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Approved Tech HPI - Ethaerium X

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Manufacturer: HPI Consortium | Shadow Company [ designer ]
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Weightless
Size: Average
Full Art


  • Intent: To create a widely used transparent fuel to the Closed Market, what one can use as an energy cell, ammunition or even a simple fuel.
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  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
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  • Original Thread: Link


  • Classification: Fuel
  • Weight: Weightless | Gas form, Solid form, Liquid form
  • Colour: Transparent
  • Resistance: N/A | I think everyone knows what the consequences are if someone wants to attack a fuel. You better run!

  • Top grade Ethaerium has been artificially altered to produce a transparent fuel that can be used under similar conditions to top grade Ethaerium.
  • As the Ethaerium X is transparent, it is perfect for use in perfect stealth technologies:
    • As a fuel it burns in an invisible way, making it perfect for stealth technologies, which means that the drive will not have a visible colour when used. So no need to worry about the ion drive, jetpack or other engine leaving a visible trail in space, atmosphere or on the surface.
    • As a weapon energy cell, the weapon can fire invisible/transparent projectiles. This can be used for anything from a simple handgun to planetary defence, or even as a weapon for ships and vehicles. In this case the projectile is not visible, so it can be excellent for assassins or to assassin operations.
    • It can also be put in grenades, in which case it can release a colourless, odourless gas into the air, which can then explode and cause massive damage.
    • In addition to these, there are also specific uses that the customer can think of.

  • Versatility: It is excellent as a fuel for any weapon (ranged, rocket, grenade etc.), vehicle, ship, or spacecraft/spaceship. Actually for anything that uses fuel in any form (gaseous, liquid, or solid).
  • Powerful: The fuel is of high quality, so vehicles, starships, engines, hyperdrives can reach much higher speeds with it, shots and explosions will be much more powerful if someone uses this fuel for operation and firing.
  • Transparent: As this fuel is transparent in colour, it is perfect for perfect stealth technologies and equipment where it is advisable to have such technology.

  • Only One: It is not recommended to use it with other fuels. Only this or other fuels. If the gaseous particles mix with the particles of other fuels, the device might break down or an explosion may occur and the device / object will be destroyed.
  • Boom: It’s a gas, but even if it’s in a solid or liquid state, it doesn't really matter if it gets damaged, it will end in a huge explosion.
  • Transparent: Since this fuel is transparent, it has a much higher chance of friendly-fire, since in the case of projectiles, neither the target nor your friends can see these shots and they can easily walk into it.
  • Very Limited: As Ethaerium X is quite expensive to produce, it is a very limited technology and has not been widely used. It is mostly used only for unique equipment or very specific stealth technologies.

Military technology has always been the most lucrative industry in history, with nations and empires constantly fighting huge wars. And during such wars, stealth technology is also very important and can be used for various black ops operations. In this case it could be simple assassinations, or cloaked vehicles, spaceships or even jetpacks. The most important thing is that the technologies are always developed to the highest possible quality.

That is why the HPI Consortium has asked the Shadow Company to help, as they can design and manufacture excellent stealth technologies. In this case too, they were of great help. After several months or years of experimentation, they finally succeeded in artificially altered Ethaerium to keep the fuel at its best grade, but to make the colour transparent. This new fuel has become Ethaerium X. The simple top grade Ethaerium has all the advantages and disadvantages, but on top of that, it has the added advantage of being transparent, which makes it perfect for all kinds of stealth technology.

However, modifications are expensive and rather complicated, so this technology, like perfect stealth technologies in general, is not very widespread, if only because of the price. This is also true for Ethaerium X. The HPI produces them continuously, but cannot produce enough to equip entire armies or fleets. Not to mention that a transparent fuel is also likely to be illegal in many places, so that doesn't make it any easier. But that aside, the Ethaerium X has become very popular in recent years with assassins, agents, small black ops units and bounty hunters.

The HPI Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of, or damage caused by, any assassins or black ops missions using this fuel. They only market it, they do not ask what the customer wants to use it for. As always, the company is extremely discrete in this case. And of course, like everything else, this fuel has its pros and cons. And even though it's not widely available or used, if someone has the money to buy it, they can buy it in the right place.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a widely used transparent fuel to the Closed Market, what one can use as an energy cell, ammunition or even a simple fuel.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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