Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
Type: Basic
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: N/A
Size: N/A
Full Art



  • Intent: To create the full and complex HPI Network for future RPs.
  • Image Source:
    • Header
    • Picture border, headers, divider, picture manipulation by me
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Original Thread: Link

  • Name: HPI Network | HPINet
  • Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
  • Market Status:
  • Model: HPI Network | HPINet
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Connection protocols must be followed, but different access levels can be given or taken.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Codes and digits

  • The HPI Network (HPINet) is a complex and extensive network that combines HPI-OSNW and HPI-INWS to give both networks full coverage of the Galaxy and parts of the Netherworld.
  • HPI-OSNW is a free part of the network, available to everyone and free of charge, with far fewer rules and monitoring than the other networks. But for this very reason, the news and data can be more inaccurate because people can upload false data, which ECSAI may not be able to filter out because of the huge amount of data. NB: It's like HoloNet, only faster and safer, free to use for everyone.
  • HPI-INWS will continue to be accessible only with MANIAC-assigned codes, so only people who have the appropriate code, live in the Heimr system, are HPI staff, or work for HPI or Nite will really have access to this network. This network is constantly monitored and tracked by MANIAC. NB: For this part, if someone wants to use it, ask me for permission, I will almost certainly approve it.
  • The entire HPI Network benefits from the encryption and protection of both of its subnets so it is very well protected and encrypted. Thanks to the HPI communication chip, the entire network is extremely fast and reliable.

  • Secure Network: The HPI Network (HPINet) combines all the advantages and disadvantages of HPI-OSNW and HPI-INWS, making it a very well protected, fast and cheap network. Not to mention that it now has coverage across the entire Galaxy, as well as parts of the Netherworld.

  • Out of Network: HPI Network (HPINet) combines all the advantages and disadvantages of HPI-OSNW and HPI-INWS. This is why the network may be slowed down by the failure or destruction of satellites and relays. Last but not least, some parts of the network are only accessible by code, where users are under full surveillance (INWS). Moreover, this network is not available under communication blocking and strong interference.

One of the final steps in creating the HPI Network - the network itself - was to merge the two existing networks into one system. They are still separate, of course, but now run as one large network and can be referred to as the HPI Network, or HPINet. This is what the first network was called before, but this upgraded version is much better, faster and more complex than it was, and much bigger. HPINet is now available throughout the Galaxy and in parts of the Netherworld. In these places, satellites with their own communication chips, or relays, transmit the data.

Like any network, it has its flaws, especially when it encounters signal interference or communication blocking. In such cases, data transmission may slow down or stop altogether, depending on the extent of the interference and blockage. If absolutely necessary the network can switch to the HoloNet hardware network, but again this can result in significant slowdown. But something like this is likely to happen with HoloNet

But, barring bugs and unforeseen events in any communication network, the HPI Network is a very reliable, fast and much cheaper alternative than HoloNet, which the company recommends to anyone who wants to use a better network.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create the full and complex HPI Network for future RPs.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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