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Approved Tech HPI - HPI-CCX2 | HPI Communication Chip

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Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average
Full Art



  • Intent: To create communication micro chip to expand the HPI network to Galaxy and Netherworld-wide.
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  • Name: HPI-CCX2 | HPI Communication Chip
  • Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: HPI-CCX2 | HPI Communication Chip
  • Modularity: Yes
    • It can be manufactured in a variety of sizes to accommodate everything from tiny communication devices to huge ship/space station communication terminals.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Electronic components made of Druetium, Theadian

  • Each chip has a tiny HAPU unit to supply the chip with power.
  • Each chip havs an ECSAI AI, which can connect to the system of the device in which the chip is placed and thus control the device through AI, which will also be controlled by words.
    • And the AI will supervise the reception, correction, encoding and transmission of messages and data-packs.
  • All chips are fully HPI biochip compatible.
  • Each chip has a receiver and a transceiver, which the chip can use to communicate with different networks.
  • Thanks to the Hyperwave transceiver, the chip is able to send messages over hyperspace to vast distances.
  • The Subspace transceiver is responsible for making it possible to send messages in Realspace.
  • The S-thread is also responsible for sending messages that are very difficult to intercept or eavesdrop.
  • The S-thread booster is responsible for artificially creating S-threads where they would otherwise not exist, making communication even more efficient.
  • A picture or voice message can be sent via the chip, or rather with the help of the chip.
  • All chips have a Signal booster, which relies heavily on the HAPU unit, this booster allows the communication device with the chip to send messages over long distances, or even to pass messages through rifts or portals to the Netherworld or even to the Otherspace.

  • Fast and Smooth: Communication over these chips is fast and accurate, with very little room for error and excellent noise filtering. Not to mention, of course, encrypted transmissions on the system and communications.
  • Everywhere: The system is designed to use the hypergates, portals, rifts or permanent rifts in the Galaxy to establish a connection between the different dimensions, if there is a device with this chip in those dimensions, thanks to the signal amplifier/booster.

  • Jamming and Blocking: While the signal booster may be able to penetrate weak and medium interference, strong interference and blocking of communications will still defeat even these chips.
  • Optimisation: The chip is optimised to serve the HPI Network to the maximum. Although it can also work on other Networks, e.g. HoloNet, it will be slower on these.

Communication is very important in the galaxy and the HPI Consortium knows it. Previously, the company and its partners used HoloNet's systems for communication and their own system was quite limited, but now that they have expanded quite a bit in the last decades and have reached countless locations in the Galaxy and the Netherworld, it has become important to build their own system. One of the key points of this was to produce their own communication chip.

It is probably not surprising that HPI has developed a chip that is optimal for communication over HPINet. For even faster messaging and protection, artificial intelligence oversees the sending, correction and encoding of messages. This is why communication between devices equipped with this chip is very well protected. The amount of energy is large, which is why it is supplied by a HAPU unit. This also solves the problem of cost efficiency, as previous similar technologies were expensive, here it is quite cheap.

As always, the chip is designed to work with any device, from simple communication devices to the most complex systems. And thanks to the amplifier/booster, the signals and communications should be able to be unaffected by the natural disturbances of space and pass messages through even the weakest signal interference. Of course, against strong interference or complete blocking of communications, these boosters are also useless.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create communication micro chip to expand the HPI network to Galaxy and Netherworld-wide.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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