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Approved Tech HPI - Druetium

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Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms | HPI Consortium
Type: Material
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Light
Size: Average
Full Art


  • Intent: Creating a widely used relatively cheap artificially created material to the Open Market.
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  • Permissions: N/A
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  • Original Thread: Link


  • Classification: Compound
  • Weight: Light
  • Colour: Originally dark gray/metallic, easily coloured
  • Resistance:
    • Energy/Plasmatic: High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Environmental: High
    • EMP/Ion: High
    • Sonic: Low
    • Disruptor: Very Low
    • Lightsabers: Very Low

  • Molecularly designed: It is designed from a number of different materials, retaining the advantages at the molecular level, leaving out the disadvantages where possible to create a versatile, durable yet lightweight material that can be used for almost anything.

  • Versatility: Thanks to the structure of the formed and engineered molecule, it can be very easily transformed and shaped into virtually anything. It can be used for anything from houses to spaceships, utility items, chips and droids or the base material of armours. Due to its design, it is easy to combine with other materials.
  • High Resistance: Both the molecular structure and the material have been formed from different materials, deliberately because of its versatility and to make it as resistant as possible. It is for this and its usability that it protects against environmental impacts/effects, EMP / Ion attacks, as well as kinetic and energy-based attacks.
  • Available Materials: Because it is made from materials that occur in nature or are easy to make, Druetium is also easy to manufacture and mass-produced for the HPI.

  • Difficult to Produce: It is to be understood that the manufacturing processes are completely unique and developed by HPI Consortium. That is why only they know the exact data and proportions of the ingredients. If anyone else tried to imitate, you probably wouldn’t be able to recreate it. The cheapest and best option is to buy this from the manufacturer.
  • Alchemized Weapons: Weapons imbued with Force have a much stronger effect than normal weapons. The Druetium has no defence against such attacks.
  • Modern Weapons: The material has no protection against non-average but rare weapons. Such as the lightsabers or disruptor weapons. Protection against these is minimal and negligible.

If someone, or a company, does a lot of things and makes a lot of different things, you may need a myriad of different materials to produce everything that can be cumbersome, time-consuming, and costly to obtain. This is why there is a need in the market for materials that can be widely used.

If someone wants to make parts, or houses, droids, spaceships, vehicles, and possibly consumer goods, they usually use different materials. HPI Consortium has endeavoured to create a synthetic material that can be used in all of these areas. So that they can use it later, not least to sell it on an open market. At the end of this plan, the Druetium was formed over several months or years of experimentation.

Druetium was created from several versatile materials that also occur in nature, and some artificial ones. Directly designed to include as many advantages as possible and few disadvantages. After all, it managed to create a way that could really be used for anything. Be it for medical or military or even civilian use. It can be applied everywhere.

Thus, thanks to all this, it can be said that after Enviroweave, the HPI Consortiumhas re-created a material for the open market that can be used in any area of life and is also very economical.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Creating a widely used relatively cheap artificially created material to the Open Market.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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