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Approved Tech HPI - Iadrium

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Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms | HPI Consortium
Type: Material
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Average
Full Art


  • Intent: To create a powerful explosive material for grenades, rockets/missiles, for the open market.
  • Image Source:
    • Header Picture art
    • Picture border, headers, divider, picture manipulation by me
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Thermite | Baradium | Baradium Nitrate
  • Original Thread: Link

  • Name: Iadrium
  • Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms | HPI Consortium
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: Iadrium
  • Modularity: Significant
    • Can be used and stored in liquid or solid form. The solid state is more stable and less dangerous. The liquid state can be converted to a solid and the solid can be made liquid.
    • It can be used as an explosive, slugs/ammunition (in physical form) or in bombs, missiles, grenades or detonators, etc.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Highly volatile synthetic elements

  • Classification: Explosive Compound
  • Weight: Very Light (liquid and solid form)
  • Colour: Bluish (liquid form) | white (solid form)
  • Resistance: N/A | I think everyone knows what the consequences are if someone wants to attack an explosive; believe me, you don't want to try it! You better run!

  • Iadrium is an explosive made of synthetic materials that combines the properties of Baradium and Thermite at the same time:
    • This means that it can cause very strong explosions, in addition to producing very high heat during an explosion, and combining these makes it a particularly dangerous and effective explosive.
    • Due to its properties similar to thermite, the explosion and subsequent fire generate extreme heat that can reach 2500 degrees centigrade; just like in the thermite's case.
  • It can be used in both liquid and solid form, it has numerous applications. Perfect not only in the military industry but also for mining purposes. NB: Details see below.
  • It is more stable than baradium, but still quite unstable, especially in the liquid state. It is much more stable in the solid state and does not require any particular difficulty in keeping it, only as a liquid.
  • It is stronger and more dangerous in the liquid state, and weaker in the solid state, but even in it it is equal to or exceeds the efficiency and power of baradium.

  • Versatile: Both liquid and solid Iadrium can be used in a number of ways. It can be used for bombs, grenades, missiles, rockets, ammunition, detonators, etc. In addition, it can be used to make a detonator tape.
  • Powerful: Iadrium is as effective and very powerful an explosive as the Baradium, and is also capable of producing nearly as high a heat during an explosion as thermite, making this material a particularly strong and dangerous explosive.

  • Unstable: Like explosives in general, Iadrium is unstable. There is no problem with proper keeping, but if the conditions are not given, it is very dangerous to keep it. In the liquid state, even the slightest contamination by the air can cause an explosion. Fortunately, it is much more stable in the solid state, although unpleasant surprises can occur there in extreme conditions.
  • Boom: In a solid or liquid state, it doesn't really matter, if it gets damaged, it will end in a huge explosion. Although it is more easily happen in liquid form.

The HPI Consortium is also very involved in the military industry and has produced quite a few such products. Their current product is a synthetic explosive. As always, they wanted to make something that was widely applicable and also very effective. It is for this reason that engineers have studied a lot the Baradium and Thermite, how these two materials could be combined and, of course, artificially produced to create a larger strong and explosive agent that can generate very high heat as well.

At the end of a long, months of work and task, Iadrium was what was created. We have managed to combine the advantages of the two explosives, which has created a very powerful explosive that can generate vast heat, and thus it causes great destruction as well. However, as is the case with these substances, the unstable state has not been completely eliminated and it is especially unstable and dangerous in the liquid state, it is only worth dealing with under appropriate conditions.

Both liquid and solid Iadrium can be used in a number of ways. It can be used for bombs, grenades, missiles, rockets, ammunition, detonators, etc. In addition, it can be used to make a detonator tape. So there are a lot of ways to use it all. Liquid is mainly used in objects that are very destructive, such as huge rockets or bombs used against cities, large vehicles, or ships.

So it can be used perfectly in any combat situation, if one wants to be effective or just wants to cause wreak havoc, Iadrium is the perfect choice.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a powerful explosive material for grenades, rockets/missiles, for the open market.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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