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Approved Tech HPI - Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip

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Manufacturer: HPI Consortium
Type: Biotech
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Weightless
Size: Tiny
Full Art






  • Classification: Organic brain bio-chip
  • Size:
    • Average | OPBC-01s
    • Extremely Small | OPBC-01n
    • Extremely Small | OPBC-01e
    • Extremely Small | OPBC-01a
    • Extremely Small | OPBC-01m
  • Weight:
    • Average | OPBC-01s
    • Extremely Light | OPBC-01n
    • Extremely Light | OPBC-01e
    • Extremely Light | OPBC-01a
    • Extremely Light | OPBC-01m

  • General Information:
    • It is not an inhibitor chip, but made for communication and mental control of various systems, machines, and networks.
    • Just like the clone's inhibitor chip, they were microscopic in size (or smaller), and this combined with their biological nature made them extremely difficult to detect with standard medical equipment: it took a Level 5 atomic brain scan to find the chip inside the head of trooper Tup, after lower-level scans failed to register any anomaly.
    • Each biochip has a basic AI; the sound, UI and avatar of the basic program/AI in the chip can be fully customized.
    • Each chip essentially combines several different devices on its own, which the user can control mentally or in spoken words thanks to a basic program in Biochip. It can be used for communication, suitable for recording sound recordings and moving pictures like a camera (captures what the owner sees and hears). Due to its location, it can also record thoughts in the form of sound, or image and sound. But it can also play music and project images and texts onto the owner's retina. The devices what the biochip combines:
    • With medical applications and devices, the owner can continuously receive information about his own complete state of health. Blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen level, body temperature, diseases, injuries, BMI index, hormones, pregnancy, cancer, blood sugar, etc. It can detect general toxins (including alcohol levels), viruses, bacteria, allergies.
    • The Memory and Message chips can store movies, music, maps, data, memories, feelings that can later be played back mentally by thought control, the AI can search, delete, and so on. By default, the user hears the sounds in his head and the images are projected onto the retina. But the system can also copy them to appropriate portable devices and play them there.
    • Biochip is capable of connecting to networks, satellites, channels, devices, computers, droids, spaceships, weapons, armours and anything that has a wireless feature, to use them. Control requires synchronization so that the AI can tune into the system. This can of course be done with networks that are not protected or the user has access codes. Otherwise hacking and slicing is necessary.
    • For example, AI can use GPS to plan routes using GPS or star maps. But great for organizing and handling meetings, administrative things.
    • Due to the position of the biochip, communication can also take place completely silently, as the user can also hear the other person’s voice in their mind (like a telepathic thought) and can respond in the same way with thoughts. The AI can also be controlled this way or with spoken words. The strength and size of images projected on the retina may vary. It can also be very transparent, or the outside world cannot be seen by the user.
    • Each biochip has a military-grade encryption.
    • It can perform several tasks at the same time, it can be maintained on several communication channels, it can communicate to several, watch a movie, etc. It mostly depends on the mind and IQ capacity of the user what they can handle, and when their head starts to hurt due the too much information and data.
    • In the event of an emergency, the AI can call for help on its own, such as call a doctor or the police.
    • Due to the size of the biochip, only a few minutes of "surgery" is required for insertion, the process is completely painless.
  • OPBC-01s | Standard version:
    • It has completely average dimensions, which is standard for a biochip of this size.
    • Versions of this variety can also be made that can be easily detected, not completely hidden. This is optional only.
    • This version uses the generic ECSAI class AI.
  • OPBC-01n | Nano version:
    • This version is already closed market production because it is typically made only for Terraris residents or selected customers. It is now much smaller in size and weight than the normal version.
    • It has all the general features and what the Standard version knows.
    • In this version, the base AI is replaced by MANIAC and has a continuous connection to it. The built-in AI is only activated if for some reason MANIAC is not available.
    • MANIAC has a much better, faster connection, easier synchronization (no synchronization required for HPI systems, technologies, or Heimr star system stuff, except the Terraris Command's military technology) than the simple version.
    • This version already has an Ident chip, which allows users to be instantly identified (in every area), so for example they can also do financial things and pay from their bank account through the Investment Bank of Vexillium in an instant. Making their life even easier.
    • At Terraris, HPI / Empire residents receive this biochip immediately after birth, no exceptions, mandatory for them. This version is optional for other states.
    • Through this biochip, MANIAC can track and monitor the every move, life, and thoughts of HPI / Empire residents. The big brother sees everything.
  • OPBC-01e | Eternal version:
    • This version is already closed market production because it is typically made only for Eternal Empire military (fleet and army), agencies (Blackwatch, Wardens, Unit 404, Contractors' Guild) and allies (sub-factions: Black Sun, ZU, AoC). It is now much smaller in size and weight than the normal version.
    • It has all the general features and what the Standard version knows.
    • In this version, the base AI is replaced by MEIPOC and has a continuous connection to it. The built-in AI is only activated if for some reason MEIPOC is not available.
    • MEIPOC has a much better, faster connection, easier synchronization (no synchronization required for HPI systems, technologies, or any Eternal Empire's stuffs) than the simple version.
    • This version already has an Ident chip, which allows users to be instantly identified (in every area), so for example they can also do financial things and pay from their bank account through the Investment Bank of Vexillium in an instant. Making their life even easier.
    • Through this biochip, MEIPOC is able track and monitor EE’s military/navy members health condition or acts (not doing (only monitoring the health condition during battles) but capable). The big brother sees everything.
  • OPBC-01a | Ashlan version:
    • This version is already closed market production because it is typically made only for Ashlan Crusade military (fleet and army), agencies (House of Lords, Ministry of Intelligence, The WorkForce, Armed Forces, Ashlan Navy, Knightly Orders of Ashla, Clergy, The Holy Jury, etc.) and allies (sub-factions: The Petrite Order, etc,). It is now much smaller in size and weight than the normal version.
    • It has all the general features and what the Standard version knows.
    • In this version, the base AI is replaced by SAINT and has a continuous connection to it. The built-in AI is only activated if for some reason SAINT is not available.
    • SAINT has a much better, faster connection, easier synchronization (no synchronization required for HPI systems, technologies, or any Ashlan Crusade's stuffs) than the simple version.
    • This version already has an Ident chip, which allows users to be instantly identified (in every area), so for example they can also do financial things and pay from their bank account through the Investment Bank of Vexillium in an instant. Making their life even easier.
    • Through this biochip, SAINT is able track and monitor AC’s military/navy members health condition or acts (not doing (only monitoring the health condition during battles) but capable). The big sister sees everything.
  • OPBC-01m | Military version:
    • This version is already closed market because it is only made for Terraris Command's members or selected customers, for the selected customers it will be highly modified and personalised. It is the same size and weight as the Nano version.
    • It has all the general features and what the Standard and Nano versions know.
    • This version always contains changing molecules and the user’s DNA.
    • This version is typically given to soldiers and officers when they enter the military (Terraris Command). Then they deactivate the old Nano version, which is absorbed in the brain within a few hours and that’s when this happens the soldier gets this.
    • In this version, the base AI is replaced by MANIAC and has a continuous connection to it. Each biochip has a small "demo copy" of MANIAC rather an echo, which is activated when the original MANIAC is not available. Thus, in this version, the user will never be left unattended by MANIAC, the data recorded in this case will be synchronized with the original one as soon as it is available again.
    • This chip contains an Induction chip function, which is all military access codes, commands, and so on included. With this feature, they can access data, weapons, ships that their rank and access allow.

  • Secured and Protected: The HPI Biochip has multiple and multiple level secure and encryption systems, with multiple levels of firewall to protect the chip, data and communication (between endpoints) and they also protect against hacking, slicing and eavesdropping. This process is helped by various anti-virus programs as well.
  • Many in one thing: HPI Biochip contains a lot of things that make it such a widely usable "device", it makes every area of life easier and can be purchased in several versions.
  • High Modularity: Any extra program can be installed during creation, later wirelessly, not to mention the chip can sync to almost any network. And the sound, UI and avatar of the basic program/AI in the biochip can be fully customised.
  • Big brother/sister: The user is constantly monitored as far as their health is concerned. In the N and M versions, even thoughts are monitored. This can be good because in case of trouble, the AI notifies the appropriate authorities so it can save lives. However, if someone is afraid to lose their private sphere, it is not advisable to use it.

  • Overloading: Because it can work at all speeds of thought, its use can cause severe headaches, migraines due to the flow of a lot of data. So you have to be careful with that. Not to mention the data projected on the retina, which can distract the user from anything else that could cause an accident or further injury.
  • Synchronization: It needs to sync for each new system, which can take several minutes depending on the complexity and security of the system.
  • Not a hacking device: By default, it does not have programs that support hacking, so this must be downloaded afterwards. Even with these programs the AI cannot hack into or intrude on other systems, nor can they (AI) initiate such processes on their own, only on instruction. Note: It can be only PC / NPC instruction and can only succeed with PC / NPC permission.
  • Only Wireless: The big downside is that it only works wirelessly. Thus, in any situation that would require a physical connection, the benefits of HPI Biochip will not work there.
  • Jamming: Like all communications, it can be disrupted, jammed in the same ways as any such technology.
  • Big brother/sister: The user is constantly monitored as far as their health is concerned. In the N and M versions, even thoughts are monitored. This can be good because in case of trouble, the AI notifies the appropriate authorities so it can save lives. However, if someone is afraid to lose their private sphere, it is not advisable to use it.

The HPI Consortium loves modern and convenient technologies, as well as telecommunications, communications and systems management. An earlier version of HPI Biochip has been around for a long time, albeit in a much less developed way. However, after moving to Terraris, they were able to create many new things with many more employees and engineers.

Thanks to better circumstances, they began to think in the direction of biotechnology and based on the inhibitor chip that existed during the Clone Wars. They retained its benefits, i.e., not to be noticed by scanners. Discretion is important, although it sounds quite ironic in the case of this biochip.

The Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip is perfect for example for medical use, communication, entertainment, systems control. All this even completely discreetly. The open market product knows a little less than the other two, but gives much more independence in return. Namely, the OPBC-01n and OPBC-01m constantly monitor the landowner at the state and military levels.

The chip can be used in all areas of life, making life easier. Biochip combines the features of a myriad of devices, and surgery doesn’t take more than a few minutes. There is no trace of the operation and it is completely painless. In return, the user has to carry much fewer devices with them, because with the biochip they can be replaced.

It can connect to essentially any system, all you need is a wireless function and you can sync with them. Thus, the data, memories, emotions stored in the mind can also be saved to elsewhere. This essentially opens up a whole new dimension to a novel approach to such technologies.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new wireless communication and control technology to the HPI and open-market.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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