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Approved Tech HPI - Seigurium X

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Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms | HPI Consortium
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Extreme
Size: Average
Full Art



  • Name: Seigurium X
  • Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms | HPI Consortium
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront | Selected Customers
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Seigurium X
  • Modularity: Significant
    • It is a metal, so it depends on the machining and manufacturing. Because of its great protection, it can be the base material for essentially any spaceship, vehicle, droid, or heavy/power armour. These objects and devices can be made entirely of this metal, or just as a coating. Since metal is very heavy, its use may require careful consideration.
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Laminanium | Laminasteel | Impervium | Ultrachrome

  • Classification: Metal | Metal-alloy
  • Weight: Extremely Heavy
  • Colour: Grey, dark grey or black
  • Resistance:
    • Kinetic Weapons: Extreme
    • Energy Weapons: Extreme
    • EMP/Ion: Extreme
    • Environmental: Very High
    • Radiation: Average
    • Lightsabers: Very Low
    • Disruptor: Very Low
    • Corrosive/Acid: Very Low
    • Sonic: Very Low

  • The engineers of the HPI Consortium have deliberately modified the molecular structure of several highly resistant metals to create a new metal, or metal alloy.
  • Seigurium combines the properties of Laminanium, Laminasteel, Impervium and Ultrachrome.
    • Due to this, it is a very resistant and durable metal / alloy, which is very easy to work with.
    • Because of the metals it is made of, the Seigurium is able to reflect back to some degree blaster and slug or slugthrower weaponry, of course not for eternity, as it is no longer able to repel a very strong or concentrated attack in this way.
    • Thanks to Laminanium, the metal is able to regenerate itself to some extent; for details see below.
  • Metal / alloy can also be used for the entire frame or hull of different starships and vehicles, or to make up the whole object of it. However, it is also very easy to make a coating from it, and it can be used as a frame or as a coating as well.
  • It is especially recommended for space vehicles or land / water vehicles where weight does not matter because the weight of the Seigurium is incredibly heavy due to its resistance.
  • Because it is designed primarily for use in space, it has a basically lower resistance to effects that may not occur there.
  • Resistors can easily change if Seigurium is combined with other metals and materials. However, it is important to note that in this case the material may lose some of its special properties and quality deterioration may also occur.

  • Resilient: This material was made primarily for spaceships and heavy vehicles that they can use in combat or want to protect. It may provide exceptionally good protection against most attacks which can affect the vehicle or spaceship in space.
  • Versatile: It is very easy to work up in the metallurgical phase, so a lot of things can be made from it. It is also very easy to make a coating from it, and it can be used as a frame or as a hull, or a plating as well.
  • Reflective: Thanks to the Ultrachrome, the Seigurium is able to reflect back to some degree blaster and slug or slugthrower weaponry, of course not for eternity, as it is no longer able to repel a very strong or concentrated attack in this way.
  • Repair: Thanks to Laminanium, the Seigurium is able to repair itself.

  • Space: Material is optimised as a material which is usually used in space, which is why it has resistances to things that material can encounter in space. This is why it has bad protection against most effects in the atmosphere or on the ground. Such as lightsaber, sonic based attacks, disruptors, or corrosive and acid-based attacks.
  • Heavy: Seigurium is a material basically made for spaceships and heavy vehicles, which is why it has an extremely heavy weight, even if it is used only as an outer, thin cover. So anyone who wants to use this on a droid or armour should expect a very difficult end result and that the user or droid will not be too agile.
  • Deterioration: Although Seigurium can be combined and alloyed with other materials to create highly resistant materials (more widely), it will lose all or part of its extreme resistance(s).
  • Weaknesses: Of course, the benefits of the material do not last forever, with a concentrated attack, a continuous attack of greater power, the ability of the armour to reflect the attacks is eliminated.
  • Repair: Although the Seigurium is able to regenerate thanks to Laminanium, however it can easily get too much damage that this metal can no longer repair anymore. Despite Laminanium, the metal can be damaged so that regeneration is no longer effective, not to mention the regeneration is a slow process, in battle this is useless.

It was important for the HPI Consortium to have, in addition to the myriad of self-made materials that still exist, some that could be used to build spacecraft and they should be very durable. That’s why engineers began researching the most used and popular spacecraft and spaceship materials and trying to figure out which could be what or what could best be combined to form the new metal / alloy.

The choice ultimately fell on Laminanium, Laminasteel, Impervium and Ultrachrome metals and alloys. All of these have been molecularly modified to allow the new metal / alloy to be easily formed during metallurgical processes. And the result has been called Seigurium. Seigurium is as resistant as Impervium, perhaps better, Ultrachrome has the ability to repel blaster and slug or slugthrower weaponry as well.

Because the Seigurium is designed specifically and primarily for space vehicles and ships, although the Ultrachrome has great lightsaber resistance, the Seigurium no longer has this ability. It is for these reasons that it does not defend against most damage on the ground battle, such as acid / corrosive attacks, disruptors, or even sonic-based attacks.

Seigurium is extremely heavy, but it can easily be used as a coat or alloyed with other metals and alloys, although in this case there is a risk of deterioration. In any case, if one is looking for a metal that can be used perfectly for spaceships in particular, as a material or just as a plate, possibly as a coating, then Seigurium is the best choice because of its special features.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a very resistant and resilient material for spaceships and heavy vehicles.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Holonet Storefront | Selected Customers
Modular: Yes
Material: See the template
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