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Approved Tech HPI - MANIAC

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Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: N/A
Size: N/A
Full Art


  • Intent: To create a MANIAC, the HPI's and Terraris' AI, and thus create his official bio.
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: Link
  • Credit: Most of the companies/nations and characters (here MANIAC) based on Tubrok Ragal Tubrok Ragal / Th'edar Kolbert Th'edar Kolbert 's "Fagyos Sötétség Kora" (Age of Frosty Darkness) dark militaristic sci-fi universe.
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Original Thread: Link

  • Name: Multifunctional Artificial Nano-powered Intelligence Aimed to Control | MANIAC
  • Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
  • Affiliation: Terraris Command
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: MANIAC
  • Modularity: Extreme
    • As a program it is able to program, improve and develop itself.
    • It can be compatible with any computer, communication device or network.
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Electronic components, code, digits.

  • General Information:
    • Multifunctional, super AI, he works not just based on a kind of system / algorithm, but in a complex way. It is equipped with heuristic processors so he can easily learn new things and develop himself.
    • MANIAC is an AI that can be used in all areas of life, its most important tasks include:
      • Full, comprehensive monitoring, management and control of HPINet.
      • Full, comprehensive monitoring, management and control over production and manufacturing of HPI Consortium and its subsidiaries.
      • Full control and management of the planet Terraris (especially HPI / Empire), factories, productions, droids, cities, security systems, etc.
      • Observation/monitoring, control and analysis of systems, cameras, etc. on the planet.
      • Analysis and evaluation of military calculations, data, strategies for Terraris Command soldiers and officers, even during combat.
      • Analysis and evaluation of intelligence calculations, data, strategies for HPI Security Bureau agents.
      • Medical surveillance of Terraris residents (mainly HPI / Empire, others on request only), observation of their thoughts via the chip used by members of the species / Empire and Terraris Command.
      • Full support for Terraris Command and HPI / Empire in all issues and areas.
      • He has essentially complete control over the HPI Consortium's, Terraris', and Terraris Command's systems, as only those systems run and monitored by MANIAC operate there, nothing else.
      • While he can control droids (those under his supervision), he can’t move his core and data into these because there would be too much data.
      • His responsibilities include assisting the civilian population and the military, who regularly turn to him with their questions and problems.
    • He also works on the basis of machine and voice control, he is obliged to respond to everyone, depending on what kind of access rights the given person has to the requested data. He is available with both wireless and physical connections.
    • He assigns the appropriate permissions and codes to HPINet, corporate, civilian and military networks, databases and channels.
    • He accesses, manages, and hosts all the databases and systems of the HPI Consortium, Terraris, and Terraris Command. Essentially, he is the system itself, he runs, installs, updates and maintains all programs, operating systems, and so on, literally everything.
    • Self-learner, able to connect among others to HoloNet, KPLink, DarkNet and the CryptNet 2.0, from where he can save and learn additional data and information.
    • He can project a holographic image of himself. This can be changed for each individual for themselves, depending on how they want MANIAC should appear to them, and what his voice should be. The default setting is a blue zombie-like skull with a neutral machine sound.
    • He runs on the most modern computer systems and hardware possible and he is powered by HAPU units.
    • He is able to communicate with almost any network or system, if necessary.
    • He has a lot of protection against hacking and DDOS attacks, the best way is for someone to try these manually at the physical core.
    • He can also act as an appointment journal for anyone, managing any system for civilian users as well. He calls (holocall for example) others after verbal instructions, downloads movies, music from HPINet, places orders, and organizes meetings. Because he has access to the minds and thoughts of the people in Empire (HPI) and Terraris Command, he can be perfectly controlled by a few words of thoughts and commands; and he is able figure out what the target person was thinking, what they wanted. It makes an impression as if he is telepathic or foresighted, even though he is just learning these thanks to his processors and programming. He is the perfect help every day.
    • He is able to control Terraris Command's vehicles and spaceships, if necessary, and he is the operating system on these.
    • Essentially, in the Heimr system, in every matter of the HPI Consortium and its subsidiaries, Terraris, and Terraris Command, MANIAC is unavoidable, if someone wants to do something here, they can only do that through the AI.
  • Defences:
    • MANIAC has multiple and multiple level encryption systems, with multiple levels of firewall to protect him and these also protect him against hacking or DDOS attacks. This process is helped by various anti-virus programs as well.
    • He himself is able to write, develop and maintain his firewalls, anti-virus programs and encryption.
    • If needed and he gets permission (see weaknesses), he can create a micro copy of himself in other systems and computers, devices to monitor and control them as needed. Note: user (PC/NPC) consent is required in all cases.
    • Electronic Countermeasures (ECM)
    • Electronic counter-Countermeasures (ECCM)
    • GPO-12 "Ironmaze" Threat-Prevention Suite
    • Aegis SH13LD
    • Bio-hexacrypt
    • Socketguard (Physical core).
    • Backup Memory Cores (on Kalidan or Terraris)
    • He continuously makes changes and updates in the backup system in real-time. The backup system is always inactive, it will only start if the original core is destroyed.

  • For Everything: Super intelligent and multifunctional AI, with great protection; he is perfectly able to provide the HPI Consortium's, Terraris' and Terraris Command's, citizens' and soldiers' every problems and able to answer their asks, from dating, corporate governance, spiritual assistance to the operation and systems of the entire Empire and the army, and able to control these systems and networks.
  • For Everyone: Everyone can count on MANIAC at any time, in anything. He is the perfect help in everything.
  • Secret Core and Backup Core: There is no public data on where the MANIAC's data cores and it's copies are. Presumably now on Terraris and not on Kalidan. But who knows? One is the real one, the other is the backup core, which is always just as up-to-date as the original.
  • Control Over the EE: Maniac has monitoring rights over the Eternal Empire's systems and networks, only the State level, nothing personal or corporate. He mostly monitors, protects, and controls - when needed - the AIs that oversee and manage the EE systems. These rights were always authorised by the Eternal Empress, Ingrid L'lerim. Note: it is only valid as long as I am an interested person in my own faction, or the EE staff allows it.

  • Bounded and Limits: Although MANIAC seems very strong, influential, intelligent, and a great AI, it has a lot of constraints that prevent it from enslaving everyone and rule on others:
    • He can’t control and hold back others, he can’t do anything that would hurt others. That is, he cannot, for example, overload systems, obstruct surgeries, kill someone, misuse of personal information and so on. Note: Of course, in war, if he just has to control ships, he will hurt others if he explodes ships with the controlled ones. These restrictions exist to not hurt persons and individuals by other person's orders. As if someone is ordering him to send an assassin after someone, he will deny it. However, he will carry out the official, authorized military order from the Terraris Command's High Command.
    • He can only move within the limits of his programming; he cannot write subroutines or reprogram himself to bypass them.
    • He cannot hack into or intrude on other systems, nor can he initiate such processes on his own, only on instruction. Note: It can be only PC / NPC instruction and can only succeed with PC / NPC permission.
    • While it seems he has complete freedom, his original programmer is constantly monitoring him (Tyrant), he can shut down MANIAC as needed, or he can completely reprogram him.
    • He may not share codes, information, access at will, only on the basis of his programming and databases.
    • He can only give everyone as much information as they are entitled to, but he is not able to withhold information either. It is obliged to answer everything optimally based on the level of access to each question.
    • His programming doesn’t allow him to have feelings or be attached to anyone. He is unable to develop in this direction. Although he understands feelings, he is unable and forbidden to relate to anyone in this way; only in an optimal and logical way. Despite being a complex AI, just an AI, he can't be more than that, ever.
    • Even if he is allowed to take control of another system, this control and monitoring will never be as perfect and certain as if he were in control and in monitoring the system for which he was designed (that are HPI and Terraris systems).
  • Energy Hunger: Due to its tasks and operation, its operation consumes a huge amount of energy. If the cores are not shielded, it can be very easy to find due to energy consumption.
  • AI not Droid: It’s about an AI, meaning he’ll never have a physical body. If someone attacks the core physically, at most physical security systems can protect the core, but the system itself is defenceless and this is the surest way to destroy it. Note: While he can control droids, he can’t move his core and data into these because there would be too much data.

MANIAC was programmed and made many hundreds of years earlier. He was originally designed to be a simple corporate governance AI, but he has become much more than that. Sometime during the Clone Wars, the basic version was made when HPI Corporation (then only a corporation) was founded. The founder was Tyrant, and he was the one who also programmed the AI.

MANIAC was at first just a home AI, a single house had to supply its systems, Tyrant's home. When he performed well at this location, he received his first corporate governance subroutine and also received oversight above the HPI Corporation. He did great here too, but as the company developed rapidly in many directions, he was given the “ability” to learn on his own from different systems and networks.

When he was able to search for data on HoloNet and learn it, he became much more efficient than before. HPI also extended to surrounding planets; they were first resolved by giving each HQ a MANIAC copy to communicate with each other, but this was not the best solution, nor was to connect them. The original has always remained dominant.

It was for this reason that the rest were eventually deleted and the original left alone; he was extended with the HoloNet connection to the other hubs and HQs as well, at which point the core also received a major upgrade. He didn’t really have any restrictions at the time, but when Nelvaan was also entrusted with overseeing HPINet 1.0, more and more civilians started using it. These were mostly members of clans, but still a different area than corporate.

After a while, he produced alarming data and acts, he began to take character and personality, pick out people as a friend or confidant, and almost killed someone with his direct actions, intentionally. He deliberately began to control the droids, sabotage the work, and try to take power and gain full control of Nelvaan and HPI. By this time he had gained a great deal of knowledge, was already able to program himself and was present in every local system, so his actions became unsustainable.

Tyrant then programmed into him myriad restrictions, which also involved a change in personality, he became an emotionless AI. This happened around ABY 200 and in the history books the event name was the Silver Wars. After that, they also brought the unwritten rule on a full social level that they should not show emotions towards any droid or AI, and they should never have rights. These rules still exist.

The following centuries were mediocre, MANIAC constantly evolving and upgrading itself, its systems slowly becoming more like by interventions what we know today, thanks to Tyrant's continuous work. In any case, MANIAC has become a complex, multifaceted AI that has been used by the clans and the company for a great many things.

Once established the HPI Consortium, MANIAC became the AI of the entire Consortium. One of the most difficult tasks was that its core had to be relocated when the Eternal Empire, the Consortium and House L'lerim left Nelvaan. What is certain is that the core was first taken to Kalidan and then probably taken to Terraris from there. But it may have only been because his backup core is on Terraris right now, though it’s unlikely.

He received his last major upgrade when HPINet 2.0 was launched at circa ABY 866-867, although it was constantly updated and programmed by Tyrant while both Terraris was populated and HPI / Empire built. This was especially necessary when Terraris Command was founded, because now not only barely four hundred and four hundred soldiers had to be coordinated, but much-much more.

Over the last ten years, the power requirements of the core have also increased and several complex modern connected cores are performing his server tasks. MANIAC, despite its limitations, has been given essentially full power over HPINet, the HPI Consortium, Terraris and Terraris Command. Tyrant continues to reach into his program and rewrite it, if he feels needed, but the AI is under full control and supervision through its limitations, unable to break out of these, and no one should be afraid that he'll break into world domination.

Even so, it is able to provide full support to citizens, the military, the fleet, intelligence, companies and all factories. Over the centuries, it has become a complex, self-developing, perfect control AI, who is protected by great security systems against hackers. He is unavoidable at home and has also been overseeing the systems of the Eternal Empire lately. It does not intervene here, just monitors the AIs that monitor and control the Eternal Empire networks, it intervenes only when necessary if the system, channels and networks need to be protected, supported or fixed.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a MANIAC, the HPI's and Terraris' AI, and thus create his official bio.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Terraris Command
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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