Weight: Weightless
  • Colour: translucent
  • Resistance:
    • Heat / Extreme heat: High
    • Cold / Frost / Extreme cold: High
    • Elemental: High
    • Vacuum / pressure: High
    • Acid: High
    • Radiation: Average
    • Energy: Low
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: None
    • EMP/Ion: None

  • Weightless
  • Anywhere anytime

  • Weightless: The Enviroweave is completely weightless due to the modified molecular structure. Because of this, it can be great for any outfit or armour and the wearer will not even notice this layer.
  • Anywhere Anytime: The fabric is any clothing, armour, tarpaulin, etc. may be part of. It is easy to add to any material, even buildings and ships. It can be a perfect choice in any area of life. For example: it gives warmth in cold weather, gives the wearer a sufficiently cool feeling in warm weather.
  • High Resistance: It provides excellent protection against all environmental influences. Be it rain, snow, sunshine, wind, vacuum, acid, or radiation, clothes, buildings, ships, products, etc. protected with this fabric will withstand these.

  • Not Armour: Because it’s not made for armour, it doesn’t really protect against anything other than environmental influences.
  • Vulnerable: Since it does not provide protection against attacks, if someone wants an extra layer of this fabric for armour, it must be a bottom layer, otherwise it will be unusable almost immediately due to damage.
  • Collateral Damage: If the fabric is damaged somewhere, it is possible that the entire layer will become unusable and no longer protects, in which case it is worth replacing the whole instead of repairing.

There has long been a lack of a versatile material/fabric on the market that can be widely used and protects mainly against environmental influences. There are countless different planets in the Galaxy with hostile environmental conditions.

However, many companies can have trouble protecting their products, containers, etc. on each planet. Or another case, someone doesn’t want to change their wardrobe, their armour, because they are moving from one planet to another. This fabric was invented for just such cases. It is a perfect choice in any environment because it provides excellent protection against almost any existing environmental conditions.

It protects the Enviroweave on which it is used, an excellent layer for garments where it is unnoticeable and the wearer does not even notice the extra layer. It's just that you feel perfect in all weathers. It won't be hot, it won't get cold. And last but not least, it can even provide protection against vacuum. In addition, they can be used as an insulating material for houses.

This fabric is excellent for use in all area of life, a very widely marketed product that can benefit everyone.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Creating a widely used synthetic fabric, mainly against environmental influences.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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