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Approved Tech HPI - HPI-INWS.V2

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Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: N/A
Size: N/A
Full Art


  • Intent: To create a secure network to the HPI, Nite, Terraris Command and Terraris, to ensure MANIAC MANIAC can be everywhere.
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: Link
  • Credit: Most of the companies/nations and characters based on Tubrok Ragal Tubrok Ragal / Th'edar Kolbert Th'edar Kolbert 's "Fagyos Sötétség Kora" (Age of Frosty Darkness) dark militaristic sci-fi universe.
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Original Thread: Link


  • General Information: (HPINet)
    • A secure network that connects HPI's interests in the galaxy with a multi-functional communications network.
    • MANIAC MANIAC supervision and control the HPINet, which means that the AI is able to be there on the entire network, he supervises the data flows, information flow, encryption, and he also allocates the different access levels based on his databases.
    • The HPINet has multiple and multiple level encryption systems, with multiple levels of firewall to protect data and communication between endpoints and they also protect against hacking and eavesdropping. This process is helped by various anti-virus programs as well.
    • Encrypted messages are only able to be decoded by the receiving party if they have the same level of encryption protocols as the message's sender.
    • With MANIAC, the encodings are constantly changing, so if someone gets a decoder, it wouldn’t be easy to hack the network either.
    • Cross-platform; the HPINet does not differentiate between different devices, it can be a simple datapad or just a communication centre for a warship, hospital, or military base, they are able to connect to each other.
    • The HPINet is fast and can send large amounts of data between endpoints.
    • It is possible to connect to the network both physically and wirelessly.
    • Basically, the HPINet uses HPI, Terraris and Terraris Command's own satellites and transceivers, but it is also perfectly capable of transmitting information on the HoloNet satellite system and transceiver, but does not use the HoloNet. It bypasses the system and only uses the hardware.
    • Emergency protocol, call and communication channel towards MANIAC can be started and created from anywhere, anytime. If there is a real emergency, the AI will act immediately. Because this cannot be done anonymously, if someone abuses it, they will be severely punished.
    • You can be on many networks at the same time and even use countless communication channels.
    • It includes news, music, holofilms, holobooks, HoloNet games, social media, and more. So this whole thing is much more than a communication network / channel. The whole thing can also be a great social network where you can spend whole days having fun, watching series, etc..
    • HPINet maintains a huge database of music, series, movies, arts, etc. from the entire galaxy. These can be downloaded and viewed for free by anyone at any time. You can pay for the products of Terraris artists if someone wants to, thus rewarding their efforts.
    • There are several huge social media sites available from the system, not only the state level ones or planet and system level ones, but of course the Galaxy level ones are available as well (if that exists).
    • HPINet is also HoloNet compatible, so you can connect to HoloNet and talk, play, and do other things with others through HPINet.
    • Every feed that is available in the Galaxy via HoloNet is also available on the HPINet.
    • Of course, the HPINet is also capable of all the functions like HoloNet.
The most important networks on the HPINet are:
  • Terraris Network: (TN)
    • A planet / system sized network that is available to all Terraris residents and anyone else who is in or works in the Heimr system.
    • It is still available from outside the system, although it is not explicitly optimal, as this network contains only the news of the Heimr system, or the states' own networks, services, systems, media, social media.
    • This network already has several levels/layers:
      • General Network: that is available to anyone. However, outside the Heimr system, citizen codes are already required to access it.
      • State Level Networks: each state in Terraris also has its own network; only citizens are eligible to use their own network. Diplomats, ambassadors also only have limited access to the foreign network.
      • Personal Level Networks: these are the most common connections, networks. They are constantly opening, closing, not permanent in nature. For example these are the private conversations between two people or just between a group and/or groups. So the basic level of general communication.
  • HPI Consortium Network: (HPICN)
    • The corporate network; the internal network of the HPI Consortium and its subsidiaries. To network that is available only for the employees. In special cases, Terraris Command also gets access.
    • Its coverage is now almost Galaxy level, as the Consortium companies are present at countless points in the Galaxy.
    • This network also has several levels/layers:
      • General Corporate Network: which one is available to all of the employees. A common large network through which different subsidiaries can communicate with each other.
      • Separate Corporate Networks: each company has its own network that can only be accessed by the companies' own employees.
      • Personal Level Networks: these are the most common connections, networks. They are constantly opening, closing, not permanent in nature. For example these are the private conversations between two people or just between a group and/or groups. So the basic level of general communication.
  • Localised Battle Net: (LBN)
    • A planet / system size network that is available only for the state level armies and the state's intelligence.
    • This network is not available from outside the system, just the Intelligence Network.
    • This network also has several levels/layers:
      • Separate Battle Nets: each state in Terraris also has its own network; only their own army is eligible to use their own network.
      • Separate Intelligence Networks: each state in Terraris also has its own network; only their own intelligence agencies are eligible to use their own network.
      • Personal Level Networks: these are the most common connections, networks. They are constantly opening, closing, not permanent in nature. For example these are the private conversations between two officers, agents or just between military group members and/or groups. So the basic level of general communication.
      • The HPI, Shadow Company and the Frost Company are the exceptions; they only use the Terraris Command Network. And the Nite uses the Nite Network.
  • Terraris Command Network: (TCN or Battle net)
    • The military network; it has even more security than the previous two, for obvious reasons. It has a fairly centralized outreach, as it must only operate between the fleet, army, headquarters, and high command.
    • Here, in this case, ships typically play the role of transceivers, but of course traditional modes also work. But available from the entire Galaxy, it is not as localized as LBN.
    • This system can only be accessed by those who are soldiers and officers of Terraris Command.
    • Those who are Terraris Command officers can also access civilian personal data through MANIAC MANIAC if they have permission. Thus, the allocation of rights here is much stricter than in previous cases, in order to avoid abuses.
    • This network also has several levels/layers:
      • General Battle Net: the general network available to all Terraris Command soldiers (army and fleet).
      • Fleet Battle Net: the general network available to all Fleet members.
      • Army Battle Net: the general network available to all Army members.
      • Shadow Company Network: the elite military unit’s own personal network.
      • Frost Company Network: the elite military unit’s own personal network.
      • Militia Network: the personal network of the militia leader, the nearly a thousand soldiers who are also soldiers of Terraris Command have the right to use this.
      • Separated Networks and Channels: these are the combat level communications, which the soldiers, units, armies, fleets, etc. use to communicate with each other or the offices, command centres on the battlefield. They are constantly opening, closing, not permanent in nature.
      • Personal Level Networks: outside of combat, these are the most common connections, networks. They are constantly opening, closing, not permanent in nature. For example these are the private conversations between two officers, agents or just between military group members and/or groups. So the basic level of general communication.
  • HPI Security Bureau Network: (HSBN)
    • It is the second most secure part of the HPINet. Network of the HPI Security Bureau (HSB). Only Terraris Command soldiers, and even more only officers there, have access to this. External and internal intelligence data can be retrieved from this system by the Internal Inspection Agency (IIA) and Terraris Command Intelligence (TCI)
    • Both Nite and the Internal Inspection Agency are part of this, although Nite has its own network.
    • In each case, MANIAC decides how much information and data the people of Terraris Command can receive about the files, person, and information they requested.
    • This network also has several levels/layers:
      • General Network: the general network available to employees of the entire HSB.
      • TCI Network: already a more specialized and connected network to which only TCI employees have access.
      • IIA Network: already a more specialized and connected network to which only IIA employees have access.
      • Agent Networks: these are the fieldwork level communications, which the agents, investigators, interrogation officers etc. use to communicate with each other or the offices, command centres while they are working. They are constantly opening, closing, not permanent in nature.
      • Personal Level Networks: outside of fieldwork, these are the most common connections, networks. They are constantly opening, closing, not permanent in nature. For example these are the private conversation between two officers, agents or just between a group members and/or groups. So the basic level of general communication.
  • Nite Network: (NN or Shadow Network)
    • It is the most secure and secret part of the HPINet, as very few people know about the existence of Nite. Even in Terraris Command's High Command, only a handful of people know about it.
    • On this network and database, they have the data that Nite agents collect from the entire galaxy.
    • Within Terraris Command, MANIAC decides who and what information it receives from the Nite database (as an Intelligence agency); outside Terraris Command the Inner Circle decides. Only the six-person from Inner Circle, the Honorary Leader (Ingrid L’lerim), Tyrant, Adam Osborn and Jon L’lerim have full access to Nite database, and Hue Lerontis, who is the Head of Internal Inspection Agency.
    • This network also has several levels/layers:
      • Full Access Level: They can access any data at any time. In addition to MANIAC, this is a total of eleven people.
      • Honorary Access Level: The Honorary Members can submit their request on this network for what information and data they want. They basically do not have access to anything but the information and data they request and approve of by MANIAC or the Inner Circle.
      • Agent Access Level: They already have access to the Nite Network according to their rank, where they can not only upload information but also download it if they need.
      • Informants / Contacts Access Level: Anyone with access to this will only see a UI that is believed to be part of HoloNet. They can upload information and appointment dates to this place. They can also message their contact through this interface.

  • Secure Network: The HPINet is secured and encrypted, and there are multiple levels of access to make the HPINet even more secure.
  • High Protection: The HPINet has multiple and multiple level encryption systems, with multiple levels of firewall to protect data and communication between endpoints and they also protect against hacking and eavesdropping. This process is helped by various anti-virus programs as well.
  • Big brother… MANIAC: He detects, sees, reads and hears all the activity that goes through the HPINet, if necessary, the AI intervenes immediately.

  • Out of Network: If one of the devices is disconnected from the HPINet for some reason, it will not be able to access the network and can't send/receive any message. Also, from the network side, the protection of numerous protection mechanisms of the system does not prevail, thus making the device more vulnerable for example on the HoloNet.
  • Network Coverage: Own network coverage is quite limited, as HPI does not have transceivers in the entire Galaxy, so in many cases HoloNet transceivers must be used, which is why the HPINet is only available where either their own transceivers are located, or the HoloNet's. Where none is available, the HPINet is not available.
  • Speed: There is a significant slowdown in sending/receiving huge/giant data packets if the HPINet has to use the HoloNet satellite system and transceiver.
  • Big brother… MANIAC: He detects, sees, reads and hears all the activity that goes through the HPINet, if necessary, the AI intervenes immediately.

It is important for every planet, company, army, or even secret organization to have its own secure network through which they can communicate or send data to each other. Terraris and HPI are no exception. Although the first version of the HPINet was already hundreds of years old in their case, after moving to Terraris, it was a good idea to update this as well.

The planetary (formerly Nelvaan), HPI corporate, and Nite Network also existed before. This current update has been implemented so that they can work as a stand-alone network instead of as a subnet of HoloNet. All of this has been achieved, and the greatest winner of this was the Nite, as they are the secret society. But it is also a big step forward for the company and the planet.

HoloNet is still available, this does not exclude it from the area where the HPINet exists, if someone wants to use the HoloNet, they can still connect to it. The purpose of creating the HPINet was to allow them to communicate and send data over a more secure network than HoloNet, in a place that is not accessible to everyone in the Galaxy.

Although HPI and its subsidiaries do not have transceivers everywhere in the Galaxy, the network has built with the ability to use both HoloNet's transceivers and its hardware for messaging and data transmission, so the HPINet can be used from anywhere in the Galaxy with HoloNet coverage.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a secure network to the HPI, Nite, Terraris Command and Terraris, to ensure MANIAC can be everywhere.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront | Selected Customers
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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