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Approved Tech HPI - HPI-OSNW

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Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
Type: Basic
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: N/A
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  • Intent: To expand the closed HPINet with an open parallel network what everyone can use.
  • Image Source:
    • Header
    • Picture border, headers, divider, picture manipulation by me
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Original Thread: Link

  • Name: HPI-OSNW | HPI Open-Source Network
  • Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: HPI-OSNW | HPI Open-Source Network
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Connection protocols must be followed, but different access levels can be given or taken.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Code and digits

  • General Information:
    • A secure network that connects HPI's interests and the common people in the galaxy with a multi-functional communications network.
    • The AI made by HPI is able to be there on the entire network, these supervise the data flows, information flow, encryption, and he also allocates the different access levels based on the registration codes.
    • The HPINet has multiple and multiple level encryption systems, with multiple levels of firewall to protect data and communication between endpoints and they also protect against hacking and eavesdropping. This process is helped by various anti-virus programs as well.
    • Encrypted messages are only able to be decoded by the receiving party if they have the same level of encryption protocols as the message's sender.
    • With the ECSAI, the encodings are constantly changing, so if someone gets a decoder, it wouldn’t be easy to hack the network either.
    • Cross-platform; the HPINet does not differentiate between different devices, it can be a simple datapad or just a communication centre for a warship, hospital, or military base, they are able to connect to each other.
    • The HPINet is fast and can send large amounts of data between endpoints.
    • It is possible to connect to the network both physically and wirelessly.
    • Basically, the HPINet uses HPI own communication chips, satellites and transceivers, but it is also perfectly capable of transmitting information on the HoloNet satellite system and transceiver, but does not use the HoloNet. It bypasses the system and only uses the hardware. But since the own communication chips it is not necessary because if the HPINet uses the own system it is even faster and cheaper.
    • Emergency protocol, call and communication channel towards the nearest hospital/base/etc can be started and created from anywhere, anytime. If there is a real emergency, the AI will act immediately. Because this cannot be done anonymously, if someone abuses it, they will be severely punished. It can result in a ban from the Network, not to mention the planet's own laws where this incident occurs.
    • One can be on many networks at the same time and even use countless communication channels.
    • It includes news, music, holofilms, holobooks, HoloNet games, social media, and more. So this whole thing is much more than a communication network / channel. The whole thing can also be a great social network where you can spend whole days having fun, watching series, etc..
    • HPINet maintains a huge database of music, series, movies, arts, etc. from the entire galaxy. These can be downloaded and viewed for free by anyone at any time. Of course, there may be books, music, films that you have to pay for, because you have to pay royalties, you have to pay for them.
    • There are several huge social media sites available from the system, not only the state level ones or planet and system level ones, but of course the Galaxy level ones are available as well (if that exists).
    • HPINet is also HoloNet compatible, so one can connect to HoloNet and talk, play, and do other things with others through HPINet.
    • Every feed that is available in the Galaxy via HoloNet is also available on the HPINet.
    • Of course, the HPINet is also capable of all the functions like HoloNet.
Networks for everyone on HPINet:
  • Open Network:
    • The Open network that is available to anyone who owns any HPI device or just registered for the HPI Network, which is completely free.
    • It is still available in the Netherworld, although it is not explicitly optimal, as this network contains only the news of the galaxy, or the sectors or planets' own networks, services, systems, media, social media.
      This network already has several levels/layers:
      • General Network: that is available to anyone, completely general news and stuff available on this level from all over the galaxy.
      • Region Networks: is still available to anyone, it's a smaller part of the galaxy, including Core Worlds, Tingel Arm, Unknown Region, etc.
      • Sector Networks: if one wants to join a more specific network, sector networks are the best option, each region is divided into sectors (10-15 hexes per sector in the Region concerned), so in this layer you can still find general stuff about the sector you are joining.
      • Planetary Networks: in this layer, one can search for and connect to specific planets, if one want to know about events, news or media on a particular planet.
      • Personal Level Networks: these are the most common connections, networks. They are constantly opening, closing, not permanent in nature. For example these are the private conversations between two people or just between a group and/or groups. So the basic level of general communication.

  • Secure Network: The HPINet is secured and encrypted, and there are multiple levels of access to make the HPINet even more secure.
  • High Protection: The HPINet has multiple and multiple level encryption systems, with multiple levels of firewall to protect data and communication between endpoints and they also protect against hacking and eavesdropping. This process is helped by various anti-virus programs as well.
  • Cross Network: HPINet is also HoloNet compatible, so one can connect to HoloNet and talk, play, and do other things with others through HPINet.

  • Out of Network: If one of the devices is disconnected from the HPINet for some reason, it will not be able to access the network and can't send/receive any message. Also, from the network side, the protection of numerous protection mechanisms of the system does not prevail, thus making the device more vulnerable for example on the HoloNet.
  • Network Coverage: Even though the network now covers the whole galaxy and parts of the Netherworld, deep space and other places are still full of dangers. Relays may fail, be destroyed, blocked, or jammed, which could hamper and slow the network. In such a case, HPINet will try to switch to HoloNet hardware if it has in a range, but this may take time and it is a chance it will not even possible.
  • Speed: There is a significant slowdown in sending/receiving huge/giant data packets if the HPINet has to use the HoloNet satellite system and transceiver.

As HPI's expansion spread across the Galaxy and into the Netherworld, so did the need to expand the previous network. However, the original HPINet was designed to be operational only on the planet Terraris and its system, since that planet is the headquarters of HPI; and in places where HPI or its subsidiaries have interests. In addition, that system is overseen by MANIAC MANIAC , since Nite, or even company rations, move on that network. But precisely because of this limitation, a secondary system was needed.

This became HPI-OSNW, or the HPI Open-Source Network, a typically free-to-use system that is available anywhere in the galaxy thanks to HPI's communication chip, the biochip and networking. The network now uses HPI's own hardware, making it remarkably fast, accurate and secure. Naturally, there can be problems in the galaxy, so if one of the satellites or repeaters gets damaged and the system is forced to use HoloNet hardware, it slows down. Anyone can register or access the free network if they have HPI technology, but it does not offer the same level of protection as the company's internal network.

However, HPI's goal was not to replace HoloNet, but rather to be a competitor, but for them the primary priority was to get their network everywhere so they could promote their products more easily and cheaply across the galaxy.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To expand the closed HPINet with an open parallel network what everyone can use.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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