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Approved Tech HPI - IDST-55 "Staðreyndir" Data Storage Technology

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Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
Type: Biotech
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Weightless
Size: Tiny
Full Art




  • Name: DNA Data Storage Technology
  • Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: IDST-55 "Staðreyndir" Data Storage Technology
  • Modularity: Extreme
    • It can be integrated into any material and from then on that object can be used as a data storage.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Bioengineering | Synthetic Firrrerreo DNA

  • It's been known for a very long time that DNA can store huge amounts of data, and HPI has taken advantage of this.
  • The company used synthetic Firrerreo DNA, as this species has a very high regenerative capacity, which aids data storage and may be able to repair damaged DNA.
  • The synthetic DNA created can be integrated into different metals, tissues and materials.
    • The resulting data stores can be accessed by traditional or wireless ways/means, and data can be copied to or deleted from them, just like from any other data storage.
  • By molecular bioengineering, they have changed the sequence and state of DNA very slightly, allowing an almost infinite amount of data to be stored in the DNA they have created.

  • Limitless: Thanks to modified synthetic DNA, the resulting DNA can store an almost infinite amount of data.
  • Regeneration: DNA can repair itself when it is damaged, and it does so very quickly, thanks to Firrerreo DNA. DNA can regenerate not only itself but also the data it stores to a certain extent. Depending on the amount of data it stores, this can take days or weeks.

  • Still DNA: Even though it is synthetic and bioengineered, it is still DNA, which is microscopic and very fragile. If it is on the outer surface of something, even a touch on the surface and it can completely destroy and fatally damage the DNA.
  • Regeneration: Every regeneration has its limits, so this is also true here. DNA may be damaged to the point where it is no longer able to regenerate, or the damaged parts may not be able to regenerate and large amounts of data may be lost.

The HPI Consortium usually works with and supports huge volumes of data when their customers do the same. However, the huge amounts of data also need to be stored somewhere. That's why the company has developed a new and unique way to do it. It has long been known that DNA can store huge amounts of data, which is why the company's geneticists have spent a lot of time creating such a DNA-based data store.

They have been working on this for many months to find the DNA of the most suitable species. In the end, the Firrerreo was the winner because it has a high degree of regeneration and this helped a lot in being able to regenerate even damaged parts or data. After all, everyone's biggest fear is losing their data. And this could very well revolutionise data storage procedures.

It's quite cheap to create, and engineers have even found a great way to integrate this DNA into different materials or on the surface of materials without damaging them. This has also greatly increased the number of possibilities, as various chips, datapads, datacrons, and other physical drives can be mass-produced using this method. So, for anyone who wants to have their data in one place and have an almost infinite amount of data storage, HPI highly recommends this method.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new method of data storage for the open market
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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